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Hello everyone.

My very 1st test with the Ultimaker Original and also the very 1st post here.

You can't avoid things like this if you have a daughter :)


Olaf 01


More images will come as I progress with the project.


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    @Didier Klein, thanks for sharing the video. I love watching prints in action! Yours was particularly entertaining, as it had the meshmixer supports, I'm always amazed by those support structures. Also, cool filament holder; I'm too lazy to buy anything that doesn't already come on a spool :mrgreen:.

    @illuminarti, lol thanks; yeah I should just keep my toothbrush there as I find myself just mesmerized by the printer for most of the day; and consequently spend a large portion of my day there. I really do need to stop watching it so much!!!

    @pm_dude, cool print; it looks really nice for no supports. I'm totally jealous, filament sales 10 minutes away!

    @Cabo, fantastic looking first print! Better than my first print. Looking forward to seeing many more :D.


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    Hey guys. It's been a while since I've looked on here and I have to say I'm blown away by all of the stuff everyone's been posting. Really really great looking designs and prints.

    Here is my latest print. I've just gotten over 10000 views on my blog and to say thanks to everyone I've done this print that I'll upload for everyone on thingiverse. Its from a personal work I did called "Bent Copper". The character was inspired by the combine troops from half life 2. I'm really pleased with the way this print came out and the level of detail that was captured. The photos don't do it justice but you can just about see the texture of the fabric on the t-shirt and vest straps. I'll upload the files to thingiverse in the next couple of days once I've taken some better pictures.


    Original render



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    Awesome Leo. You just made me spend 35 minutes with sculptris. I created what was looking like a pretty funky head of a character, i was actually surprised at how good it was turning out lol.... then, it crashed ! :???: back to parametrics :(


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    @LeoDDC Woah! really great looking print, I'm amazed that the printer did the fabric so well; thanks for the close-ups! Did you use the supports in Cura? Also, what filament is that; I really like the grey colors, I think they show details well.


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    Looks great Leo, nice clean print. Where's your blog?


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    Thanks guys.

    @Skint: Thank's man. I'm so chuffed that you where inspired to use sculptris. It's a shame that it crashed but don't let that put you off. When I first started with Zbrush it was a bit unstable and I was using an old laptop with a shitty possessor and about 512 megs of RAM. It would crash all the time so I got into the habit of saving every 5 minutes. Keep up the scultris work, I'd love to see what you come up with.

    @Aaron: Thanks man. I made my own custom supports in Zbrush. I did them as thin solid walls and then connected them to the model with tiny pointed cylinders. This was so I could keep retractions down to a minimum and also to make the support structure more stable. I only used supports for the shoulder pads, everything else printed freely. The material is colorfabb blue/grey.

    This first image was my first attempt at printing this guy but as you can see there is a ton of under extrusion going on. I reprinted it using braddocks spool holder and got a much better result.


    @braddock: Cheers dude. Here's the link


    I also printed your spool holder and have had a lot less under extrusion since using it. Thanks for sharing man.


    I modified the main body by separating the feet so that I could print each side separately and then glued it together. I was having trouble with constant clogging hence printing the spool holder in separate pieces but since using the new holder it's done almost 24 hours of printing with no clogs :D


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    @LeoDDC Wow thats a really nice model. I like your support too :) That must have taken a while to print.


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    Well its been a busy Fathers Day weekend and I spent most of it printing stuff and having my little girl checking it out almost as much as me hahaha!!

    So... first actual "usefull" prints to prove this is not just an expensive man toy :D

    Printed some snaps to clip my plexiglass over the air conditionner. I dont know for you but here most of the stuff they provide dont really support horizontal sliding windows. Its not the best looking thing but it still the best air conditionning setup I ever made :D




    Also finished my tweaks on my 1 pound spool holder version. You can check it out here https://www.youmagine.com/designs/um2-1-pound-spool-holder#!design-information

    And prepared my Hub for 3dHubs.com




    ...clearly not as stylish as the prints some of you are making. This community is crazy good!!!






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    Oh cool, glad to hear the spool holder has helped.


    Thanks guys.

    @Skint: Thank's man. I'm so chuffed that you where inspired to use sculptris. It's a shame that it crashed but don't let that put you off. When I first started with Zbrush it was a bit unstable and I was using an old laptop with a shitty possessor and about 512 megs of RAM. It would crash all the time so I got into the habit of saving every 5 minutes. Keep up the scultris work, I'd love to see what you come up with.

    @Aaron: Thanks man. I made my own custom supports in Zbrush. I did them as thin solid walls and then connected them to the model with tiny pointed cylinders. This was so I could keep retractions down to a minimum and also to make the support structure more stable. I only used supports for the shoulder pads, everything else printed freely. The material is colorfabb blue/grey.

    This first image was my first attempt at printing this guy but as you can see there is a ton of under extrusion going on. I reprinted it using braddocks spool holder and got a much better result.

    @braddock: Cheers dude. Here's the link


    I also printed your spool holder and have had a lot less under extrusion since using it. Thanks for sharing man.

    I modified the main body by separating the feet so that I could print each side separately and then glued it together. I was having trouble with constant clogging hence printing the spool holder in separate pieces but since using the new holder it's done almost 24 hours of printing with no clogs :D


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    Hi all,

    Just wanted to share something i designed myself and printed for my mom :mrgreen: it's not as fancy as the designs of braddock or leo but hey i'm a total noob in 3d design (getting better).

