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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Der neue Teflon-Ring kommt zwischen Düse und Abdeckblech und soll meines Wissens verhindern, dass sich die beiden berühren und es so zu Wärmeverlusten an der Düse kommt. Ich denke, dass gibt v.a. Montagesicherheit bei UM selbst und beim Auswechseln des Teflon-Isolators im Hotend. Wenn man aber um die Thematik weiss, kann man ja darauf achten.
  2. Peut-etre le Ultimaker avec la vue la plus belle?
  3. The M605 and M606 are for saving current settings of the UM2 such as print temperature for later recall. It's the only way TweakAtZ can recall values on an UM2 set on the machine itself. If you don't need it, remove it. Others may want to use it. The number of setting sets that can be stored could be reduced from 10 to a smaller number if RAM is really an issue.
  4. That's not true. There will be dual extrusion support. Just not from the very beginning. For the time being you have to use dual extrusion support by the legacy Cura. Dual extrusion is not perfect there but can be improved by plugins.
  5. What if you set the starting distance to e.g. 0.05mm?
  6. This is unfortunately the point where I have to stress the term 'experimental'. These two plugins might be buggy. But I am not able to give support for them atm. Btw.: at least one of them only works with G10/11 for retraction and ultigcode.
  7. @SandervG: Oops... even later... congrats too!
  8. In the expert settings set the starting distance of the skirt to 0, set number of lines to something like 10-20 and disable brim.
  9. The two fields in DualSkipping are for 1 (on) or 0 (off) as this plugin was written at a time when there were no checkboxes possible in legacy Cura. ExtruderIdle reduces the temperature of the idle extruder and re-heats it before next use.
  10. That must have been intended... There are only beta versions up to now which are still buggy at some details. IMHO posting a link to them might not be the best thing to do... (a link to an RC might be something else...) but I think the wait for the official release will be over soon.
  11. Tritt das Problem auch auf diesen Höhen auf, wenn Du einen kleineren Print machst, z.B. eine rechteckige Säule? Versuche ev. etwas langsamer zu drucken. Du hast da nämlich auch ein sehr starkes Ringing in Deinen Prints. Das gibt dem Hotend dann auch etwas mehr Zeit, den Kunststoff zu erwärmen. Zudem darfst Du ruhig mit der Drucktemperatur noch etwas hochgehen. 200°C ist für PLA ziemlich kühl und ist für Druckgeschwindigkeiten über 30mm/s sicher zu kalt (bei 0.1mm). Welche Layerhöhe druckst Du?
  12. Here you are... 'Pink unicorn' was the working title. In the meantime the pink unicorn has disappeared and the software is called 'new Cura'.
  13. I put two experimental plugins into my development branch. They are called 'DualSkipping' and 'ExtruderIdle' and are to be executed in that order. I put them there for testing; I cannot provide support or bugfixes for them.
  14. Yes, you're personal gallery is empty. The pictures you uploaded in the old forum still exist. If you know the image number, you can create a meta information which will display it. Much easier is if you upload the pictures again if you want to display them.
  15. @neotko: You would have to retract, then wait until the filament is cooled down enough and then exchange the Bowden. If you don't wait long enough before removing the filament from the printhead you get an ugly clog. There are quite a few examples here on the forum where people used to large retraction distance and got clogs. And this will take too long for being attractive. @foehnsturm: After tangled filament comes tangled Bowden tubes... It might work if the Bowden tubes come from a spot above the printer; a revolver system could be even used there.
  16. @neotko: Dual extrusion will be in the new Cura. But not at the beginning. Maybe somewhen in autumn. It's a question of manpower. Not only for the developpers (Daid is by far not the only one working on the new Cura right now) but also for the beta testers. Being one of them I can assure you everything is done to make the new Cura a success. But that means that certain feature have to be postponed, dual extrusion being one of them as Ultimaker has no non-experimental dual extrusion atm (I know, the truth hurts sometimes). But you may have seen people talking about legacy Cura. That's the Cura we all know (and as someone just wrote today on Github 'love and hate') and which was created by Daid. This legacy Cura still sees bugfixes. Afaik this bugfix period will run along with the introduction period of the new Cura. I guess there will be more information about this after the Ulti-evening comming Monday.
  17. For starters the visual troubleshooting guide (see http://ultimaker.com/en/support/visual-troubleshooting-guide) is a good starting point for achieving high quality prints. Many if not most issues are not caused by the gcode but some hardware related reason.
  18. @inventabuild: Thank you for your feedback. Right now we have the possibility to use multiple instances of the postproc-scripts as a request for the new Cura. However, this is not yet final. For the last few months I kept the TweakAtZ as close as possible to the Ultimaker hardware as Ultimaker users might be the largest batch of people using Cura. Adding a second fan (which not even supported by legacy Cura) is therefore very unlikely to happen for the time being; it's quite similar to the restriction to two hotends although legacy Cura is capable to work with up to five hotends now. I also didn't implement stopping layer or height as this can be achieved by using the TweakAtZ for a second time on the stopping layer height in order to reverse the changes made with the first instance. As it is planned to translate the TweakAtZ to the new Cura things might change in future. An important thing to me is to keep the plugin somehow clearly arranged. I have the feeling it's at the limit with versions 4.0+. Maybe the situation will be completely different soon. Certainly this thread here is the spot where I keep you updated.
  19. @ultiarjan: What did you slice the print with? I guess it wasn't Cura due to its lack of specifying retraction and speed for individual extruders...
  20. Add the wipe and prime tower and you will get an extruder swap every layer, wether you want it or not...
  21. Does the printer run if not connected via USB cable? Can you heat up the hotend? Or the bed?
  22. 1. Check if the pulleys sit tightly on the rods 2. Make sure the belt tension is reasonable so neither the x nor the y motor does skip steps.
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