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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. You may try it with Robotdigg: http://www.robotdigg.com/product/39/Threaded-Rod-Nema17-Stepper,-with-460mm-Tr8*12-Acme-Leadscrew
  2. The ideal feeder mechanism for PLA will be the one which applies uniform pressure around the filament (360°).
  3. The trick with the z coupler only works if you have the z axis disabled in the firmware while it is not used. However, lowering or rising the bed with all three adjustment screws simultanously is not that difficult, is it?
  4. Why not? As you mentioned there are three screws. I use them quite often on my UM2 for fine adjusting while printing a brim or a skirt.
  5. Good news for all those who wait for the UM2 dual extrusion. In an additional note to the heated bed kit press release it's mentioned that UM made huge progress on that subject and a release date of Q1/2015 is announced: https://www.ultimaker.com/blogs/news/2014/09/20/introducing-ultimaker-original-and-a-heated-bed-upgrade-kit Let's hope it becomes true and wish the guys at Geldermalsen good luck.
  6. To say it with Agatha Christies words: And then there were none...
  7. @twistx: Do you have a thin needle or wire you can push from the bottom into the nozzle while it is heated up to 230°C? If this leads to a massive flow of liquid filament, then somethin is inside the nozzle blocking it. Letting it cool down and using the atomic method should get it out. That was at least the case when the nozzle of my UM2 clogged.
  8. It's already. Just set the flow to 10%...
  9. Hey Kees, congrats! That dual extrusion obviously worked well!
  10. Are we talking about the same dual extrusion kit for the UMO? I admit it needs a bit of tinkering but I didn't had to use tools for changing parts. Well, the spacers for two of the four screws didn't had the right length, so one tool was needed: the UMO.
  11. The possiblity to drop the original machine was never a real one since a well-known employee of Ultimaker wrote here in the forum that they would have to take it out of his cold hands...
  12. I see. Interesting. So there is still no machine from Ultimaker which has a heated bed and a dual extrusion. Now I begin to understand why even you work on the UM2 dual extrusion. Nasty story with the plug. I hope you cured the electronics guy with some chocolate cookies...
  13. That's a surprise. I thought the electronics was changed to the Ultiboard 2 which should be able to drive two hotends and a heated bed at the same time, shouldn't it?
  14. Hmmmm.... actually, yes you did. At Shapeways. Yesterday evening / last night. Someone twittered it.
  15. The other ones are yet to come. Makerfaire starts tomorrow... I'm curious about the print head of the UM Original+. The bottom looks different than the UM Original print head.
  16. As you use Robert's feeder design you are able to manually push filament into the Bowden tube and through the heated hotend. I would set the hotend to something like 230°C and check if you can easily push the filament through. If you can, then it's rather a problem of the feeder, if not, then you can check at which position of the filament in the Bowden tube resistance starts. After you replaced the Bowden tube, did the troubles start immediately again or just after changing filament? If the latter is the case you may check the Bowden for very tiny strands (really hardly visible). They happen when the standard filament exchange routine is used (due to the still hot filament while pulling out). Since I installed Robert's feeder I only use the atomic method to remove the filament and the 'insert material' option in the maintenance menu for the new filament.
  17. Hi Clark Welcome to the Ultimaker forum! The video shows a quite old Cura version from over a year ago. It would look a bit different with the present version. However, support is used in the video. But the support was printed with the same material in this case. So, the answer to your question is no, it was not used (otherweise two different print temperatures would be visible). With the present Cura version you can select the second extruder for support material. But you have to be aware that dual extrusion ist only available as an experimental kit for the UM Original and not yet for the UM2. Experimental means you must be ready to do some tweaking by yourself in order to get it running more or less properly. If you want to buy the UM Original I generally recommend to go for the new UM Original+ which includes a heated bed and new electronics. But I don't know (yet) if the dual extrusion kit is compatible with the UM Original+; it depends on the print head being changed or not (we will know within the next few days; the UM Original+ was announced yesterday).
  18. Unless you have a dual extruder... :-| But you could use the z hop feature anyway to avoid collisions...
  19. As Daid is currently working on the UM2 dual extrusion too, work on Cura is certainly slowed down at the moment. Therefore, I wouldn't expect him to change something soon (but maybe he has plans for the PU edition). As I understood in the past, you're quite good with C++. As the engine code is written in C++, may it be a possibility for you to have a look into the code and make the changes yourself? Daid would certainly consider to implement it if it works properly and if you issue a pull request.
  20. AFAIK the plugin looks for a temperature command in the gcode. Thus, I wouldn't expect it to work with UltiGCode. But if you switch the flavour to 'RepRap', then it works as on an UM Original. Of course you will habe to use the Cura settings for temperature, filament diameter etc. then.
  21. Looks to me like classic stringing, some of them caused by the cool head lift feature. You may try to lower the temperature for XT and to print a bit more slowly.
  22. Patience... I guess you will have to wait for two more days...
  23. With XT Red I need 250°C for closed horizontal layers at 30mm/s if the fan is off on the UM1. With fan fully on, I need at least 255°C, rather 260°C for closed lines. However, the results are quite comparable to those with Madesolid PET+ red.
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