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Everything posted by xeno

  1. Als je object van ABS is dan kan je aceton gebruiken, daar zijn her en der tutorials voor. voor PLA zou ik gewoon een blanke lak aanraden, geen olie, dat droogt niet. een goede blanke nagellak doet wonderen, en droogt snel. en een warmte is erg tricky, de overgang van hard naar te zacht gaat erg snel, en loop je sterk de kans dat het object vervormd.
  2. Or, how about a printer scanner combination http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/09/02/fuel3d-makes-3d-scanning-solutions-easily-available-sides-atlantic/ Call me excited
  3. I posted this some months ago, and hope this will happen http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5968-next-ultimaker%C2%B3-laser-sintering/
  4. I had some great results with XT with a thicker layer hight and 0.8 nozzle
  5. When I have this problem, it is usually due to power glitch, after switching the oven in the kitchen or power plugs with multiple extensions :-| But I do have my UM running with USB, I have the restart the PC and reconnect with Cura.
  6. Thanks guys, it was indeed a teensy tiny gap in the model, I already used Meshmixer to close all the gaps, but after the first rounds of gap fixing I hit the check tab again, and still showed a secondary gap :???: seems you have to hit the check for gaps tab multiple times after fixing, it might still show gaps that need fixing :mrgreen:
  7. I ran across a problem when slicing in Cura, it creates a space in between sliced layers, and will create a mess when printing. when it slices all goes well, but after the toolpath reaches 100% the gap is created, is this a glitch in Cura, and how do I solve it. I tried numerous settings, but all did the same :( tried it on two Mac computers, with diff versions of Cura this is a large print, and I cannot afford to mess up with long prints and lots of material.
  8. Heard about this problem before, the computer had not finished writing the file to the SD card, and the g-code file was not complete. try saving it again to the SD card, and make sure it has finished saving
  9. Maybe this is a crazy idea, but could you not use "Hagelslag" with a heated nozzle ? :cool:
  10. I also will never use Twitter, I like a bit of Privacy Pretty please,please reinstate the script !
  11. I just check all new designs here: http://www.yeggi.com/ it shows the latest designs from several sites.
  12. Some pics ? :mrgreen: I also love Trespa, I never thought about doing my Ultimaker+ with Trespa, And I can probably cut it on my CNC. I know Trespa can withstand water, but not sure about oils.
  13. Could the next Ultimaker³ be a laser sintering printer ? http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/06/04/open-source-community-academia-working-develop-new-3dp-sintering-process/ I cant wait edit gr5: fixed link
  14. Ik ben ook tegen een vergelijkbaar probleem gelopen, ik heb toen zelf een extra rand getekend op de niet platte vorm en deze naar de ondergrond geëxtrudeerd, dit randje is heel makkelijk achteraf te verwijderen, en is minder werk dan de support die Cura maakt.
  15. Ik zou sowieso proberen om rechtopstaand te printen, dan heb je al minder afwerking nodig, en de vorm van de romp wordt ook gladder. ook een nadeel is dat support op een minimale afstand van het object geprint wordt, daardoor zakt het te printen materiaal tegen het support, en dat maakt het ook ruwer. een andere optie is de opbouw en de romp te printen dat de support altijd aan de binnenzijde zit, wat minder afwerking nodig heeft en een deel kan laten zitten als je de 2 helften op elkaar lijmt. of de boot met opbouw geheel in tweeën te delen, en voor en achterzijde rechtopstaand te printen zonder support, en deze twee helften aan elkaar te lijmen.
  16. Hey Roelf Support structuur is al een tijdje niet optimaal, en zeker niet bij de laatste versie van Cura, wat je kan proberen een oude versie van Cura te gebruiken die een betere Support structuur bied. wel is het zo dat support altijd een wat ruwere uiterlijk geeft die nog nabewerkt moet worden, maar soms is de truc van de richting van het printen een oplossing. Misschien kan je een afbeelding plaatsen van het bootje, zodat we een beter idee krijgen van het probleem, in delen printen van een object is soms al een oplossing, of rechtopstaand printen. is het alleen de romp of ook de opbouw ?
  17. I also think having Ultimaker there is a must, Maybe turning it into some kind of media event would make it more interesting for Ultimaker, like printing a robot or artificial arm for somebody on the day of the event. that would give the event more purpose then just printing toys all day
  18. Maybe Mac users, like me, are more careful of submitting "anonymous usage information" I'll turn mine back on again, maybe it helps getting the Mac version to work better
  19. I also had the same problem after installing the 14.03 version, menu's would not work, trying to open the expert setting did nothing, only after trying to open a new document, then all the menus I clicked suddenly opened all at once. even after I thoroughly removed 14.03 and installed 14.01, it had the same problems. with a second user account the problem was gone, so I reinstalled OSX, and the problem is gone, but I am a little hesitant to use 14.03 in the near future :???:
  20. It's a nice idea, but the nozzle size and fans will impede the shape and size of parts you want to make, but, the software used to do this, could turn all 3D printers in a very nice 3D milling machine and why not print that on it's side and add some support you cut away afterwards ?
  21. I had a Ultrasound checkup at the hospital today, I was pretty nervous for days, but there was nothing wrong and all seems to be in the clear :eek: it looks like I can finally go on with my life after more then 2 years of illness and hospitalization, after my kidney transplant for my mother went wrong (she's doing great) it feels a bit weird :grin: working with my Ultimaker helped me from going insane
  22. @Jason I received the kit a few days ago, I wish I waited for the glass and extras. any chance to get the extra parts not in my kit ? nvm, I ordered the separate kit from ebay (thealienatemywallet) but maybe getting a longer extension cable would be nice ?
  23. These sort of supports are normally used with SLS machines, but some UM users have had success with using them, you might want to try older versions of Cura, there was a version that had really great support with a kind of printed mesh, and was very easy to remove, but Daid removed it as it was causing problems in newer versions of Cura. I really hope Daid has Support high on his agenda
  24. Cura keeps giving me trouble, it seems my wife needs to push the print button, otherwise Cura refuses to print :???: and anybody has some advise what filament to use, and best temperature file: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/baby
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