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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @ChipBart, thank you for your post. Could you upload a picture of your Ultimaker and the part you have questions about? On the plug should be like a small edge that you could grab with your nails to pull it out. If you do not tilt during pulling but pull it in a straight line out, you should be fine. Good luck!
  2. Sorry, the Extrusion upgrade is only compatible with the Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended.
  3. I did not even notice it, you are going commando! Have you also considered to print the two parts separate and glue them together? Or use a heating tool to fuse them together later manually? I was wondering why you preferred this method. And did you remove the fans because it was printed in PET? (You could have also just used tune and turn them off )
  4. Hi All, Hopefully we'll see you again on our upcoming Ulti-Evening. It will be on April 4th in FabLab Protospace. The topic of this event will be the Extrusion upgrade. My dear colleagues Marrit and Dennis will explain to you what the various improvements are that come along with the Extrusion upgrade. We'll also install one during the Ulti-Evening to demonstrate how easy it is to install. If you have one lying at home waiting to be installed, bring it along and you can install yours together with us and we can even lend you a hand. In case you have not seen it here is the introduction. See you there! Date: 04 - 04 - 2016 Location: ProtoSpace Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (Bring your Ultimaker!) and order food (10 euro pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentation 19.00 - 22.00 Extrusion upgrade installment
  5. Nice, it is great to see some more entries coming in! @Neotko, you should make that into an official entry
  6. Well, I'm not saying never. But a significantly reduced chance of happening for multiple reasons.. shall we settle for that?
  7. But get two instead, in case you loose one again Also it could be an idea to develop a feel for the levelling of your bed on eye sight. You'll probably learn it through experience, but in that case you wouldn't need an aid anymore at all
  8. Did you also ever try an ABS slurry? (it is mentioned here )
  9. Nice! How did you like Corkfill? Does it have any other additional advantages of why you would use Corkfill? Or solely the look of it?
  10. Does it have to do in the order you uploaded your things?
  11. I see a huge hit in this! Is this going to be the next '@IRobertI's feeder'? (in terms of popularity)
  12. Hi, with one hand you can press the lever and with your other hand you can either pull out or push in the filament. This feeder is less likely to grind because the material is further away from the motor, it is a different motor so it won't get soft. Secondly, it is stronger so it won't give in to friction that easily, which means no grinding. If you do end up needing to clean it, you can dismantle it from your Ultimaker with just 2 screws. The motor will stay in place due to the mounting plate, as you know / have guessed. If you need it clean it even more, you can open it pretty easily even more when it is dismantled.
  13. Can you combine your work with preciousplastic and as a teacher to come up with an entry @3DCase? If not for the fun, it would be an interesting challenge to see if the extrusion upgrade fit an Ultimaker Original!
  14. I notice it too, says the connection is not secure. Thank you for pointing it out, we'll fix it soon!
  15. Hi Henry, welcome to the forums! Perhaps you are talking about elephant's foot?
  16. Like GR5 says, ABS kinda has a bad smell, but PLA and most other materials don't really have a smell. You could also use it to your advantage with this coffee-aromatic filament!
  17. Don't know why it wouldn't! Just wondering, is that your workplace at -2 or will you be locating it at your basement?
  18. I would highly recommend to put it in an ventilated area if you are going to print with ABS, and if you are going to be in the same room. It shouldn't generate any smoke for the smoke detector so I wouldn't worry about that. What is the room temperature in that room? What materials are you generally planning on using?
  19. You would be best off contacting your reseller, describing your situation and request a new motor. Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
  20. Good luck with your project, sounds like you have a nice big project on your hands! Any idea how many hours this is going to take, and the entire size your truck will be? Good luck!
  21. Could you take a close up picture of your teethed sleeve on your extruder motor to check if those teeth are still good? XT and XT-CF are pretty hardcore materials and maybe they have had an affect on your teethed sleeve. Are you sure your nozzle is still good? Some materials are pretty abrasive and can wear down your nozzle, or leave residu behind. Besides your PTFE being new, is it also positioned correctly? It doesn't look like an Ultimaker PTFE, so not sure if that gap is big enough, or too big? Is the ID good?
  22. Well if you look at the and you like what you see I don't think you can go wrong. Also because I am pretty confident about Ultimaker's print quality These models are not post processed and give a good indication of what you can expect. There usually is a learning curve involved getting to know the machine and technology but since you are already experienced through your TAZ 5 that probably won't be a problem
  23. I would like you to install the latest Ultimaker 2 firmware through Cura, just to be sure. Then do a factory reset, if any values have been changed they are back to normal. If both of these option have no solution, your motor is probably broken.
  24. Speaking of smileys, a few little birdies have mentioned in the past they did not like these. Would you prefer the 'normal' emoji's instead? Edit; @ataraxis, I just edited your post without really editing it (added a '.') The smiley's all remained. When and how did you encounter this issue?
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