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Leo, firstly, remove your filament all together.

With the nozzle heated to 220, unscrew the 4 main long bolts that hold your print head together, I usually tape the black plastic spacers together to stop the getting in my way. Let the hot end hang loose.

Be careful not to pull the bowden tube against the grain of the clip that holds it in place, you want to avoid scraping the outer surface of the tube. (I use two of the red clips to hold it in place, if you notice your bowden tube moving, this is a problem also )

Cut yourself a piece of PLA, (idealy in a different colour to what you were printing with last) and shove this into the hot end, use enough force until you see only the new color of your piece of PLA coming out, make sure it's squiting out nicely.

Then, cool the head to about 90, it will still be warm, but solidified. Pull the PLA out of the head, it will bring any remaining gunk with it.

Put it all back together, and load new filament.



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    @Mariem: Nice model i like how the bra printed it looks very real.

    Like the others said try meshmixer or add your own supports, you would need some pillars going to the bottom of the hairs the rest of the print would be printing ok.

    Check in Cura in layer view to identify where it will start printing in the air this will help. Or in Meshmixer you can analyse overhangs.

    The empty line in the arm looks like underextrusion, maybe the filament you use is in the last portion of the spool?

    Maybe a bit of support for the chin and nose would be usefull to


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    @Mariem: Nice model i like how the bra printed it looks very real.


    The bra/shell-holder (are these 12ga shells ?) looks good. Buckle on the left shoulder strap looks really good.

    3DP can be both amazing and frustrating in the same print.

    +1 on meshmixer. I've only used it a couple of times but it works great. I print mostly "structural" stuff, not complex models (ie: concave, convex surfaces, curves that are a pain to finish/clean up) so I can add a lot of support struts almost wherever I want. But on a model like this meshmixer should be able to add just a few supports as others have suggested.

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    @braddock: Thanks mate. I took the thing apart last night and cleared the blockage. Got it back together and so far it seems to be printing well for the last 10 hours :D. Fingers crossed.

    @mariem: I had the same problem with the progress bar in Cura. I think its maybe a bug with the most resent version. Try installing 14.01 and you should find it works much better. Also as Didier said you can use layer mode in Cura to check over hangs.

    You can see in the picture below that the chin is going to need supports because of the horizontal angle.


    Also you need to watch out for under hangs as well. The image below shows the same model tilted forward slightly. Because of the angle there is now an under hang at the chin. As each layer is printed the tip of the chin appears as an island away from the rest of the model and will result in a spaghetti like mess.


    For supports I use mesh mixer And then improve them in Zbrush. You can also make supports in Zbrush with Zspheres



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    Hey, sorry to ask so much question, Seems like my extruder is doing a very screeching, squeaking noise, I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing that sound before.

    WHat could be causing this, is there something I can do?

    Should I stop the print I am doing?


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    Posted · Post your latest print!

    Hey, sorry to ask so much question, Seems like my extruder is doing a very screeching, squeaking noise, I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing that sound before.

    WHat could be causing this, is there something I can do?

    Should I stop the print I am doing?


    It might be the filament tightening on the reel at the back of the printer. Dont worry it's quite normal. Just try loosening/unwinding the filament form the spool a little bit and see if that helps.


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    Posted · Post your latest print!

    Hey, sorry to ask so much question, Seems like my extruder is doing a very screeching, squeaking noise, I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing that sound before.

    WHat could be causing this, is there something I can do?

    Should I stop the print I am doing?


    LeoDDC is right on the money with his comment. It might be a good time to design or search for a spool holder that uses bearings.


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    Finally I can watch my UM not-anymore-completely-Original printing from wherever I want. Thanks to this camera mount for a D-LINK DCS93xL.

    camera mount for D-LINK DCS93xL

    It's printed in DiamondAge cherry red.


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    Can you take a short video of the noise with your phone? mine used to do this during retractions, it was due to the tightness of the filament as it entered the feeder, it would squeak as it rubbed back and forth. This might have also caused your missing line in the arm.

    I tell everyone this, I've had much better results since ditching the rear spool holder and using this.

    This is an old photo of the first one I printed, under extrusion caused the break, I've since printed a new one and haven't had any under extrusion since.

    It uses standard 608 bearings, the same kind you find in skateboard wheels.


    spool roller




    Hey, sorry to ask so much question, Seems like my extruder is doing a very screeching, squeaking noise, I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing that sound before.

    WHat could be causing this, is there something I can do?

    Should I stop the print I am doing?


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    @Dim3nsioneer: Nice

    @braddock: Did you get the spool from thingiverse or is it one you designed yourself? I think you're right its time to ditch the rear spool holder.


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    I made it myself, all the ones on thingiverse needed additional screws, or bolts etc, I just wanted something 100% printable, that fits the standard spool size and standard bearings.

    I meant to upload it, but never got around to it.



    @Dim3nsioneer: Nice

    @braddock: Did you get the spool from thingiverse or is it one you designed yourself? I think you're right its time to ditch the rear spool holder.


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    Finally I can watch my UM not-anymore-completely-Original printing from wherever I want. Thanks to this camera mount for a D-LINK DCS93xL.


    It's printed in DiamondAge cherry red.


    I just got a 930L and designing something nearly identical to that was on my list. I wish these dlink cameras could do public broadcasting. could you share the image you get from that distance and possibly provide the skp if you used sketchup?