    So here it is, a flower pot that looks like a weaved pot:

    20140613 072345


    I printed two of them


    20140614 131915


    And with the lovely flowers:




    The color is Faberdashery Princely Purple, and it looks fabulous :)


    I've uploaded to thingiverse and will upload to youmagine today if it's usefull for anybody :)


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    Yea I like it too! :)


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    I finally came around to print and finish a larger amount of the worldcup mascots i designed.


    They were printed in Fabherdashery Glow in the Dark Filament.

    Layer height 0.1mm, Nozzle diameter 0.8mm, Shell thickness 0.8mm, no infill resulting in less than 80 minutes print time per model :)


    I put them up for sale at a store in my hometown (Graz, Austria) and my goal is to sell at least one :)


    www.raumdruck.at, for anybody in the area


    They all print without support !




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    I printed these shoes for designer http://cargocollective.com/chrisvandenelzen in Woodfill fine from Colorfabb. They were for his show last week at http://fashionclash.nl and he was really happy with the result :-P

    The shoes are printed with a 0.8 nozzle that did shorten the print time to 11 hours instead of 21 hours a piece, and they were used for 1 minute on the catwalk…..

    The 12 pair took me 2 weeks to complete, starting a pair every day at ihttp://ifabrica.nl, were we have 10 Ultimakers. And of course Chris needed his time to make the leather upper parts.

    Shoe Chris van den Elzen

    Shoe Chris van den Elzen

    Shoe Chris van den Elzen

    Shoe Chris van den Elzen


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    Love the shoes they look really nice.

    Would you say they could be used more than 1 minute on a catwalk?


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    Woah tons of great prints! I haven't been in the forum as much as I would want lately I've been messing with a dual extrusion kit acquired from a friend who wasn't using it, and been trying other slicing engines (sorry David, although your slicing engine is soon on it's way to being the best one out there :D!)

    @LeoDDC, thanks a bunch for sharing your support strategy with us, It turned out fantastic! Very nice design :grin:. The rest was free printed, WOW!

    @pm_dude, I always love seeing the utility prints!! Nice application, and in my opinion the setup looks great, anything with 3D printed parts automatically gains many cool points. Also, I would be interested to hear about your 3D Hubs experience. A workmate and I have designed/printed a couple of things for people and I've been able to buy a bunch more filament as a consequence. Trying to see if I can keep my hobby self-sustaining.

    @Didier Klein, really nice design! It's so smooth do you have any printing tips? It looks great and I'm sure your mother loves it! It's a beautiful functional design, very cool!

    @Bauermaker, really great looking prints, all the characters turned out smooth and professional looking. Good luck with selling them, I would be very surprised if you didn't sell a single one!

    @PeggyB, WOAH!! those shoes turned out great looking! I'm really impressed, they are very professionally designed. I could totally see people buying and wearing these shoes when dressing up nice. Congratulations on so many successful and wonderful looking prints.

    I don't have much to post right now, some of my prints were for people who don't want me to post images of their stuff. I was trying the acetone vapor technique over the weekend as well and it turned out better than I could have expected; blarp but I can't show that print either.

    Anyway, here is my very first attempt at printing with dual nozzles. I ordered some water soluable support material and am very excited to start testing it out. I'm also looking into HIPS as a support material @isphording90 has talked about it and got me interested in using it.



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    So you just installed another extuder on you UM2?? :geek: :shock: :mrgreen: very cool

    Nothing special on the flower pot, The layers a 0.2mm with Spiralize black magic and 0.6mm wall thickness. The filament is Faberdashery and looks very shiny, i printed at 230°c


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    @Aaron: I guess you did this on your UM1... ;) Very nice result actually. Have you used:

    - Wipe&Prime tower?

    - Ooze shield?

    - any special gcode before or after extruder change?

    At which temperature did you print? No problem with oozing?


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    I'm guessing you printed this on your UM1 and used the UM2 cos its a great photo booth, yes?

    Would love to see a video of the printing next time you print.


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    @PeggyB holy s*** wow! These are pretty nice.

    @AaronAlai looking good. Cant wait to get a second extruder on that UM2 eventually... I'll keep you posted for 3d hubs. I have a few friends with 3D needs at the very least, figurines, sculpting, start wars models and such. This is what it does to be in the game industry haha :)


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    @Didier Klein, sorry to disappoint; the second nozzle is on the UMO (Ultimaker Original). I totally wish I had dual nozzles on the UM2, and am very much looking forward to snatching it up when it comes out!!! Thanks for posting the print settings, I wouldn't have thought to do 0.6 wall thickness, it turned out fantastic looking.

    @Dim3nsioneer, yeah I used all the Dual extrusion settings that were available; and they work really well! The Ooze shield is really cool, I saved most of the shield and I'll post a picture of it later today.

    *Forgot to mention I printed these a little colder than normal to mitigate oozing, the red was 200 and the white was 205. Oozing wasn't a big deal, the ooze shield caught almost everything; I probably could have printed a little cooler and stopped even more oozing.

    Nope, I didn't do anything special to the g-code, just what Cura spit out at me.

    @Woofy, yeah definitely used the UM2 just as a photo booth, I didn't mean to confuse people. The UMO is too dark to take any good photos, you are right the UM2 is the perfect photo booth. I'll definitely try to include a video of the next print; I really enjoyed watching the dual print action and am sure others would also like to watch.


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    Olaf is taking shape. It's a temporary assembly and I may reprint the arms and the hair. Depends on how the sanding/priming will look at the end.

    IMG 20140618 185452 490


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    cool. Do you intend to share that model eventually? Got a 6 years old that would really like that :)


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    That's the plan, but it's a bit messy at the moment. I was trying out the different settings and cutting/pushing the model quite a lot. Will do a clean up and let you know.


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