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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Of course we don't want to bite of more than we can chew. If we do this we want to go in fully prepared, hence this topic to get an understanding of what the community wants. We are in an orienting phase, so I am looking for what you think such a platform would need in order to succeed. I don't think a forum structure would suffice. It is great for debating, but I don't think it is ideal for collaborating. Various plug ins yes, easily show renderings etc. Fixing speed on the forum is not related to this. That will happen regardless of what comes out of this discussion. A platform like this could be an answer to those who are less active, but in general I think it would be a great addition to our community platform. Lets try to stay on topic please (what could an innovation platform look like) and not derail in potential forum improvements. Thanks
  2. @yellowshark With hits in support I mean the categories. Like: Site | Forum | 3D Prints | People | Support (225)
  3. Hi Titus, Agreed, the Japanese topics should not be listed. Have you tried finding the bronzefill topic? Did you use 'bronzefill'?
  4. So you have the same resolution but have it set to 0.6 nozzle while you actually have a 0.4 nozzle? 4-6cm is pretty impressive! Did you end up using your coated fanshroud or did you bend the original shroud a little bit? Edit; oh just read you use the original one. Care to share a pic on how you bent it? 'Over extruding means that i just print quicker, but suffer worse quality on flat suff on the x/y plane due to the edges no quite touching but its invisible on the z.' On your previous post you said your print cracked, could have something to do with this? Maybe the walls/shells are not fully touching either? In the end, I have heard you say it many times; if it works for you.. it works!
  5. Hi @A_Reed, Welcome to the forums Have you also tried printing with ABS, or is it mostly the stories that hold you off? Indeed, it is not as easy to print with as for example PLA, but materials like Nylon or POM or even XT or XTCF (colorFabb) can have some interesting material properties. Not sure how it works with POM, but have you tried making an ABS slurry for example? These materials have the tendency to warp, but usually it can be prevented without getting too 'crazy'. There are 3D printers that have a perforated board, could be something to look into?
  6. Yea I think so too, and that is why the idea rose to have it distinguished. But it is not only about presenting interesting finished projects. Ideally it could also be a collaboration tool between for example a mechanical oriented user and someone who knows programming who build something together they couldn't do alone. There is so much expertise, and if users can be connected that could be very interesting! Maybe in a way it can be compared to the 3D print section; where previously 3D prints easily got lost in the (currently) 151 pages, this new section keeps the overview and allows easy sharing of print settings and the file. Like you say, forum software is not ideal for something like this that is why I want to talk with you guys to figure out what we would potentially need.
  7. @Nilrog, thank you for your 2 cents. Speed is certainly something on our agenda. The search engine is something we are working on right now, and improving on the speed of the website shouldn't be much longer. We hope in March to have improved the speed. We'll add the tracking of your position as well, that is a good point. Thanks!
  8. If anyone is interested; there are currently two topics up which might be interesting to participate in: - Search engine - Innovation platform See you there hopefully!
  9. Hi Guys, Hope you are all well! While we continue to optimize our forum, we also want to look ahead and discuss some of the ideas we had. The original idea to have an extensive community platform was kinda put on hold when we faced facts that the forum needed more work than we anticipated. Just so we are all talking about the same thing; when you click 'community' we consider the area you visit the community platform. The forum is part of it, but it was meant as one of the pillars available for our users to use, inspire and collaborate. It's the 'one of the' I want to talk about. Will there be more? Originally the forum served as a place to talk, share experiences and debate but it is not ideal for collaborating on things, projects or modifications. Which for an open source company should be a pretty big deal. Exploring this option could be an interesting step for Ultimaker and its community. Nonetheless, we understand some of our expert users are eager to have a place where they pick each others brain, plug groundbreaking ideas, collaborate and not only talk about what can be next.. but build it! We have so many makers and experts amongst us. Beautiful things can happen! We are exploring options and figuring out if such an extension to this platform should be developed by us or if there are existing platforms which have the desired tools to manage projects, especially when the users are not in the same area. Or are totally wrong and nobody wants such a thing? There are applications like Basecamp, Atlassian and Github but they evolve around software. An interesting branch we want to include is hardware as well. We also want to have a place for teachers, but we think it is less 'demanding' than the above. So I was wondering, first of all; what would you think of such an extension to our community platform? Would you use, follow or care about a platform where users can gather and share, build, collaborate and improve upon Ultimaker, related Ultimaker things or just crazy projects in general? Are you familiar with such applications, that enable collaboration? - Which did you use? Did the tool have specific tools for hardware as well? - Do you think hardware even requires special tools to manage? What would you think are must-have features? Any other thoughts in general? Currently we are exploring options, but we hope to collect a list which will help us find or build the best fit. If there is such a desire that is..
