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Everything posted by GregValiant

  1. Usually, support blockers are used...you know...to block support. They can also be configured as Mesh Modifiers to either add, alter, or remove things. Add a support blocker, select it, and choose the tool "Per Model Settings" which is just above the support blocker tool. This is a support blocker configured as a Cutting Mesh, using Modify Settings for Overlaps, and the only setting selected is Infill Density. The part on the left is 15% infill as set in the main settings, and the part on the right is 50% infill as set for the Modifier. Support blockers can be scaled and moved like any part and there are special shapes available (cylinders, cones, etc,.) by loading additional plugins from the MarketPlace.
  2. Hello @Rudy21. You are looking for a printer "definition" file. Those files explain to Cura things like build plate size, max speeds, max acceleration, what firmware flavor to use when the gcode is created, where the Origin 0,0,0 is - those sorts of things. Monoprice has done some...not so regular things with their firmware. Since Cura is open source, some printer manufacturers (Monoprice, Creality, and more) will take it and make specific changes for just their printers. That's the "special version with info..." that you mentioned. The short story here is that there are two ways to go about this. You can do "Add Printer" and use the "Monoprice Ultimate" as your base definition, or you can add a "Custom FFF" printer that is Cura's generic printer definition. You can change the name of the printer on the right side of the dialog box. The next dialog is the "Machine Settings" dialog that you need to fill in things like the build plate size, firmware flavor, if there is a heated bed, where the origin is. You need to know those things about your printer so you can fill in the blanks. If you don't know those things then maybe you can find someone over on Reddit that would be willing to help. On the right side of the Machine Settings dialog are "Print Head Settings". Don't worry about them at this point. They come into play when there are multiple models on the build surface and you want to print them one-at-a-time. At the bottom of the Machine Settings you will see "StartUp Gcode" and "Ending Gcode". Those are scripts that Cura will add to all your gcode files and they can be very helpful getting the print started correctly and then at the end, with shutting down the heaters, fan, etc. correctly. If the StartUp Gcode has commands that the printer doesn't understand, or is missing commands that the printer requires, then you will have trouble starting prints. Check out that link to the Reddit site. It is actually a link for a quick search I did on the 15711. Good Luck. This won't be the last time you ask for help and you'll get used to the research part of this thing called 3D printing.
  3. @Zarkhowler - I just noticed an error in my last post. You want to insure that the EXTRUDER will move at 45 - the Z doesn't matter so much. So those lines I suggested should be: M203 E45 M500 BTW the max you can move the Z is usually around 45 (or the lead screw can chatter) so no harm if you put it in as I originally posted.
  4. It would have to go back into a CAD program for that. You could design an insert the shape of your head and export it as an STL file. Then open the helmet and the insert in something like Blender or MS 3D Builder and subtract the insert from the helmet. You'd really want to get it right the first time. A second option is to go the other way. Take a trip to Africa and visit a head shrinker and have him/her fit your head to the helmet. It worked out OK for this guy.
  5. There are a couple of things happening. When you open a model and the "Model is not Watertight" warning comes up it means there are errors in the model. Simple errors can be fixed in Cura using the Mesh Tools plugin. More extensive repairs may require an on-line service. A lot of errors likely means going back to the CAD software. I thought maybe the walls were too thin, but it looks like there were 20 places where adjacent surfaces weren't joined together. This is from the on-line service I used for repair: -> Analysed your file: --> 20 Naked edges (?) --> 0 Planar holes (?) --> 1 Non-planar holes (?) --> 0 Non-manifold edges (?) --> 0 Inverted faces (?) --> 0 Degenerate faces (?) --> 0 Duplicate faces (?) --> 0 Disjoint shells (?) -> Repairing: 100.00% ----- Repair completed in 209ms ------ -> Vertex count changed from 821 to 822 (+1) -> Triangle count changed from 1620 to 1640 (+20) This one seemed to slice alright... 1438609238_JaneFosterHollow_fixed.stl
  6. The Raise3D IDEX printer is compatible with Cura (although Cura does not directly support IDEX). For the Raise3D IDEX the user must add 3 printers and name them something like "IDEX Regular", "IDEX Mirror", and "IDEX Duplicate". The only difference between them is one line inserted into the StartUp Gcode for the Mirror and Duplicate machines which are "M605 S2" for the Mirror machine and "M605 S1" for the Duplicate machine. When the printer sees those commands it knows which mode to go into and the printer handles the translation of the regular Cura gcode into the additional (U, W) axes. The M605 command might be proprietary to Raise3D but there might be something similar with your Tenlog.
  7. It is a bit of a chore to add a 2nd (3rd, 4th) extruder. This (allegedly) shows how and is from the Tenlog Blog site. To add an extruder manually you need to alter the printer definition file ("extruder trains"), add an extruder file, and the nozzle variants for the extruder. If your printer worked with 4.10 then maybe you have the necessary files. On a Windows computer the definition would be in "program files\Ultimaker Cura 4.10\resources\definitions. The extruder files are in "program files\Ultimaker Cura 4.10\resources\extruders". The nozzle files are in "program files\Ultimaker Cura 4.10\resources\variants". All the files will have similar names that generally start with the manufacturer. For example - My definition consists of two files: "creality_base.def.json" and "creality_ender3Pro.def.json" Extruders: "creality_base_extruder_0.def.json" and "creality_base_extruder_1.def.json" (which I created myself from the "0" file). Nozzles are in the variants folder and there is one for each nozzle size: "creality_ender3pro_0.4.inst.cfg".
