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Posted · general forum feedback
Another quick update; currently we have added another filter to the selection called 'following'. Select Latest > Following.

Right now it is a starting point, in a way that it may reduce your view in topics that you don't want to keep track off. It doesn't have a distinction of unread posts yet.

It will be improved/enhanced over time, but for the timing being you may find it useful already.

The filter is only in place in the subfora, not in the main, therefore it still is not useful. Also, will old subscriptions/follows/own posts be restored. If I need to refind everything I was following I'll surely miss a ton.

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Posted · general forum feedback

@chipsample, I'm trying to see the story from all sides, and I'm not sure what your business is exactly, are you printing for people, or are you reselling ultimakers?

In the first case I understand that failing prints will lead to unhappy customers, possibly bad reviews and revenue lost. What I fail to see however is how Ultimaker can be held responsible. They facilitated something that helped you perform better. If without it you are not able to deliver to your customers then that means your knowledge/printer isn't sufficient to support the business.

HOWEVER, now I'm writing this I'm slowly starting to understand the real problem I think, though it is in a different place. Am I correct in the following:

When something breaks down, crashes or whatever, you would normally reach out to customer support. However you have bad experiences with that since it took long. The forum/live chat, housing people all over the world, responds much faster. Therefor you went there with your questions. With that gone, you had to wait for support again to respond, costing too much time for you.

Is that about what covers your story?

Sadly I fear you cannot quantify losses nor can you hold Ultimaker responsible. It sucks, I encountered a kinda similar situation where I informed about the dimensions and tolerances of a filament reseller. Got very swift reply after they went to investigate and very precise answers. I ordered the plastic and started printing at a customer. It failed horribly due to the diameter(as I found out later) going up and down 5 times their supplied exact tolerance. Their support told me they couldn't do anything since I already used their material. So no compensation for screwing up live at a customer, no compensation for the shitty filament, nothing. (don't buy your filament at 123inkt.nl)

In the second case, I assume you sold people UM's and convinced them there was a great support in the forums, which was taken offline and customers returned the printer. That is something Ultimaker should be able to do something with.

Just being curious, please don't be offended by my unfiltered stream of thoughts coming to conclusions by threading sidetracks.

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Posted · general forum feedback

I'm still alive. Mostly.

Good news. I still have a job. My post was totally inappropriate and wrong on quite a few levels. And I could totally see how most companies would take no effort to fire anyone over something like that. I'm grateful towards Ultimaker that they didn't. I should have handled it completely differently. And got only myself to blame for it.

So my voice has been heard a bit, but the message was almost lost due to my stupid way of trying to get it across. Luckily, things are in motion now.

Thanks for all the people that showed their support for me. But know that my action was wrong at some core level. In public is not always the proper place, even if you are Open Source. If anyone feels the need to talk to me more, you can do so in private, you guys have my email address.

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Posted · general forum feedback

Ok peace now.

Just hoping that other people at UM had a conversation as serious as yours because the way this thing was launched was "totally inappropriate and wrong on quite a few levels as well. And I could totally see how most companies would take no effort to fire anyone over something like that."

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Posted · general forum feedback

piece = good, glad nobody got shot :) R&D team, David you have our support, hope people will listen to you & involve you (and us) on future developments...

Back to the forum topic; can we as a quick solution get 1 page consolidating the 8 main sub forum pages, this would already help to gain some overview again. Or if someone knows how to do this with a script ?

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Posted · general forum feedback

'Back to the forum topic; can we as a quick solution get 1 page consolidating the 8 main sub forum pages, this would already help to gain some overview again. Or if someone knows how to do this with a script ?'

How do you mean? Like make it entirely visible in 1 page, without scrolling?

I would expect you already want to see updates on this page, or am I mistaken?

If you could mock up like a screenshot of what you mean that would probably help getting your idea across.

If this would be a potential quick fix depends on if we all agree it is a good fix, plus the amount of work it requires compared to the proper fix. Thanks!

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    scrolling is fine, something like this, all on one page preferably with some way to high lite where the latest activity has been, or optional filter out anything without activity for > n days + filter out stuff you'r not interested in (languages you don't speak..)


    and to spread some love ;) think adding images is more intuitive now than it was in the old forum ..


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    Posted · general forum feedback
    With my current computer I can see four topics at the same time in the new forum.

    Using the same level of zoom (font size/readability) in the old forum I can see ten (!) topics at the same time.