  10. Hi @Nfcrockett, welcome to the forums! Is the Ultimaker 2 you found second hand or a new one? When installing the extrusion upgrade you are replacing most parts parts that would show signs of wear but you may want to check how it has been used (if it is second hand). Unfortunately, I can't say much about the costs yet. I don't think the upgrades are a must, because the Ultimaker 2 has been around for some time and won a lot of awards and acknowledgement. And that wouldn't have been possible if there were obvious design flaws. On the other hand, the upgrades on the Ultimaker 2+ do really make a difference and have made the machine more reliable (stronger feeder) and easier to use. - stronger feeder - more accurate PT100 - 35W heater cartridge - pre-installed Olsson Block - better and quieter fans (shroud) - etc. The max print speed is listed on our product page, along with other specs (Ultimaker 2+). Check 'm out
  11. @frederiekpascal, it searches in both body and title / subject. The order in which keywords are entered is also of influence, and that is something we want to improve. Currently it gives you too many hits, which needs to improved too, but it also separates hits from site / forum / people etc. Would you like an option like 'User:Frederiekpascal' and what would you expect to see? All of his/your posts? Or other tags? About filtering, what would you like to know? On what keywords you have a hit? Do you want to rank them on 'latest reply' or most relevant? And how would you define relevant? (We can create a configuration as well, but by asking you there is a higher chance we end up on the same page). @Dim3nsioneer; so you want the subject to be heavier? The original post has 94000 views, where our top hit has only 400. You want it ranked on the amount of views i.e. popularity? @Yellowshark, thanks for putting in your 2 cents. I see it had also quite some hits on 'support'. Did those results make sense to you? Were you satisfied is it only showed the 2 results on forum? Thanks guys!
  12. Hi Tenax07, thank you for your post and welcome to the forum! What front glass do you mean? Do you mean the glass plate on the Z stage? Looking forward hearing from you,
  13. Speaking of incomplete profiles, @Wishbone, what type of machine do you have? Are you also involved in dual extrusion? You mean reels as in filament right?
  14. It has begun! We've made some improvements to the search engine, and we continue to do so in the upcoming period. There are already some noticeable improvements where if you, for example, look for 'Tool changer' you find @Foehnsturm's topic on the 4th place. The other hits have a link to the thread so they are relevant as well. If you have a clogged nozzle, your first hit is 'how to disassemble a clogged UM2 nozzle' and some other related hits. But of course, we're not there yet. I would like to ask you to start use our search feature more in your workflow (I know a lot of people use google (I'm guilty too!)). And when you do, and you don't find what you need could you post here what keywords you used and what you were expecting to find? It will help us to improve even more. I'll do the same, as our dev will monitor this thread and soak up all the feedback! And when you use the search, and you do find what you were looking for let us know as well It will tell us what areas do work well and that could also help fixing other things. Thank you! ---- Edit. Added criteria: - Only show relevant topics. Or 'no results'. - Look into vbulletin for advanced search options. - Rank on amount of views / popularity. - When there is a hit on page 5, go to page 5 instead of page 1.
  15. I have made a print once with Ninjaflex and PLA, and that seemed to bond really well. So maybe it is just the Flexifill? Do you know how these materials are different?
  16. Did you try to add like an overlap? So the flex is like merged into the PLA? Instead of layed against it.
  17. I just did the exact same thing, read your post (through the notification), went to unread topics but it was not there. Could you check if it happens with other posts as well. I have the feeling we have been able to understand something more about its behaviour so hopefully that will lead to something.
  18. I think @Dim3nsioneer came with the suggestion to have the option to list the modifications you have made to your beloved Ultimaker machines. Now you can! If you go to your profile there is a new field underneath 'products'. You can write your modifications down. This will highlight your Ultimaker on your profile card next to your posts (like mine here on the left). If you click it a pop up will come up that informs you about my modifications.
  19. Thank you for sharing your solution with us!
  20. I haven't come up with an explanation on the fact it only under extrudes circles, but have you also cleaned the feeder? If it dug its way through your filament it could mean the knurled bolt still has some dirt on it. Is your bowden tube all the way in, and there is no play in it? (By hand you can not lift it up from the head, even a few mm?) Maybe retraction is suffering and priming isn't coming through well. Maybe it could be interesting to do a print with circles and without retraction, just in an attempt to isolate the problem. Good luck!
  21. No, but by modifying the gcode you could have your Ultimaker play some tunes for you It probably won't sound very violinish, but I think it is as close as we can get by providing music through an Ultimaker
  22. The Extrusion upgrade which is going to be launched will be the entire set from feeder to nozzle. So it will have the Olsson Block as well, and the stronger heater and more accurate PT100 and much more. Can't say anything yet about the price.
  23. Hi Thank you for your post! About the pictures, it could be because you took the pictures with your phone? The forum reads the orientation and rotates it to what it thinks is right. But it isn't always. It should have been fixed last week, let me forward this to our dev's. Care to share some more pictures of your feeder? Have you used the original feeder and mounted it on the original feeder motor but from a different angle from the frame? What is it that you mounted on the feeder which is on 2 of the 3 images?
  24. How does over extrusion enable better overhangs? In general a high resolution ensures better overhangs. If you look at this image extruding more doesn't sound like it would make sense.
  25. It's good to know what is out there What kind of job are you looking to do, what did you do in your previous job?
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