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Everything posted by fvrmr

  1. Hi @cucumber_qt do you have a M1? We currently not support M1 since there are some incompatibilities between the library OpenGL and the firmware used by the latest macbook.
  2. @1207143 please also share your log file. And give us some more information about OS.
  3. Try changing your support overhang angle and see if that helps.
  4. Hi @CuraCpat I can't reproduce your problem. Could you share your log file. You can find your log file if you go to Help - Show configuration folder - cura.log
  5. Can you also see this movement in the preview tab? Could you maybe share your project file?
  6. Could you be a bit more specific where did the head hit your model? Did you see anything in the preview tab before you started printing? Could you also share your project file? (file - save project)
  7. Do you maybe have Chitubox installed?
  8. Hi @dancot323 does this error appear in the installer? Or when opening Cura?
  9. Hi @geoffhobe can you share your gcode? Or search in the gcode for M140 and M190 and see if it is in there or it has a value.
  10. The only way to change the bridging direction is rotate your model on the build plate. See here: After rotation:
  11. Then it is indeed hard to debug. But when it happens more often, please let us know on Github!
  12. Hi @plgarcia For bugs and feature request please report Github: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose A quick answer to your questions now. 1. What OS are you using? We are currently having some problems with Big Sur and the M1 chip that new MacOS computers have. 2, 3 and 5. Please be aware that adaptive layers and bridging is in experimental. But a feature request is always welcome on Github. 4. This is a known issue, but changing this would only apply on certain infill patterns. But it wouldn't be for concentric, cross and gyroid infill. And you can always create your own pull request of changes you made on Github, because Cura is open source. 🙂 Let me know if this makes sense to you!
  13. Hi @adyj1 it looks like you want to check layer 26 with the slider from below. If use the the upper dot and slide it down, it should work!
  14. Hi @markny can you share your log file? You can find your log file here: C:\Users\\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<Cura version>\cura.log
  15. Ultimaker Cura 4.9 We are happy to announce that the Ultimaker Cura 4.9 is here. This release contains a bundle of bug fixes and feature improvements. This will increase software stability, simplifying and streamlining print preparation so you can continuously strive for first-time right results. Download it now to experience print slicing at its most seamless, thanks to new workflow integration with the Digital Library in Ultimaker Digital Factory – which is available in our which is now available for any Ultimaker Digital Factory user with an Ultimaker 3D printer. What’s new? Several new features provide a better, more detailed visual representation of how a model is printed, making it a snap to fine-tune settings and improve first-time right. They include: Digital factory integration Now you can open files directly from Digital Library projects. Then, after preparation, quickly and easily export them back. This feature is available for all users with an Ultimaker Essentials, Ultimaker Professional, or Ultimaker Excellence subscription. Learn more The Z-seam is now clearly shown in Preview mode This ensures that you will know whether the seam will be sufficiently hidden in the end product. This will also indicate the starting point of the print. “Line type” is now the default color scheme When entering the Preview mode, you don’t have to switch manually to line type. This will improve your user experience. Other new features and fixes in Ultimaker Cura 4.9 include: Simplified Ultimaker Cura onboarding. A new sign-in flow makes it easier than ever to get started with Ultimaker Cura – plus feature highlights, so you can immediately check out what’s new! Weight estimation in decimals. This provides a more detailed idea of the amount of material used – which is especially useful for smaller prints. 18 printer definitions added for third-party printers. This makes Ultimaker Cura more accessible to community users. Bug fixes “Connect top/bottom polygons” setting. We have fixed a bug in which this setting was unintentionally hidden when initial layer bottom layers are set to “concentric”. Ultimaker Cura sub-model slicing. We have fixed a bug causing Ultimaker Cura not to slice a model if one sub-model of a group was below the build plate. Security patch - Fixed a security vulnerability on Windows permitting the openssl library used to launch other programs. Thanks to Xavier Danest for raising this bug. For more information on new features, bug fixes check out our Github release page, read the blog post and watch our video. Please let us know what you think about Ultimaker Cura 4.9 in the comments below or on Github. Download Cura 4.9 here Looking forward to see your results!
  16. Hi @kf4hqf this is indeed a confirmed issue. We have a ticket on our backlog for this.
  17. Hi @Ratalon try changing the top skin expand distance to a higher value. Let me know if that works for you.
  18. Hi @johngarlick what kind of support do you have here? You could change the support overhang angle? Let me know if that works for you.
  19. Hi @Rivanov try changing the support roof line distance to 0.1 mm. Let me know if that works for you!
  20. Sorry I am not sure what you mean. You can still slice your model even it is not manifold. But you need to look closely in the preview tab to see what will not be printed. You want this in the same print?
  21. This could work, but there will be a change that the print will shift because the end stop is reached. But the best work around is to disable the extruder you are not using like above is mentioned. Please let me know if this is an solution for you @scurrscurr If not a project file would be helpful and I can take a look at it.
  22. Hi everyone, We are very happy to announce our Arachne engine beta release. This release is more stable than the alpha that was released in December. If you are new to Arachne please read this post about our alpha release. So what is new in Arachne engine beta? Line width color scheme: A new color scheme has been added that shows the line width of individual lines in layer view. Model credit: By asimomagic is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license Static Outer Wall: The outer wall will no longer adjust its width or position if there are any inner walls adjacent to it with the (inward) distributed line width strategy. This reduces ringing effects in thin shapes. Which settings needs testing? The improved Ultimaker Cura engine gives you new settings that will optimize printing thinner walls, including: Variable Line Strategy (3 options: Center Deviation, Distributed, Inward distributed) Minimum variable line width Wall transition length Wall transition angle Wall transition distance filter If you decide to tune these settings and doing so results in better print quality, please share your findings with us. Doing so will help us set default values for both Ultimaker and third-party printers. For all the bug fixes and known issues please read the release notes. How to start testing: 1. Download Cura Arachne engine beta. 2. Run some test prints that you’re familiar with. 3. Consider trying a print with thin walls to test the difference. 4. Share any feedback or bugs via Github. Before you are sending feedback: Please read the release notes (link). There you can find our known issues, this will prevent extra work on your end and ours. Keep in mind that the profiles have hardly been tuned, even for Ultimaker’s own printers. Don’t expect perfection. In fact, the default settings as they are now likely result in a worse print quality that the stable release. Note: This is not based on a specific stable version of the front-end of Cura (like '4.8.0' or similar), so there may be issues that have been solved or introduced since then that have little or nothing to do with the variable line width feature-set! Now you have the chance to peek into Ultimaker Cura’s future, test these settings, and see how they work for you! Looking forward to see your prints 🙂
  23. Thank you for your file. If you change horizontal hole expansion to 0 the gap isn't there anymore. Layer 124: Layer 125: The reason why this is happening is because the horizontal hole (the square) ends at layer 124. That's why you will get a difference between those layers. Because at layer 125 both parts are not connected, so don't create a hole. Hope you understand. Please let me know if you have more questions. Here you have my project file with horizontal hole expansion on 0. AI3M_PartB.3mf
  24. Hi @benspawn like @obewan it slices perfectly. Could you add some screenshots of what is happening. And if you want me to look at it again, could you provide a project file (file - save project)
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