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Everything posted by DidierKlein

  1. Hi and welcome, I'm not sure i understand what you ask but to fill up the inner parts of the print there's the infill parameter that you can change. Usually 20% is already strong. If it needs to be full then 100%
  2. I don't understand why the flow is so low? It should be 100% ... Did you calibrate the esteps for that feeder?
  3. A ton service étonnant que ton revendeur ne t'ai pas proposé cette solution (oui je fais ma mauvaise langue )
  4. Some people also use regular hairspray it should be pretty easy to find in your area
  5. Hi, There is no pictures attached! How many hours of printing has your machine done? Maybe it's a good time to change the coupler?
  6. Bonjour Nicolas, Tu utilises quel version de Cura? Est ce que tu as tenté par exemple de rajouter une nouvelle fois Ultimaker 3 dans tes machines?
  7. I'm testing the ruby/sapphire core from 3Dsolex for the moment with active leveling and it works with no issues
  8. Hi and welcome, What printer are you using? Maybe a problem with the machine settings ?
  9. Hi and welcome, Can you be more specific in your question? What errors? What are you trying to do?
  10. Intéressant tu as quoi comme isolateur Teflon? grosse température la du coup
  11. So you removed it and when you turn the metal thingy in which you push the knob it does the same? You can push the button out from inside of the printer, there's a hole where you can push a screwdriver to pop it out (assuming you are using an Ultimaker 2/2+/3)
  12. Normalement la carte fait dans les 0.1mm. Sinon tu as fait un auto level? (depuis le menu directement). Perso quand j'ai ce message c'est qu'il y avait un peu de filament sur la buse et que ça a faussé l'auto calibrage. En général je recommence et ça fonctionne.
  13. Already available for Ultimaker 3 hardcores, soon for Ultimaker 2+
  14. Hello, Le polywood je n'ai jamais utilisé je crois que certains l'ont déjà utilisé. Moi je suis assez fan du WoodFill de ColorFabb. Niveau impression: buse de 0.60mm minimum. Couche de 0.2 à 0.3mm le reste n'est pas différent d'une impression classique
  15. Could it be related to the model thickness? I found that layer view is quite representative of how it actually prints, of course not 100% the same but it can help detect some issues
  16. I have some and am planning to try it this week they look very very nice and in different sizes which is very cool
  17. Au lieu d'imprimer deux fois le même tu peux aussi ajouter une petite tour (perso j'ai un cube que je modifie en fonction de mes besoins dans Cura avec scale). Pour permettre au partie fines de ne pas fondre avec la tête que reste sur le même endroit
  18. top beau boulot j'aime beaucoup le fait de pouvoir l'allumer ou l'éteindre
  19. I think this feature is broken in cura 2.4 (first object prints nicely then the second print starts to high and fails...) maybe i'm wrong but i think not
  20. Tu as tenté quoi pour le moment? C'est quoi comme matière? A priori rien de bien compliqué pour ce genre de print, je pense que ton "problème" vient de: - température trop élevée - hauteur de couche haute (qualité basse)
  21. I just approved your post, sorry we are experiencing some issues with approving at the moment. What i know is that some speeds are adjusted automatically because of the minimum layer time, so this might be the case here maybe?
  22. That's weird, normally it identifies the overhangs. Should not be a problem in that case
  23. Hi, Not with Cura but i found this maybe? (not tested) http://hackaday.com/2014/06/04/plater-makes-it-easy-to-fill-your-bed-plate/
  24. Yep looks like your walls have no thickness or a thickness smaller than 0.4mm If you are beginning with 3d modelling i would advise you to go with something else than sketchup (if the idea is to model for 3d printing). Sketchup is great but not really for 3d printing. Fusion 360 is a good alternative. (just my 2cents)
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