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Everything posted by GregValiant

  1. I was thinking to slice it in half and use locating pins to glue it together. The picture below is 1/2 of a "fighting butt" for the end of a fishing rod. I put 2.2mm holes in the mate surface, glue in short pieces of filament, and using them as locators for the other half - glue the two pieces together. To give it some chance to be watertight I guess lap joints would be in order. I tried printing this as a full model and standing up with the big end on the build plate. The large bulb on the end requires support and I didn't like the finish at all. When the first layer goes down over support there really isn't any "squish" to make a nice surface. With the vertical model there was also the chance of breakage across a layer line. With the model printed in two parts it is much stronger.
  2. My printer is also an Ender 3 Pro. That looks like it was printed without support. If you DID have support enabled - did you use a "Support Interface"? If you use "File | Save Project" Cura will create a Project File with your printer, your settings, and that model. Post the 3mf file here.
  3. This line is from your printer definition file. It sets these values in Cura. "retraction_speed": { "value": 25, "maximum_value": 40 }, So the default is 25mm/sec and the max is 40mm/sec. If you set the speed above 40 then the box will turn red and you won't be able to slice. As I tried to explain - that only affects Cura settings. The printer is separate and may have a different value for Maximum E Speed. There is no way for Cura to know what the printer setting might be unless you check the printer and then manually update the "Printer Settings / Maximum Feedrate" to match. In a perfect world, the max in the printer is also 40 but that isn't necessarily true. For example: If the printer has in it's memory (in M203) that the Maximum E speed is "10" then whatever you enter in Cura is thrown out the window when the printer receives a gcode command that asks it to go faster. The printer will override the Gcode and although you may have entered "40" in Cura the printer will calculate it's moves at 10mm/sec for the Extruder. That is why you should match the "Maximum Feedrate" in Cura to what your printer has in M203.
  4. You will need to use the File | Save Project command and post the 3mf file here. Without seeing your settings it would just be guesswork.
  5. Usually the printer definition file will contain the Maximum Speeds for the axes. This is from the Ender 3 Pro definition file: "machine_max_feedrate_x": { "value": 500 }, "machine_max_feedrate_y": { "value": 500 }, "machine_max_feedrate_z": { "value": 10 }, "machine_max_feedrate_e": { "value": 25 }, If you have the "Printer Settings" plugin loaded (it can be found in the MarketPlace) then you can change those settings in Cura and that will affect when the other "speed" boxes turn orange or red. An orange box indicates that the number you entered is getting close to the max or min for that setting. If the box is red then you have entered an illegal value for the setting and Cura often will not slice if there is an illegal setting. It will not have any effect on what might be saved in M203 in the printer. Within my printers response to M503 is this: echo:Maximum feedrates (units/s): echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z45.00 E50.00 As you can see, I have altered the max Z speed and maximum E speed IN THE PRINTER. So you can change the printer settings in Cura but it will effect Cura only (I did that to match the new values in my printer). To modify the settings in the printer you would need to send M203 E??? and then M500 to save the new setting. Some printers allow a user to change the Max Feedrates, Max Accel, and Max Jerk via an LCD menu.
  6. I don't know the AnyCubic machines, but on a Creality printer the stop switches are not very repeatable. If you successfully pause a print and then have to Auto-Home then the "new" 0,0,0 may not be exactly the same as the "old" 0,0,0. That is, when the print head hits the switches and stops, it doesn't stop in exactly the same position as the previous time. In the X and/or Y that will cause a layer shift. In the Z you might re-start and hit the print with the nozzle, or air print above the previous layer. The Pause At Height settings include boxes for "Gcode before pause" and "Gcode after pause". I put M300 in the gcode before pause so the machine beeps and draws my attention. In the Gcode After pause box, if you enter the "dwell" command G4 S300 (where S is in seconds) then you will have 300 seconds (5 minutes) to change filament, insert a nut, whatever. At the end of the "dwell" the machine will restart on its own. Once the line is read by the printer there is no way to shorten the time and there is no way to make it longer. You will have X number of seconds to finish what you want to do, and then wait for the print to continue. That is not the same as a Pause command that you can restart at your leisure.
  7. Hello @873chi. Sorry about my answer in English. The line "G1 X10 Y{machine_depth} F5000" parks the print head at X=10 and Y=the number you have in Cura in the Manage Printers / Machine Settings then Printer Settings and Y (Depth) box. If that line was "G1 X10 Y0 F5000" then the head would park at the front of the build plate near the left front corner. You may pick any number you want for the Y so long as it is >= 0 and less than the Y dimension at the back of the bed. When a "keyword" is in curly brackets then Cura notices and replaces it with the variable it has stored for the value.
  8. Nice. No movement on either extruder motor? Your bill for filament is going to be really low. Here is a little gcode file. There is no model, just some movement and extrusion. You can open any GCode file in a text editor like Windows Notepad. I've added some descriptions to explain what each line of code does. Essentially, the nozzle heats up to 205, autohomes, moves to X15 Y50 Z50 and extrudes from Extruder 1. Then it moves up to 100, back down to 50, and extrudes from Extruder 2. It then repeats one time before autohoming again and turning off the hot end. I don't have a dual extruder printer to test it on but this would work on my Ender if it had: dual extruders, shared hot end , and shared nozzle. LotMaxx Test.gcode
  9. Thank you sir. I knew that but I had just started my first cup off coffee and wasn't up to speed yet.
  10. Ultimaker builds and sells 3D printers. Directly supporting another manufacturer would be dumb. If FlashForge was to submit a printer definition to Ultimaker it might be considered for inclusion in Cura (over 300 printer models are) but whether they can read Gcode or not doesn't really come into it. It's a FlashForge thing. Some manufacturers absolutely want you to use their proprietary software and make it very difficult to move away from it.