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    I just got a 930L and designing something nearly identical to that was on my list. I wish these dlink cameras could do public broadcasting. could you share the image you get from that distance and possibly provide the skp if you used sketchup?


    Here you are:


    camera snapshot


    I made it in blender, starting from a design on Thingiverse...


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    Hey guys!

    Here's a little video showing up the squeaking noise,

    If I just help it a bit by pulling on the filament to loose the reel, it fix the issue for a lil while. But then as soon as it get tight again, the squeaking is back again and It's really annoying on long prints.


    I realised something too yesterday. I was always having no problem with prints sticking to the build plate at first and the only part that had trouble (except some light under extrusion) was a hanging surface issue. So then I added support, throught mexmixer at first.

    Then all of a sudden I start having trouble with print failing often in the first few layer, scrapped couple,

    I realise that when doing support with mexmixer, it's like the support base are ''under'' the first layer of the model you are printing. So with those, it would start by making couple of layer of the support, and only after it would start doing the base of the actual model. By doing that after it was way too far from the build plate, filament didn't stick, came up with a messy junk of filament couple of time.

    Dunno if anyone encountered the issue?

    I did test last night and did my own support in zbrush. It sure takes longer but with those, the base of the model and the support where at the same level, Both started printing their first layer at the same time, no issue!


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    OK, no big deal, it's just the retraction that pushes back the filament that has some friction on the holder.

    Did you put the filament inside one of the two guides or all the way back to the rear panel of the printer?

    Same issues with meshmixer, plus it crashes a lot.


    Hey guys!

    Here's a little video showing up the squeaking noise,

    If I just help it a bit by pulling on the filament to loose the reel, it fix the issue for a lil while. But then as soon as it get tight again, the squeaking is back again and It's really annoying on long prints.



    I watched again the video and now I'm not that sure about my previous consideration.

    Does the sound come out of the loader or somewhere else like the filament older?


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    Sounds like its just the spool of filament squeeking on the holder. Marie, just try printing for 20 minutes with the spool on the floor, unwind a few coils of filament and print that way, see if the squeak disappears :)


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    Same issues with meshmixer, plus it crashes a lot.



    Hey Zombie,

    Is the meshmixer crashing because of too detailed models?

    I dunno who, but someone not so very long ago said here to use decimation master in Zbrush. very helpful!

    For my printing adventures, Yesterday someone asked me to print some cufflinks.

    Being stubborn, I made my own setup with a double T piece for rotation into a holder (its kinda large now, but the T bend is hollow so i"m busy getting it smaller.)

    first print:

    2014 05 23 07.25.22

    2014 05 23 07.25.10


    100 pages for this topic! Hurray!


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    My first attempt using colorfabb woodfill and i am impressed with the smooth surface finish.. does anyone know if this material can be stained and varnished ?

    0.2 layers at 197 degrees

    wood vase


    wood vase 1


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    ... and i am impressed with the smooth surface finish.. does anyone know if this material can be stained and varnished ?


    Yes, it can be stained with classic wood stain. I have used some wood stain for my wooden mask:



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    Hi Conz

    Wow i forgot about your post, i remember now how impressed i was that you had used wood stain and how it looked :wink:


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    Hey Lennart,

    I alway use decimation master and go, at least, at 20% of the polygon count.

    Then I check and eventually repair the STL file in Netfabb, just to be sure.

    I don't know, maybe I'm not using it properly, but I just generate some supports and then play with the settings.




    Hey Zombie,

    Is the meshmixer crashing because of too detailed models?

    I dunno who, but someone not so very long ago said here to use decimation master in Zbrush. very helpful!


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    Braddock : If you ever want to share your Spool thinghy, I would love that. Not really good at making those kind of stuff myself!

    Codeczombie I don't think it's actually the spool holder doing the noise, seems like it's coming from that little guy (that will be his name in the lack of a proper term)


    Heres some pict of my latest print

    Overall it turned out better than my previous attempt.

    I had to stop it cause some of my handmade support for the chin broke, It was going to become a tangly mess again.

    I feel like the surface is a bit less smooth that on Jinx, both were printed at 0.06mm, any idea why?

    Otherwise, Dunno if you guys have some good tips when it come to printing those arm, Both elbow have a very hard time printing. One is still standing but the surface is very messy and ugly, the other one, the support pretty much let go and it's just a mesh. Not too sure how I should tackle the challenge.





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    Hey guys!

    Here's a little video showing up the squeaking noise,

    If I just help it a bit by pulling on the filament to loose the reel, it fix the issue for a lil while. But then as soon as it get tight again, the squeaking is back again and It's really annoying on long prints.



    I had that exact same noise especially on retractions and it seemed to go whenever I loosened the filament or moved the spool a bit on the spool holder. I've had my printer for about 4 weeks now and I doesn't seem to happen any more. Maybe it's just a case of wearing the printer in a bit. Great looking model by the way. Ellie from the "last of us" right? Love that game.


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    Hi Mariem,

    so maybe that squeek it's just temporary, I hope, never had that issue.

    Did you try the change material procedure?

    Since it will kind of "mega-retract" the material, you can check if it will make a "mega-squeek", so you'll know if it's an issue related to the speed of the loader.

    About the print, it would help if you also post a screenshot of how you settled the supports.

    I tend to avoid like death the overhangs, the always come out messy also at low angles by slicing the model in multiple parts.

    It's a pain in the a$$ but for these kind of models I guess it's inevitable.

    Shortly I'll have to manage a model similar to your actual one and I already feel the pain.


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