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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Exactly, one of the fruits of being open source A couple of users have collaborated on this approach, even @UltiArjan himself. But I would recommend to first get familiar with the machine, understand how everything works etc, before you start such an intensive mod. And like UltiArjan says, if it is a fixed duplicate of the hot end I would have doubts at the usefulness / pleasant experience you would have as a user.
  2. To me it looks like your print got loose, got attached to the hot end and got dragged along with the printhead. Bed adhesion is a sum of multiple things. You need a slow first layer, bed temperature, potentially an additional adhesive but most importantly; proper bed leveling. If your bed is too low it will fail no matter what. If a feeder is too powerful, wouldn't it rather over extrude, push melted filament upwards (out of the PEEK) or start grinding? If there is a leak, there is a leak and it would show but I don't think the feeder creates a leak. Do you?
  3. .. And the Ultimaker officials are roaming the forums too! Hi @PureSteel, welcome to the forums! What kind of materials are you planning on using most? Or do you just prefer to keep options open and see wherever the 3D printing path leads you? If you are feeling adventurous this is also still an option
  4. Usually that is the case when you click a notification from a post that you have already read. Maybe by regular scrolling through the forum. Thinking back, do you think that is what could have happened?
  5. SandervG


    @Valcrow or @BaasB, you two are fairly experienced with painting PLA. What tips can you share? If you want to read more about the ABS/Acetone mixture or materials in general I wrote about it in our materials Schooling blog recently.
  6. Like @Neotko says it has a release-lever which you can pull to manually change filament. Do you have any other modifications that makes you wonder if it will fit?
  7. Did you recently install new firmware? I would recommend to go to Cura, doublecheck you have the Ultimaker 2 selected, not Ultimaker 2+, and install default firmware. Maybe that would help.
  8. Nice, very impressive In the 'door frame', if that is the best word, it looks like some zig-zag between the layers and 2 colors. Do you think that could turn into a sharper transition by increasing resolution, or is it just difficult because it is such a small strand you are printing each layer? Just wondering, you are kinda becoming the expert here!
  9. oh, I wasn't diverting an attack on the feeder, by all means. My questions were more to prevent an assumption to consider a certain number or difference as abnormality or bench mark. To find out what is happening, determining what '100% / normal' is sounds right. Also, it was only very recently that I read about that 'slightly heavier' feel for the first time, so I don't know much about it. I did hear about your 10% in feedrate mystery too. I'm still working on finding a solution for you
  10. Well, first thing that comes to mind is.. what is 100% ? Maybe the original feeder was right, and other feeders / X where over extruding? Maybe Cura gives a not 100% estimation?
  11. ahh ok. Well, I have passed on the information and will let you know once I hear back. Could you let me know what behaviour a different browser causes for you?
  12. I believe it has been asked a few times, if not this is just an additional piece of information; the feeder + motor will also become available separately later down the road. Hopefully this will give some of you a little peace of mind
  13. sooooo.. it is most likely your browser? Or am I stepping out of line now?
  14. If you would be willing to give another browser a try that would be helpful. In the meantime I'll pass this information on to our dev's and see what they have to say Thanks!
  15. Here is a thread with a potential solution , @Gr5, do you possibly know what other reason I am trying to think of?
  16. Hi Gerson, welcome to the forums. I believe there are 2 reasons for this to happen. One was uploading the Ultimaker 2 firmware. Can you tripple check you are uploading the correct firmware to your Ultimaker? So if you have an upgrades Ultimaker Original, upload the Ultimaker Original with heated bed upgrade, not the Ultimaker Original+ firmware. Those machines have different electronics. About the second reason, I'll have to look for it
  17. I believe they also use an enforced material, but it is a different material than we use. Someone recently mentioned it.. let me see if I can find it. Anyway, our coupler is PTFE-TFM.
  18. That is hard to tell because the PT100 gives a better reading, so in some cases it may be lower but that won't show in your settings, or just the other way around. It does have more torque but I don't want to make any claims on how this will affect your print profile because of the new PT100.
  19. For that reason we made it a month instead of a week! Well, hopefully you won't get buried at work and ideally find some time to come up with an amazing idea
  20. haha! Can't wait to see the entry. @Labern, you must also have an idea boiling, don't you?
  21. Well, we could start here and report what features are missing here. Then.. when we actually start to build it we can include those suggestions.
  22. Hi Giddi, thank you for your post. No problem, that is what the official forum is for. Well.. I like to think it is most of all a happy place where people share knowledge, experiences and make friends but it is also a place to find help. Official help too, on the official Ultimaker forum We're sorry you feel frustrated, I can imagine if you felt like you already needed to make some modifications when you just got it, that this is an unwanted or untimely development for you. The Extrusion upgrade is not necessary, it is not like we'll discontinue to support the 'original' Ultimaker 2. It is also not like your Ultimaker 2 will start to perform worse now that there is an update available. I would suggest to enjoy your Ultimaker 2 and consider this upgrade once you feel your Ultimaker 2 is due to a renovation. Feel free to send me a DM with a summary of what you felt like you needed to modify from the start so we can see if that was reasonable. Just so you know, some of these parts should become available individually too. Not yet right now, but later. So we won't need to have this conversation again in a few weeks
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