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Everything posted by GregValiant

  1. Where are you seeing this "Printing Time" and "Estimated Time Left"?
  2. You need to post a 3mf project file. Use "File | Save Project". In your case - post one with the TPU and one with PLA so somebody can do a comparison.
  3. That one looks like it's on a separate layer. Could it be something left over or deleted when you were still in the CAD software? Use "File | Save Project" and post the 3mf file.
  4. Load an STL and with your normal settings selected use "File | Save Project" and post the 3mf file here. Also post the gcode of one of the files that wants to fail. A small one would be good. I'll take a look at the file and I have some moist PLA that I can print it with on my Ender 3 Pro. Are you running the stock Hot End? After about 9 months, my printer started suffering from what I thought was heat creep and it wouldn't finish a print without clogging up in bottom of the bowden tube. The all-metal hot end is much better.
  5. The third line of a Cura generated Gcode file is ";Filament used: 123.456m". As far as I know there isn't a way to view weight other than the info near the Slice button in Cura (after you slice the model). PLA is 2.98grams/meter. Simple text files don't have properties like Author or Date that you could assign the weight to. I suppose you could add it to the filename.
  6. I don't actually have a dual extruder printer. I do have a virtual dual extruder printer that I configure for questions like this so I can learn. That means this MIGHT work for you. It appears your printer is a 2-in-1-out so you may be able to configure it using 2 Search and Replace post-processing plugins. The search and replace script allows newline characters "\n" so it is possible to insert multiple lines. That's the trick. This example assumes the prime tower to be at X175 Y175 and travel speed at 7200mm/min (120mm/sec). In one instance of Search and Replace set the search box to "T0" and the replace box to "T0\nG0 F7200 X175 Y175". In the 2nd instance of Search and Replace set the search box to "T1" and the replace box to "T1\nG0 F7200 X175 Y175". At each tool switch the code should look something like this: T1 G1 F7200 X175 Y175 G92 E0 M106 S170 G1 F1200 E15 G1 F600 Z0.6 ;MESH:25x25Cube.stl(1) G0 F7200 X163.754 Y189.83 G0 X163.242 Y188.11 ;TYPE:PRIME-TOWER G1 F1500 E20 The initial tool switch would look the same. It shouldn't make a difference but you should check it to make sure. You may be able to accomplish the same thing by adding the movement line to the Start Gcode for each extruder. In that case it could use keywords "G0 F7200 X{prime_tower_position_x} Y{prime_tower_position_y}" which isn't possible with a post-processor. In that case there is a subtle difference: T1 G92 E0 G0 F7200 X175 Y175 M106 S170 G1 F1200 E15 G1 F600 Z0.6 ;MESH:25x25Cube.stl(1) G0 F7200 X163.754 Y189.83 G0 X163.242 Y188.11 ;TYPE:PRIME-TOWER G1 F1500 E20 If the machine is a conventional 2-in-2-out dual nozzle then the above might not work unless the "Cool Down" and "Heat Up" times and the "Standby Temperature" were played with(?). I haven't looked into it that far.
  7. That's it. The blocker could be thicker and only stick up 1 layer height. In that example 3mf file - I think the blocker is 1mm thick so set it to Z= -0.8.
  8. If it is the very top layer of the model it's pretty easy. If it is an intermediate layer then it's problematic. For the very top layer you can use a support blocker configured to "Modify settings for overlaps" and as a Cutting Mesh. For settings, select Wall Line Count and Extra Skin Wall Count and set them to 1 and 0 respectively. With your model - add a support blocker. Scale the X and Y to cover the area you want to change and make it 1mm thick in the Z. Adjust the X Y location over the model and put the Z so it will overlap the top layer. In the attached file the calibration cube is 25mm tall and the layer height is .2 so I located the support blocker at 24.8 so it only effects the top layer. Here is a shot of the second to last layer. And here is the top layer. GV25x25Cube.3mf
  9. What printer is that? There have been a couple of manufacturers who had errors in their definition files regarding Z speed. If you look at "Printer Settings | Maximum Speed Z" and then at "Speed | Z Hop Speed" if the Z-hop speed is higher than the max Z speed then Cura will throw an error and won't slice. If that is the case then you can raise the Maximum Speed Z or lower the Z-hop speed. This is just a safety within Cura and has no effect on what is in M203 (Max Feed Rates) in the printer.
  10. Well, @ahoeben if you are shamelessly going to throw around Heinlienism's from one of my favorite books then I have to give you credit...but I would still only scale the model in the Z. I sliced a 25 x 25 x 2500 model (hoping for a Guinness record for tallest calibration cube) and Cura did quite well at .05 layer height. The resultant gcode was over 85mb and when translated to .0002 layer height it would only be 10mm tall so the only Guinness I'll be getting will be in a bottle.