    Lucky guy! I see two at best if they are short on my laptop screen :(

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    Would you all say this description suits the filter we are all eagerly waiting for?

    'We will also add a filter, that will enable you to see what the latest updated topics are that you are following, showing partially the latest reply, marked as unread.


    As long as this includes in-line on every post in forum thread view visual clues as to what has been read and unread.


    as long as those filters actually work at multiple levels.

    Also - you should please take much stock in @anders-olsson

    I have bolded text for emphasis (not in original post)


    The design/layout of this new forum is fundamentally flawed, and you would have to look at well established platforms like phpBB if you want something that is attractive for forum-users.

    If you do that, you would most likely end up with something that looks much like the old forum ....... There is a reason for the old-school look at most forums: It uses colored bars and colored text, different fort sizes, bold text, post counters and various icons in very clever ways to compress lots of information into a small space and make it easy to navigate.

    It might look old school and trivial, but there are years of testing and developing behind these layouts.

    It is not strange that people does not feel at home and get a distant/confusing feel at this new forum. The gray/white-ish blur of text and background without any distinct borders or points to fix your eyes on is simply not easy to use. There is a lack of contrast and the layout does not follow established forum standards.

    Combined with lots of whitespace, lots of scrolling and numerous common "navigation aids" removed, it simply makes the forum unpleasant, confusing and tiring to navigate.

    It is not rocket science as I said. Look at well established platforms, they look that way for a reason.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    IRobertI's greasemonkey script with some additions if someone wants to use it.


    // ==UserScript==// @name        UMCompactor// @namespace   Ultimaker// @include     https://ultimaker.com/en/community*// @version     1// @grant       none// ==/UserScript==// Message preview$('.communityblock-description').hide();// Top "Ultimaker community" title$('.minihero-content--community>h2').hide();// Shrink down some of the white space in the top$('div.minihero-content--community').css("padding-top", "0px");// Smaller font size for thread titles$('.communityblock-title').css("font-size", "100%");// Reduce padding between thread title and "Started by" etc$('.communityblock--topic').css("padding", "10px 0px 10px 0px");$('.communityblock-topicinfo').css("padding-top", "0px");// Move search bar higher$('.sectionsearch').css("margin-top", "0px");// Make search input shorter$('input[type=search]').css("max-width", "300px");// Shrink down top background$('.section.pagesection').css("height", "60px");$('.contenthero--image').css("min-height", "60px");//$('.r-mobile-hidden').css("display", "none");$('.communityblock-topicinfoentry a').css("display", "none");$('.communityblock-page').css("display", "initial");$('.communityblock-topicinfoentry a:first-of-type').css("display", "initial");$('.communityblock-topiclabel:contains("Replied by:")').text("Last reply by:");$('.communityblock-user').css("font-weight", "normal");$('.communityblock-pagination').css("font-weight", "normal");$('.communityblock-topiclabel').css("font-weight", "normal");


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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback


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    Posted · general forum feedback

    The grease monkey script has a bug. http:// should also be supported (now it doesnt work unless you connect with https)

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback
    scrolling is fine, something like this, all on one page preferably with some way to high lite where the latest activity has been, or optional filter out anything without activity for > n days + filter out stuff you'r not interested in (languages you don't speak..)


    maybe this is a better way to explain it ....





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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    @SanderVg you're doing what you're best at doing. Nothing. Just agreeing and apologising but in a very nice way. :-)

    I guess you're UM's official 'set up guy' tasked with just "listening" to the community.

    @SanderVg you should become a politician. :-)

    @UM Upper management:

    Part of the great appeal of your machine is the open scource community which supports it. Part of that appeal is a busy, working and creative forum. You had that in full flow, but you've now made it so much more difficult to continue with this pile of crap you've created.

    Please, UM take note: You'll rapidly loose your edge and your market appeal.

    There are hungry competitors out there with arguably better machines in the offing.

    Part of your main strength is your community. That needs an easy to use Forum...

    I'm not asking for a reply from @SanderVg or particularly value one if any, as I suspect he's company bound.


    What a shame that talented forum members are having to spend their time on making this piece of crap more usable in browsers?

    That's time wasted when we could all be easily talking with each other regarding nozzle issues/improved isolators/improved materials/better feeders/ etc., all of which helped improve your machine. The discussions and research I had on the forums and privately, with various members are gone.

