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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. I wonder if the information about the UM2 dual extrusion on https://www.ultimaker.com/pages/support/faq/ultimaker-2-faq is new or old. I rather guess the second but other information on that page such as the visual troubleshooting guide are quite new.
  2. Hallo und willkommen im Ultimaker Forum! Standard PLA wird wahrscheinlich eher nicht die Schlagzähigkeit haben, die Du möchtest. Es gibt spezielle PLA-Sorten, die einen Zusatz verwenden, um eben diese Schlagzähigkeit zu erreichen, z.B. von Diamond Age (IMPLA oder sogar HIPLA; habe ich zwar selbst keine Erfahrung damit aber es gibt einige Leute hier im Forum, die sich dazu äussern können). Persönlich würde ich Dir mal einen Versuch mit einem PET-Derivativ/Copolyester empfehlen, z.B. Colorfabb XT oder PETG-Filamente. Da hast Du auch garantiert kein Temperaturproblem bis mind. 70°C.
  3. I expect the month to end on the 30th... But: You will know before that day what's new from Ultimaker...
  4. Thanks for sharing your experience! Is it possible for you to post a picture of the present print quality you can achieve? I'm struggling a bit with getting quality Ninjaflex prints on my UM Original.
  5. I would rather take something like XT for such a mold (temperature!). And to be really food safe, the mold would have to be printed with an all-metal hotend.
  6. There is a plugin which tries this already (Flowthermostat). However, I needed quite some time to find the right parameter as you indicated. One of my long-term plans is to dive into the physics behind that plugin in details. Don't get me wrong, I fully support your idea. But I think a clever temperature regulation is more complex than 'just' match temperature and speed. For instance when you have a lot of small surfaces to print (lets call it struts), the total area might be reasonably large for a higher temperature. However, print quality would improve if they were printed more slowly and at a lower temperature while you can speed up for large scale structures. And you will always have the issue of the heat capacity of the hotend. It is significantly larger for the UM2 but with the UM Original hotend it is definitively an issue you cannot neglect.
  7. Did you properly eject the sd card in your computer before removing it? (@Nallath: sorry to interrupt your mantra...)
  8. Hmmm...no offense, but: why do you think? Do you know the price of the master batch needed?
  9. The question is if there is a cheaper alternative? PET+ seems to be even more expensive (at least in Switzerland).
  10. How long did it take to let everything inofficial disappear...?
  11. Ah, I see. There will not only be a heated bed kit for the UM Original but also a cooled bed kit for printing chocolate and ice cream... :lol:
  12. I guess the problem is not primarily temperature (intensive quantity) but heat (extensive quantity).
  13. I know that feeling. It often happens to me with articles of the supermarket I usually buy from. But the Colorfabb discount is quite predictable: Never order before a bigger trade show or similar...
  14. If the sensors read lower values than in reality shouldn't the test then work the other way round (setting something like 80°C and check if the water boils)?
  15. You can measure in toenails per eternity if you like... as long as you don't expect Cura to slice in that units.... :lol: For the unlikely case you will not succeed with your campaign: there are possibilities within the metric system. For instance the astronomers still use centimeters and grams which is absolutely reasonable as centimeters pop into everyone's mind when measuring e.g. the distance of stars as do grams when determining star masses... :wacko: btw: I'm a bit confused by the amount of chains in a furlong. Are you sure there is no typo there? Sounds so metric...
  16. You have to change the shape of the ear in such a way that reflected sound waves are directed into the mic. With the present shape you somehow concentrate the sound in the center of the hollow sphere.
  17. And I thought the source of the pink unicorn would be on Github... :-P
  18. UK, the country of origin of the imperial units, officially uses metric units today. They are switching at the moment. btw: There has been a https://github.com/daid/Cura/issues/910 about a month ago. Daid declined the request with the very arguments I used in post no. 11.
  19. IMHO the best fix for the "imperial problem" would be if the 3 countries on this planet which use imperial units officially would change to metric units to meet the other 99% of the World.
  20. I absolutely agree with Robert. Some of you might expect Ultimaker to put everything they have for engineering manpower into the dual extrusion issue. Despite the fact that doubling the people does not split the necessary time for a solution in half it would be a very bad strategy for a company in a fast changing field of technology.
  21. Look what I finally found in my UM2: To be honest: - It's not my design (Thingiverse 9084) - I forgot support so it has a little beard - the horn looks - uhhmm - very naturally grown... But: Guess what software it was sliced with... :shock: Yes: (I felt free to download Cura Pink Unicorn from Github and to compile the PU-CuraEngine; but don't expect a finalized software, it's just a rough skeleton and a lot of features are still missing (but you get quite some bugs for free ); The point is: Daid is doing a very great job and makes nice progresses but we all should remind ourselves that he is a software engineer and not a wizard :lol: ).
  22. Arrgh... I'm just trying to print Ninjaflex with the Bowden. It's not fun. I could really use the flexible shaft right now. Unfortunately I would need the version for the dual extrusion head... (I thought it couldn't hurt to mention this for the case foehnsturm is bored and looks for another challenge... :lol: ) Thanks for sharing the design, foehnsturm! Great work!
  23. To my understanding OP is asking about dual extrusion merge of two STLs in Cura.
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