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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Wow, super smooth! I applaud your smooth-skills Was this printed with the questionable bearing?
  2. I saw that yesterday as well! Very beautiful indeed! Quite insane that it needs to be printed at 1037ºC but beautiful results. I wonder where they will take this. Would this make glass stronger?
  3. We kicked off the schooling blog a little while back with a topic about maintenance. Looking forward we will cover the entire range of what’s involved with 3D printing, but for now we’ll focus on 3D printing in general. Everyone who owns a 3D printer agrees there are certain ways of doing things to get the most out of your 3D printer. To help give you the lowdown on these best practices we’ve combined the knowledge of our local Ultimaker experts with our online knowledge base to regularly present a collection of tips. Sharing is caring people! If you follow along with these blogs you’ll become a specialist in no time. When preparing a print, choosing the right 3D printing profile makes a really big difference. It’s why we put a lot of work into Cura to make it as intuitive as possible, with default profiles and the option to open the hood so you can get more in-depth when you’re ready. To help you get to that point, we’ll be covering subjects like: what guidelines are important to know, what are important settings, what do all those settings in your Tune menu mean, why do we use 2.85mm filament and how do you improve your overhangs? - Start of a 3D print - Tune the settings on your Ultimaker - Adhesion - Finding the balance - Overhangs - 2.85mm filament - All tied up All will be revealed – just keep on reading about 3D printing with an Ultimaker. Let us know what you think about these Schooling blogs and what you possibly want us to write about next!
  4. Thanks guys! There is already a lot of testing going on with Cura and sometimes other stuff as well. What kind of testing would you like to do? (Send me a DM so we won't derail this topic. Thanks!)
  5. That should also work. What is it that you copied? Here is me pasting an entire URL (incl https://) in the youtube editor:
  6. I think you would be best off reaching out to your reseller or our partner in UK.
  7. Lets say the youtube link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12341234 then you should copy and paste the '/watch?v=12341234' in the 'Youtube/Vimeo' button. How did you do it?
  8. Thank you all for the suggestions, this is all really helpful! Terms of use is indeed very important! My initial thinking is that any projects that sees light of day will remain to be the property of the owner. He can decide whether it stays an 'open project' so free for everyone to source and build and use or, if Ultimaker is on board too, work out some kind of arrangement to be adopted by Ultimaker. The definition of 'owner' is also something to be discussed. Is it always and solely the person who started a project? Or can it be a joined ownership when two guys do each 50% of the work? But whatever the outcome is, the owner(s) should be on board. Maybe when we have made more progress we could start a separate thread on what we think the optimal ToU are. I think a part of the platform we should not forget is not just how to present a project, but also how we get to that point. I had the impression in @DidierKlein's write up the focus was more on how do you present it clearly when it is finished, where we skip step 1; how to get it finished. And developing it, collaborating efficiently is the most complex part. And because people are busy, I think an agenda is a must have. So you can plan to your own personal preference but also the other participants know what to expect. And it is a reminder. If we want a group project ever to succeed I don't think it is unreasonable to ask some level of commitment to the participants. Everyone is investing time, and if someone is not acting up on his deliverables that is very demotivating for the group. About people who use it; making something together with someone else, something challenging which doesn't exist yet is appealing to a lot of makers I think. The challenge, the making, the creativity and acknowledgement when finished is the first appealing factor don't you think? And eventually there is a chance it could result in a compensation. Or do you think the latter is the biggest incentive to participate? I have also heard about OnShape or GrabCad / Workbench? Has someone worked with any of these?
  9. At some point yes, but not yet during the launch of the extrusion upgrade.
  10. Feel like adding some context to this image?
  11. What about you @Gr5, you are one of our most active users. What do you think?
  12. Thanks for the input, we certainly will take these points with us when moving on! @Foehnsturm, you are a creative user as well and you have made a very appealing magnetic tool changer. You could be a great example of a user who would be interested in such a platform. What do you think? Would you use such a platform? What wold be desired features?
  13. The fan shroud is also included with the Extrusion Upgrade
  14. @dim3nsioneer, @LePaul, @UltiArjan, We are not building our own search engine from scratch. We have a popular search engine installed called elasticsearch which is also used by big companies like wikimedia, github, stack exchange. But it needs to be configured, and the configuration can be optimized. Google search is an option too, but just like elasticsearch that needs to be optimized too. By talking to you we are trying to do the best configuration for our forum.
  15. I have been reading it on the weekend too. Michael Weinberg also had an interesting blog (2) about it. (I don't know if the content is very different, but I know he is very experienced in these open source licenses). Very curious to see how this plays out. And I was kinda surprised about the scale in which this happened. So big. It kinda felt to me like it was about licenses (and their heft) than it was about the actual models. Like a statement. Does this make sense to anyone? (even though after reading some quotes I haven't read before, the 'sellers' don't appear like they have done a lot of reading about what they are violating..)
  16. Nice. Hmm, didn't know that about PLA/PHA. @Wishbone, a quick google; what about this filament?
  17. Thank you for your reply! Sorry, I don't mean to be of annoyance, but what exactly did you like in Jira besides the experience? What tools or features did you like? Have you ever used Confluence (just for comparisons)
  18. Do we? IMO if we would show what keywords it didn't hit it could still be relevant. But have all keywords rank higher.
  19. Did you edit your material settings like this?
  20. I am guessing when that happens, there has not really been a new reply, is there? If there is, are you sure you haven't read it already through a different path? The last shouldn't matter because now if you visit a thread by just going through the forum and read a new post, it should automatically remove the notification. (but I figured I would mention it any way)
  21. Hi @Mabe, Thank you for your post, and welcome to the forum! How did you create the material profile? Did you create it on the Ultimaker first, then export it and import it later? Thank you!
  22. I think an agenda is super important yea! Great idea. Collaborating will require a lot of planning and agreements. If no one meets deadlines or they are not clear it will very quickly come to an end. What is it you specifically like about Jira? Those are some interesting questions that will require a lot of thought. Maybe we should open a separate thread to talk about this because I can see both topics get a lot of discussion. How do you mean 'affect third party printers'?
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