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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. For the UM2X Some inspirational quote like 'be the change!' sounds appropriate here
  2. Hi @VVPD, welcome to the forums! Do you have any modifications on your Ultimaker 2 or is it the complete stock set up? What I would first like you to do is during the print, see if the flexible filament is not getting tangled up in the feeder. Next, add 2 drops (not more!) of sewing machine oil in the bowden tube (detach from the back, hold it straight up and down the hatch they go!), disable retractions and increase the tension in the feeder a little bit. Print around 15/20mm/s at 225ºC. Let me know how that goes You have to play around with the settings a little bit, but it certainly is doable. I have printed (among others) an entire enable hand with NinjaFlex so I know from first hand experience.
  3. Ha Job, Het taggen kan vrij makkelijk dmv een '@' voor de volledige username te plaatsen. Dit voorbeeld is precies wat ik bedoel waar ik denk dat deze dual optie geschikt voor is: Wat wel mooi is hoor, begrijp me niet verkeerd Heb je foto's van prints die met PLA en PVA gemaakt zijn? Ben ik wel benieuwd naar. Wat betreft Ultimaker heb je helemaal gelijk. Betrouwbaarheid en precisie staan erg hoog in het vaandel, maar de service en community die daar achter schuil gaan behoren toch ook zeker tot grote hoekstenen van de Ultimaker filosofie. En laten we niet vergeten dat we ook het beste voor hebben met onze klanten door onze laatste ontwikkelingen ook backwards compatible aan te bieden aan onze bestaande klanten! Maar behalve mijn mening ben ik benieuwd naar de mening van andere die ook beide machines kennen. @3DCase, misschien kun je overwegen je vraag ook nog in het Engelse deel te posten, hoewel ik niet echt een idee heb hoe groot Builders internationale draagvlak is..
  4. Ha @Job_van_Gennip, bedankt voor je reactie. Wat betreft de twee materialen optie op de builder, is het niet zo dat deze niet 2 printkoppen heeft maar 1 printkop met een 'Y' splitsing erboven? In de prints die ik daarvan zie, zie ik vrijwel altijd een kleurverloop, wat een esthetisch leukigheidje is maar niet de functionaliteit biedt die je wil hebben met 2 verschillende materialen. Hoe voorkom je als je bijvoorbeeld PLA en ABS print, dat de ABS niet de PLA verstopt? Of ABS met PVA? Er blijft toch altijd wat residu achter in de hot end. Als ik het design niet goed begrijp dan hoor ik graag waar ik het mis heb, maar zo stel ik me dat voor. @3DCase, goed dat je je horizon verbreedt en kijkt wat er nog meer is. Wat betreft Ultimaker weet jij als geen ander wat een werkpaarden dit zijn en de filosofie achter het design, dus dat zit denk ik wel goed!
  5. I added it for you. Why didn't it work? I copied the embed code (next to share) and just pasted it in the text editor
  6. whoops, sorry! Is this still happening continuously? What browser are you using? Have you tried an alternative browser and see what the behaviour is?
  7. Nice idea! Don't you think it would become less rigid if it was made up of separate parts? If it would be less rigid the surface quality could suffer / couldn't print as fast. And above a certain hight, when your prints become taller you need to compensate it with a rigid Zstage to keep everything still and steady. And the cables might be avoided if you could connect them together with some connectors, right? The rods etc would need to be replaced. I think what @Neotko is asking.. why would you want to be modular and face these challenges. What do you think?
  8. Is someone going to make a joke about ABS fumes in this context?
  9. SandervG


    Do you think your difficulties with ABS over PLA were because of the file or because of your print settings? I thought Gael preferred to print in ABS too. As an alternative to ABS, you may want to consider giving CPE a chance.
  10. SandervG


    I have read about some people making it, have you already started? I had the honour of meeting Gael a few times, what a genius! Keep us up to date about your developments, I would be super interested to read it
  11. Hopefully we'll have a lot of entries of UM2 owners then
  12. The 'original' clips were sometimes quite hard to open up and not comfortable for your fingers. These new clips have a 'handle' which is way more comfortable (or humane if you prefer) to use
  13. I saw the same question posted yesterday in another thread and the answer was yes. Check it out
  14. Hi James,Thank you for your reply! If you want to understand all the required steps of assembly we have created a detailed manual for you. What do you think? It is a pretty straightforward installation, which would take between 30 - 60 minutes. If you are having difficulties with your current feeder or any other part in your Ultimaker, feel free to reach out to our support department so we can find out why and if it is not working as it should. I don't think this upgrade solves any 'flaws', otherwise the Ultimaker 2 would not have won so many awards or shoot outs. This upgrade offers parts that bump some already good parts to a level of excellence. Looking forward hearing from you if you need any help sorting out any difficulties you are experiencing with your Ultimaker. Hope you have a great day!
  15. There is no specific kit coming with all the parts you see here, except the Olsson Block. If you have already bought an Olsson Block only the heater block may be a duplicate. All the nozzles can be used as spares, maybe to reduce downtime or for alternative materials. We wouldn't have been able to offer this upgrade fully assembled if we would have left the Olsson Block out. Plus we save you from the efforts of taking it out again and reinstalling it in this new print head. It makes a huge difference for the user experience.
  16. Here you go, extrusion upgrade.It is linked from the homepage where it is featured in the carrousel.
  17. @Frederiekpascal, you have had a regular Ultimaker 2 and you now have moved towards an Ultimaker 2+ (Extended?) right? What do you think about the difference in quality between the two machines? Would you think it is worth it?
  18. What is that 'other printer'? Does it start with U and ends with Ltimaker Original?
  19. eye contact should be avoided, o-mighty Atomic Bob! You're living the Ultimaker rock-star life!
  20. Wow, beautifull!! It actually appeared in the movie?? Now I have to watch it again! Was it used as a prototype or as the actual building thunderbirds style? You should upload it as a 3D print as well so it will not disappear from the radar from page 153 on..
  21. I remember someone saying taking part of a contest and learning something is already rewarding, and the upgrade may fit an UMO+ too. But this needs to be tested first, not sure. (or it could be a challenge for you to make it compatible if you win )
  22. that is not something we have tested yet, but among others @neotko is convinced it would (by looking at it), when replacing the slider blocks.
  23. Working on it. Should become available today at Makerpoint I believe.
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