  11. The printer definition files are provided by the printer manufacturers and submitted to Ultimaker for inclusion in Cura. Generally, the information in a definition file explains to Cura how big the printer is, what speeds it's capable of, what firmware it's running, how many extruders it has - those sorts of things. There are two things you can do in Cura. #1 is to install a "non-networked", "Custom", "FFF" printer. It can be named whatever you choose. After installing, go back into Manage Printers and Machine Settings and change the settings for build size and firmware flavor to match your printer. #2 is to find a printer similar to yours, install that definition, and then go into Manage Printers and Machine Settings and change the settings to match your machine. The Monoprice Select Mini V2 is similar to your printer. It has a larger build surface and you would need to adjust that in Machine Settings. There might be oddities in the start-up gcode as well. In Cura 4.11 there was an error in that definition file (the Z-hop speed was wrong (should have been 1.5) and nothing would slice) but it appears to have been fixed in 4.12.
  12. Don't give up yet. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". Bother them. In this case Spam is good. I had already installed a Lottmax Shark in Cura. I'm attaching a project file and a gcode file. I didn't tweak anything so the files are generic as far as the Switch Over retraction and prime distances, etc., but you should get dual capabilities. For my Ender, the nozzles are defined in a Cura folder called "variants". Your Lotmaxx has extruder files but I don't see any nozzle files. I'm not sure what that means or how they are handled by Cura. Anyway, here is a 3mf with a Lotmaxx SC-60 dual extruder printer, and a gcode file sliced from that 3mf. See if the 3mf gives you a dual extruder in Cura. If it does not, try to print the gcode file (two calibration cubes). By the third layer you should know if the printer is a problem, or just setting up Cura to work with it. X-Y Ref Block Dual.gcode Lottmax Dual X-Y Ref Block.3mf
  13. If you do a quick test with Pause At Height at Layer:2 you will see that the code generates "relative" moves as well as absolute moves and inserts the proper resume height as well as the resume X and Y locations. Note that if the file is created with Z-Hops or Adaptive Layers then you must use "By Layer" because the variable Z location of Z-Hops confuses the plugin when it's set to "By Height". In your code snippet: M18 S5 ;This will cause the steppers to disable in 5 seconds. M0 ;pause. You have 5 seconds to do what you are going to do. G1 Z100 ;drop the build plate to an absolute Z=100 G0 Z0.6 ;Move the build plate to absolute Z=0.6 If you take longer than 5 seconds before re-starting the print then the steppers disable and lose their position. That makes the Z100 and Z0.6 really iffy as to where the print head is actually going to end up. The X and Y position are lost also and the remaining print would be catastrophically off.
  14. Numerous times. He's a foul mouthed robot after all. I missed the target on the interior suspension of the helmet. It kept slipping down and hitting me on the nose. That made it tough to dance in. It was hot too. Maybe I should have put a fan in it but then it would need a battery pack and switch and things would quickly get complicated. So you've broken the ice on Bender quotes. #1 is indeed "Bite my shiny metal ass". #2 is "Welp...we're boned." My personal favorite is "I can't help it if I'm handsome and great at sex!" I think it's cool that I've got a lot in common with a fictional cartoon robot. Here is the DoubleCross on Thingiverse.
  15. So I won best costume although a lot of people had no idea who I was (you have to watch late night cartoons to be in the loop). Is this a look or what? I didn't have enough time to print the beer bottle. I was constantly worried about it slipping out of my hand and smashing.
  16. When I slice it the preview shows 20 top layers everywhere. Open the Gcode or UFP file using Cura ( I think Cura will open a UFP but I'm not sure). A separate program reads the file and Cura itself has no idea of how it was sliced. So that preview of a gcode (or UFP) file will show you what should print. I do have a program to read Gcode Files into AutoCad and completely remove Cura from the loop. It will not read a UFP file. I don't think my utility will be of any use in this case because you probably printed from that UFP file.
  17. It's stable as far as just being able to run and I haven't come across any issues with it at all (I run Windows). I don't do things that are "mission critical" though so I tend to use the beta versions when they come out and see if there are any problems the Cura team is unaware of. It's part of my payback for the excellent help I got here when I was starting out. As I say, there is no need to uninstall your old version as Arachne is a stand-alone installation. If you are prompted just say no.
  18. It looks like a cookie cutter and cookie cutters are tough. If you have combing turned on then there is so much travel movement that the nozzle pressure falls off beyond what a retraction alone does. That causes the prime to be insufficient to make up the difference. There is a post processing plugin called Retract Continue that can help. It doesn't work if there are Z-hops in the file. I haven't used it - I just know it's there. The beta for Cura 5.0 is out and it's called Arachne. It features variable line width and using Arachne might fix the problems you are having. You can find a link to the download by searching either HERE or on Github. You do not have to uninstall your current Cura version. It's much better at thin walled models.
  19. Without the model I'm guessing. When points come together like an arrowhead they are wider (at their base) than the line width. Do you have "Fill gaps between walls" set to Everywhere? Because it sounds like it's doing what it's told. With the setting at "Nowhere" it won't go back to fill those little gaps.
  20. Now it's too big. A 200mb project file? You can try just posting the STL model file but if it's over 90mb my old laptop doesn't have the horsepower to deal with it.
  21. Careful @Smithy...the Vegans are watching.
  22. You are welcome. There was one person last year who posted a cookie cutter that the cutting edge was "sharpened" by adding a severe chamfer to it. The poster was very disappointed when they found out that their printer couldn't do razor edges. Everything has to be kept in the realm of possibility. Determining exactly where the possible turns into the impossible is a key to all this 3D printing stuff.
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