  11. I'm just saying that if you put that line back in there those pre-temps will go away. If you think this is a bug then there is a form you can fill out on GitHub and a team member will take a look at it.
  12. Add the line as I stated in my previous post. You don't have the keyword for the bed temp in your Start Gcode so Cura is adding the M140 and M190. You will notice that Cura is NOT adding the Hot End Temp because you do have the keyword in the StartUp Gcode. ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.11.0-BETA M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ; Ender 3 Custom Start G-code ;Here is the HotEnd temp line using the keyword M104 S210 ;Here is the Bed temp line using the keyword M140 S50 G92 E0 ; Reset Notice that Cura does not add the prefix temperatures for either the hot end nor the bed. ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.11.0-BETA M140 S50 M105 M190 S50 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ; Ender 3 Custom Start G-code ;Here is the HotEnd temp line M104 S210 ;Here is the Bed temp line commented out ;M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} M140 S70 M190 S70 Cura doesn't acknowledge the M140 or M190 because they are explicit and my M140 with the keyword is a comment so it doesn't count either, and so the bed temperature is inserted as a prefix.
  13. Your printer definition file has limited your retraction speed ("machine_max_feedrate_e"). If you have the Printer Settings plugin loaded you can change the max feedrate there. It has no effect on M203 in the printer (where the max feedrates are stored), but it will allow you to enter higher numbers in the "Travel / Retraction Speed" boxes.
  14. Interesting. The trick is setting up the model in Cura for the initial slice. Within Cura, ALL Z features need to be scaled up by "LayerHeight / TargetLayerHeight". The minimum Layer Height appears to be .05mm so .05/.0002 = 250. The part height, top/bottom thickness, any support interface, etc. all need to be scaled and the Layer Height set to .05. I had to increase my build volume height as a 1mm model grows to 250mm tall. The post-processing macro divides all Z values by 250 and writes everything to a new file. In this example the Layer Height within the new file would become .0002. The part ends up at the design height of 1mm and requires 5000 layers. After all that - my Z travel is .0025mm/step so I can't get to .0002 anyway. With a .4 Line Width and .0002 Layer Height that's about 30,000mm of extrusion per mm of filament. Taking this to the ridiculous (Heh...it is a Saturday!) my print speed would need to be 50,000mm/sec for the flow rate to equal the rate at .2 layer height and 50mm/sec and that ain't happenin' either.
  15. "...i have to remember to subtract 1 from layer's preview" 100% correct. This was my first request for a feature change over on GitHub and the team (or a contributor) took a look at it. I won't rehash it here but it turned out that this is far from an easy change. I have 17 slicers installed and as far as I can tell, most slicers start layer numbering in their gcode at 0 (the exceptions are Simplify3D which starts at 1, and PrusaSlicer which doesn't appear to number the layers and just notes the Z height(?)). Subsequently, you can't open a PrusaSlicer or Symplify3D gcode file in Cura as it won't display correctly. I filed it under "Know thy software".
  16. Consider a Line Width of 0.4 and a Layer Height of .2. The width is twice the height so the resolution in the Z is double the possible resolution in the X and Y. A horizontal surface .3 thick will slice while a vertical feature .3 wide will not.
  17. I did a test on vertical holes from 3mm to 30mm diameter. I found that below 10mm diameter that a Hole Horizontal Expansion of .2 worked well and then from 10 to 30mm diameter .1 worked well. Above 30mm it wasn't required. Hole Horizontal Expansion has drawbacks - "If it's vertical then it's a hole and I don't care what shape it is" and "If there is a cross hole then the vertical feature isn't a hole anymore". Here is a piece of tubing with a chamfered end and a cross hole and HHE set to 2mm for demonstration. In the yellow area you can see that HHE doesn't work in the area of the cross hole as the vertical hole isn't a hole in that area. HHE also doesn't work in the area of the chamfer for the same reason - the hole ends and so there is a ridge there. If an outer wall is a loop (like around a U section), it doesn't describe a hole.
  18. "I get no support from Creality" Welcome to the club. That printer is a lot larger than my Ender 3 Pro and so maybe the travel moves have some effect, but there is no travel in the Z and so there isn't much movement of the filament during travel. There is flexing of the filament inside the bowden tube as the tube bends during travel in the X direction. One thing that can cause breakage (usually at the Extruder drive wheel) is a lot of retractions in a short area. There are adjustments you can make to the setup in Cura. If the brass extruder drive wheel grinds the filament it will create a weak spot and the filament could snap there.