    Instead "Badges and points" to explore - which moron thought that up? Despite objections. @SanderVg We're not in Kindergarten. Some of us are serious Engineers.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    You have the right to be unhappy, to tell the world that you don't like what the forum is now. But i'm asking you to stay polite as any serious engineer would be ;) So please avoid kindergarten words like moron for further messages ;)

    If you don't want to loose your time to make this of forum better, well don't bother. You can continue as before to be involved in discussions or other topic that matter more.

    Besides that, what discussions are you talking about? Private messages?

    All the content of the old forum will be readable (also pm's). And i'm sure that this forum will get better in the following weeks. Some important features are missing, I agree, when they will be there i think we will all forget our beloved old forum.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Some features/functions that was there or did work in the old forum and are now gone/broken (apart from that the general design is broken):

    - All citations, internal links and embedded videos from the old forum seems broken.

    This represents a tremendous loss of value (money) for Ultimaker and I have a hard time understanding how that happened. Was there no beta tests of the migration software at all, like feeding a reasonably large thread through the software and check that the output looks good?

    (Nope, I am not going to go through my old posts fixing the links)

    - The preview button is gone (which results in unnecessary editing after posting).

    - I keep getting logged out every time i put the computer in sleep mode.

    - The last-button often points at empty pages in short threads, and in this one it points at page 24 of 26 for some reason.

    - Information about where the users live is gone (It is useful to know how far away people live if offering help or spare parts, or to know if I can reply in my own language in a PM)

    - The decision to have only sub forum names on the main page, with not post counters or last poster information, makes the whole page look completely uninteresting to me.

    I only visit this thread and my heater block thread right now largely because of that.

    The community page "last post thing", will only work as long as the forum stay as inactive as it is now, if it ever gets back to the former popularity it will most likely mean some categories are never visited by returning users.

    Having a last post time and date with the posters name and thread name on the forum overview served as a great motivation to visit that sub-forum just to check it out, particularly when someone well known posted something in a category you normally did not check.

    - The new emoticons is a fun idea in theory. However, since they look rather different compared to what is established as an international standard for emoticons, they don't transfer any immediate emotional message to me at least. So in my opinion they kind of does not do what they are supposed to, giving an instant emotional message.

    - The automatic html-generation for links and videos was quite nice to have, having to do it manually feels a bit old-school.

    - The reply window is way too small, which makes it difficult to get and overview over what you reply.

    - If you open a new tab to the forum when replying, the current tab is automatically reloaded, erasing what you just wrote. (Nope, what you just wrote will not come back if you press the back button :( )

    As I wrote before, I strongly suggest to reopen the old forum!

    This one simply does not provide any advantage over the old one as I can see it, but it has numerous severe bugs and is missing a lot of features that used to be there and the general design and layout is a failure.

    I really can not see any motivation to keep the new forum, other than in some sort of attempt prevent the developers from loosing their face (which I know way to well is a very common reason for keeping faulty software, my working place has lost millions of euros in very similar cases).

    Honestly, Ultimaker, you are loosing money and reputation every hour this thing is online. Just look at the how the number of posts decreased, or how your support tickets most likely increased lately, and take a financially sane decision please, for the future of Ultimaker!

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    As I wrote before, I strongly suggest to reopen the old forum!


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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback


    I don't think reopening the old forum would solve any problems. I rather think taking constructive critics for improving the new forum by the forum members seriously is the way UM should go. I would appreciate if UM could post a schedule for the improvements which they already agreed on lacking on the new forum.

    btw: The mobile template should be strongly simplified. On my Galaxy S3 (I admit it is not the newest smartphone anymore) it takes really too long to load.

    btw2: What if the source code of the new forum would be open? I guess we would be much further with improvements... maybe something to consider for future...

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    sander promised such a "action list" last week but I have not seen it jet...

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    @Chrisr thank you for your post.

    Following your accusations, when exactly have I done nothing? Every day when a user needed help they could count on me. In regard of this forum, maybe not all the latest developments happen in the front end, but there certainly has been a lot going on. The spam is solved, the remember me-bug is solved. All users should be able to log in. Etc.

    Also, please refrain from name calling. Thank you.

    You are very welcome to share your feedback wether based on emotion or based with facts but lets all stay friends here.

    Through this email I also would like to give you a new status update on upcoming changes, divided in urgent and shortly after. This should be a complete reflection of what has been mentioned before on this thread. If you still feel something is missing, please respond with what you think is missing, and if you feel it is urgent or for shortly after. I understand the urge that everything is urgent, but we can not do everything right now and it would mean that a different urgent matter most likely will be pushed back.