  8. I win!! (Wait - wrong thread, same problem) ;FLAVOR:Marlin ;TIME:2450 ;Filament used: 3.48172m ;Layer height: 0.15 ;MINX:-11.799 ;MINY:-11.799 ;MINZ:0.2 ;MAXX:11.799 ;MAXY:11.799 ;MAXZ:57.05 Notice how the MinX and MaxX are centered around ZERO. You have "Origin at Center" checked in the Machine Settings. The printer is trying to get to negative numbers but it just can't. De-select that. And here is how it is trying to print. As I say, when you open a Gcode with Cura it is a true representation (sans G2/G3 moves) of the print. The origin of Delta printers is often at the center of the build surface. The origin of 99% of cartesian printers (like mine, and I assume yours) have the origin at the left front corner. Cura has to be told the correct information about your printer or you will get things like this. There is an M420 line in your StartUp Gcode. What printer do you have and does it have ABL?
  9. I can't remember your print temperature but once you hit 215° PLA can get pretty stringy. It's the stock Bowden setup? Then I would kick the retraction distance up to 6 and the speed to 40. Open the gcode file in a text editor like Notepad and add: M203 Z45 M500 Right before ";LAYER:0". That will set the Max Z speed to 45 and the printer will save it to memory. You only need to do that once. That app I posted has a textbox that shows the printer responses to "sent" commands. The main one is M503 that the printer responds to with all the main settings it has in EEPROM (or saved to the SD on a 4.2.x board). You are down to fine tuning and making progress.
  10. https://www.fabbaloo.com/2016/05/a-pasty-option-for-ultimaker-3d-printing The page was date 2017. "Strucur3D announced they’ve established an intimate relationship with Ultimaker..." Am I alone in thinking that statement could be taken a couple of different ways? Was there a divorce? This is from another page: "The company also made a deal with Ultimaker to provide a way to sell bundled versions of Ultimaker 3D printers equipped with the Structur3d Discov3ry unit." I could have been making really fancy Christmas cookies or maybe Benchy gumdrops.
  11. Type an ampersand and then start typing a persons screen name. A list will come up and when you see the one you want to call out - click on it. It will put a notification up and when they visit the site they should see it (if they check).
  12. Manage printers / Machine Settings and deselect Origin at Center. Open the gcode file in a text editor. In the first couple !ines will be MinX and MinY and I'm betting my next virtual bonus that they are both negative. Typically an Ender can't move to a negative location on XYZ axes but it tries to.
  13. @Zarkhowler There is a screenshot in my previous post. A hole in the tall piece that accepts the post of the end cap and a hole in the spinarama thing.
  14. "Push material down into a cavity" I believe is a process patented by AutoDesk.
  15. I printed it and it went together pretty good. The post on the end cap was a bit tight. Fidget_Twister_All.3mf
  16. There are a couple of things. (BTW one file was just the model, the other was a project file for TPU. Foremost - the Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion of -0.2 is a problem for the narrow walls of the Hexagons. Taking .2mm off of each side is causing them to pretty much disappear. The only thing left are dots at the intersections. That makes it look like under-extrusion but it's really NO extrusion. I know you're probably trying to fight elephant foot but for this model I think I would prefer a little elephant foot. You could try running the bed cooler to compensate. The Initial Layer Line Width of 120% may be causing issues as well. Probably not to the extent of the ILHE but you could try dialing that back. Remember that Line Width is the index distance between your extrusions and your initial layer line width is .46mm and the hexes in the center are thin walled. You have Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps checked and it is causing a bit of under-extrusion as well. Since the outside lower corners of the box have radii and the inner corners are sharp that compensation comes into play. For most models the only thing I leave checked in the Mesh Fixes section is Union Overlapping Volumes. They are special usage settings but maybe you do need them. I think the settings are causing, not conflicts really, more like me in third grade - "unacceptable behavior". The -0.2 ILHE, the 120% line width, Compensating Overlaps, are all contributing. It's a question of balance between the settings. Sliced as downloaded: Then with ILHE at 0.0 ILHE at 0 and Initial Layer Line Width 100%
  17. So switching the support pattern to "Triangles" didn't get rid of it?
  18. My printer is an Ender 3 Pro and I've had no issues beyond the normal often reported "Won't slice single layer model". A huge layer shift like that is pretty much guaranteed to not be in the gcode. Check your Accel and Jerk settings from 4.9 to 4.11.
  19. Just for reference - for general PLA I ended up at 5mm distance at 35mm/sec retract and prime. For silkies I go to 6mm at the same speeds. I print TPU with no retraction (I'm happy so long as the gaskets I print don't leak). PETG is the tough one and "I guess that will have to do" is the best I've gotten. That dog has gotten much better. I think you've gotten it down to just needing a couple of tweaks. That will come with experience.
  20. I agree it should. But for myself I've found that 4 mouse clicks isn't that much more work than 3 mouse clicks if I take a short break between them. It seems that the "Easy" button is still in Beta and probably will be for a while.
  21. When you open a gcode file in Cura it uses a separate plugin to read it. It has no idea how it was created so you really get a true view so long as Arcwelder wasn't used (Cura can't display G2/G3 moves). You could post the gcode here too.
  22. Congratulations on getting it done. There aren't many CR10 owners around here.
  23. As @Smithy says, it looks like an "export" rather than a project. You are probably bumping up against the Minimum Layer Time. The default is 10 seconds (to allow for cooling) and your cube is 20mm/side. Discounting Accel and Jerk your calculated max speed is then 8mm/sec. Cura's default minimum speed is 10mm/sec. and that is likely what you see in the gcode (600mm/minute). Trying to calibrate Flow with one of these is contrary to common math (and common sense). The volume required for any extrusion is Layer Height * Line Width * Length. The E numbers that Cura generates are based on the filament diameter which gives the volume of filament for any given length of filament. When Volume of filament = Volume of Extrusion you are at 100% flow. Making changes to that ratio based on a wall measurement just doesn't make a lot of sense in the real world.
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