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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. It's brass swarf from your last weekend's work on your 60 year old lathe...
  2. Public answers or by pm? The latter I guess...
  3. First of all, you have to consider that it is vacation time right now. A lot of people are off and not on the forum for the time being as they are with their families and friends. You will soon find out that the Cura developers do read every post which is written here on the forum about Cura. The issue you experience might indeed be an isolated one. I suggest you check all the infill settings and also the infill line width as it is hardly an issue with the driver of your graphic card due to the fact it doesn't print infill. Last but not least I can only repeat what @neotko wrote: You have the choice between the new Cura which might still have some glitches in the current version 15.06.3 or the legacy Cura 15.04.2.
  4. You have to identify which component causes the problem. For this you have to switch components between the axes. Remote diagnostics is very difficult; only systematic trial and error will bring you closer to a solution...
  5. Have you tried setting the country to 'global' on top right (the world sphere)? You should still be directed to the Ultimaker shop - at least for the time being.
  6. Yes, indeed. Thank you. I'll first have to understand it and then do the next steps... it might take some time as I have a few other task to look after...
  7. https://ultimaker.com/en/general-discussion/view/4058-ultimaker-2-shipping-wait-time
  8. @swordriff @labern: I hope for you that @gr5's reation on your discussion about his dog will be more relaxed than that of @Daid when someone threatened to kidnap his cat about one and a half years ago...
  9. There's a new review of the Ultimaker2 GO: http://3dprintingindustry.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=bda8170a38ff902659605b718&id=9dd56b6999&e=c917ab1b43 Unfortunately the Ultimaker Community was not mentioned as a source of help.
  10. Die vierte Sammelbestellung ist abgeschlossen. Für den kleinen Bedarf habe ich z.Z. einige Rollen und Spulen bei mir an Lager. Einfach bei Bedarf via PM melden...
  11. And I thought I was so cool with my miserable 2.2 Kg You are. Because you're using it while I used just a few grams from that spool (lack of time...).
  12. I assume you have an Ultimaker Original (it might not hurt to put that fact into your profile... ) You may try to put a small tower to the right of your print. Like that the right side might get a bit more cooling from the single fan on the left...
  13. Can you make it shift within the first 20mm if you cancel a print when the shifting starts, quickly remove the failed print and immediately start a new one? If yes, then it might be an overheated stepper driver...
  14. Does it shift always at the same height? Does it shift always after the same time?
  15. Have you tried swapping the x and the y motor yet? I mean not only on the Ultiboard but physically...
  16. Afaik 3D builder is a scanning, modelling and printing app for Win8... not a printer...
  17. Well, what about having selected presentations in English and record them? E.g. the new Cura presentation would have been a hot candidate. And I'm pretty sure Daid and Arjen as software engineers are fluent enough in English... btw: We are all humans, nobody is perfect (you would for instance not want to hear me speak French). We are not machines, we just deal with them...
  18. Hmmm...while those Ultievening videos are nicely made their information content is almost zero. I strongly recommend to record presentations and make them available online. This gives UM people less work to do, the videos are much quicker available and the community would benefit much more. I mean, there is nothing Ultimaker has to cover about those presentations, right? It's not that making a video or stream of such an event/presentation would make UM loose one cent... of course you don't have to make a live video of all the individual discussions... btw (a bit off-topic): what happened to the plans to have an Ultievening outside the Netherlands? E.g. in Germany? Is UM still willing to participate in such an event or is it now the distributor's task to organize such an event?
  19. If you increase the current and the skipping gets worse then you most probably damaged the driver already (I did so with a driver from UM). Replace it and be careful to set the current not too high (something like 1.1-1.3A is reasonable).
  20. I have tried that and it seems really really stuck! any recommendations on house hold items that would fit down it to push it along! I tried a bamboo kebab skewer and no joy! Maybe putting some drops of oil inside the Bowden tube helps? If the Bowden tube is damaged, you can also get a new one at 3dsolex.com - for less money than at the Ultimaker shop.
  21. - Remove the blue clip at the bowden tube holder - Push the bowden tube holder down - Gently pull the bowden tube out of the holder - Repeat the previous steps at the other end of the bowden tube - Stick some long, non-brittle piece of filament into the bowden tube and push the fragment out - Gently push the bowden tube back in the holder an make sure it is pushed to the very limit - Fix the blue clip again - print
  22. Temperature measurement might differ a few degrees from one printer to the other. Try decreasing the temperature by 5 degrees and see if this improves the quality.
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