    Now, about the upcoming updates:

    Urgent, on random order:

    - Various back-end bugs

    - shorter loading times

    - Improving notifications and add email

     Notifications should be merged to prevent you from getting 4 notifications for a   single reply, notifications should tell you who replied or liked. Notifications should direct you to the corresponding post. E-mail notifications should be enabled.

    - Pagination improvement

    Show pagination on top of the page and bottom and make it '1 - 4 5 6' instead of '1 2 3 - 6'

    - Information density improvement

    Improve the default forum page and reduce white spacing which will result in showing more relevant topics / replies. Look into the default forum page to showcase latest activity.

    - Move events over leaderboard on the community page.

    - Remember me / Time out bug

    This was allegedly solved, but on occasion I heard some people still had to log in, whether by some kind of time out or something else. We are going to look into this.

    - Improved navigation through community platform, add various buttons.

     Add 'previous' buttons to go back to last page, add other tools to quickly navigate through the forums.

    - Fix post preview and enable media preview in editor.

    - Improved filter, since last visit distinguish unread

    - Improve newsfeed by showing last reply instead of first post.

    Shortly after, at random order:

    - Reevaluate sub-categories

    - Reconsider the decision to drop chat-function.

    - Recalculate the score in your account

    - improve recognition links

     On the default forum page, 'the art of printing' is also a link. Did you know?

    - Look into enabling a Poll-feature.

    - Make text editor scalable

    - Improve forum search-function

    - RSS feed

    - Customization landing-page / community

    - Expanding skill set

     For example, adding 3D scanning. This will always be open to suggestions.

    I also wanted to use this opportunity to explain to you the difference between the 'community page', and the 'forum page'. I can imagine without context the community page may not add much value next to the forum. Allow me to give form to that context. Like said before, the forum is part of a larger platform called the 'community platform'. This will be expanded later which should result in different levels of interaction with Ultimaker and our activities. This comes from our acknowledgement that our community is so important, like stated repeatedly by us and various users in the previous pages. And even though, due to some required upgrades to the forum, you may feel different right now, enabling this next level involvement for the community could not happen on the old forum and required an upgrade in the form of what we have called the 'Community platform'.

    Later we can designate a new topic that solely evolves around the community platform, which should give you even more insight and understanding.

    Another thing which deserves some mention is that the Prints-section is meant to share your latest prints and have a chance to get featured on our home page. This should become a source of accessible inspirational prints.

    The 'share your latest print' is a great thread, and was the inspiration for this. But it was not always easy to navigate through the pages searching for prints/projects. If you want to talk about projects mid-way the forum is still the place to be. If you want to share the end result the Prints-section would be the more obvious place.

    There is no point in requesting to go back to the old forum. That is not going to happen. Instead, if you feel the current forum needs work, help us with your valued opinion and make it more your forum. Let me know what you think!

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    Posted · general forum feedback


    @ultiarjan @dim3nsioneer, here you go! :)

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    The reopening of the old forum is unfortunately, impossible, IMHO. Mainly, because of the need of the backways data sync between the new crap and the old forum. Then, politically, it is a total fiasco. That to say, the current forum is a total embarrassment, to put it mildly.

    I would rather love to see migration to one of the well-established forum engines + the chat option we miss.

    For a few days, I tried to get used to the new format. I give up. Trying to seek for a needle of a new relevant and interesting information in the hays of mostly empty space is frustrating. So there are a few topics I managed to hunt down, and I will follow them, until the better times.

    One feature complaint: when there's a new notification about a new message in the topics I follow (very nice, BTW), the link brings the 1st page of the topic, leaving me scrolling down kilometers of the blank spaces till end of the page, to click on the "last page" button, and then to search by memory the last unread message. How hard would it be to put the pages links at the top of the the page at least?

    Bottom line. On my work, over the past 15 years, my teams and me participated in quite a bit of "go-live" productions of mission-critical systems for our very big and very-well-known customers. If we would do tenth of the faults this forum release had, our customers would throw us far away on the spot, and for the very good reason. The release management of the forum was very unprofessional, and to make it worse, the forum itself is far from being useful. How sad.

    P.S. @SandervG - hehe, you beat me by two minutes! :)

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    @shurik, thank you for your reply. Please have a look at the upcoming updates.

    Your requested feature about the notification is also noted, quite high on the (random) urgent upgrade list.

    Let me know what you think :)

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