  19. A gcode movement line will consist of the command ("G1" for extrusions and "G0" for travel) then the feedrate in mm/minute ("F4200") then the X, Y, Z, E values. You will notice that there isn't a Z value on every line. If the printer isn't told to change something it happily keeps the previous value. That is true for any parameter so if a line does not have an "F" parameter the printer uses the last one it saw. If there is no Y value then Y doesn't move from wherever it is. So what you have there is that the Creality gcode was set up with Print Speed at 50mm/sec (3000mm/minute) and Travel Speed at 70mm/sec (4200mm/minute) and the Cura gcode was with Print Speed at 25mm/sec (1500mm/min) and Travel Speed at 120mm/sec (7200mm/minute). PLA can degrade over time mostly because it absorbs moisture. My guess is that your PLA has gotten brittle and is now subject to breakage. As it comes off the spool - do you see any kinks? It should come off smoothly and look like an arc, not a lot of straight segments that happen to end up at the extruder. It can be dried and used but it won't be like a fresh spool.
  20. It's because you explicitly state "M190 S70" in your start gcode instead of using a keyword. Cura adds the bed temperature line when you do that. If you change that line to "M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}" then Cura will stop adding it's own lines. You could also add the "M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}" down near the M109 line if you wanted to heat the bed to 70 for leveling and then settle at a different temperature.
  21. With the Support at 0% density there is no internal structure for the upper portions to build on. It is just an outer wall. With the Support Density at 15% and the Support Branch Distance at .5 I don't see a problem. You have the Support Interface Density at 100%. I thought 60% looked better and will likely come off easier. Here is todays try... GVPoccoRosso2.3mf
  22. To add to what @Smithy and @gr5 are saying, If you don't need a lot of inner strength you can make the Infill Layer Height 2X the regular layer height. The same goes for Support Layer Thickness. When they are at 2X Layer Height they will only print every other layer. Everything affects everything and since you've doubled the rate of infill flow you might have to slow the Infill Speed as it is possible that the extruder could miss steps trying to keep up while printing the double height infill. Using the "Gradual Infill Steps" can make a difference as well but again - it comes with a cost of weaker parts. I print a lot of things at 75mm/sec with the outer walls at 35. The print times are faster but the slow outer wall speed keeps the finish decent. There is also the reality that some parts just take a long time to print. It's the nature of FDM that it just isn't an instant process. If you fill the plate on your printer and the model is near max height then the printer is going to be busy for a day or two. There is no way to turn a 24 hour print into a 6 hour print.
  23. Trust me when I tell you, you ain't gonna learn it in a day, or a month, or a year. Go to bed, you might wake up to a plate of spaghetti but you'll learn from that plate of spaghetti.
  24. Hello @smorgana. I'm a Windows guy so you will have to translate this a bit. Other manufacturers have gone the same way and included their own version of Cura for their printers. Sometimes it's impossible to get around because they added commands for their proprietary firmware, but sometimes you can get something to work. In that old Kodak version of Cura there may be a folder called "Resources". Within that folder will be one for "Definitions", one for "Extruders", and one for "Variants" (the nozzle definitions). The files for your printer will have filename prefixes that are similar. If that "Resources" folder doesn't exist then I don't know what you can do, but I'll go on... If you can find your definition file(s), the extruder file(s), and the nozzle files, and copy them to the respective folders in Cura 4.xx then you may be able to install your printer in the newer version of Cura. My printer has two definition files so I would need them both. The first is Creality_Base.def.json and the second is Creality_Ender3Pro.def.json. It's possible yours would also have more than one definition file. A single extruder printer will have one Extruder definition file. Mine is "creality_base_extruder_0.def.json". I have seven nozzle files (in the Variants folder) from "creality_ender3pro_0.2.inst.cfg" to "creality_ender3pro_1.0.inst.cfg". It is also possible for you to add a Custom FFF printer, rename it, and adjust the build plate and other parameters to match your Kodak printer. The main issue will be the "Gcode Flavor". It has to match your printer or Cura will be speaking Dutch while the printer only understands Swahili. Good luck.
  25. That's a nice model. It leaves no question as to why they were called flying boats. I have to wonder why the designer left it in one piece instead of making it a glue together assembly. Unless you are able to use PVA it will be tough to get the support out without breaking the struts and stays. You need to play with the settings for Tree Support. I thought it looked better with the Tree Support Branch Distance at 0.5. Maybe someone else has a better take on it. I'll attach a 3mf anyway. GV_porco_rosso.3mf
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