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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thank you all for your entries and enthusiasm! I think we can all look back at a successful contest with a lot of great entries. We have been able to make the world a little bit of a better place through all these upgrades I'll run these entries down my team of jury members and we'll report back tomorrow with a winner! It will be around 2pm CET. ... exciting!!! Thanks again all, and hopefully you'll take part in our next contests as well
  2. haha I'm sure you do Maybe there will be another competition following this one.. just maybe.. BUT.. this one is not over yet! Give us your best!
  3. Have you tried different temperatures? Maybe go up a little bit? Are your fans on or off? I would recommend to leave them off for ABS. Are the joints dimensionally different? Usually ABS has less friction than PLA and therefor joints are easier printed in ABS. But maybe this is not the case for you..
  4. Ohhh nice entries everyone!! Last day... will there be any more entries? Exciting!
  5. Hi @PrintingRevo, great print! And nice video. I have the feeling I have seen more video's from you but it seems you only have 3 posts. Have you been posting your video's else where as well? Did you put regular sunglasses behind the 'eyes'? And hopefully you are OK after that intrusive laser-attack! WOW. Luckily those stormtroopers can't hit anything anyway
  6. There is a fair chance it did, and if not I would definitely recommend to give it a try.
  7. yeah... @SandervG can you share an assembly instruction for the + head and (the dimensions of) the spacer tool used? People will have to take there head appart someday... even if the new teflon is better... I'll see what I can do!
  8. Thank you for your reply. I'll ask internally if we have ever used deep cool fans, in an attempt to find out if the fans are the reason for your issues. Not every fan is identical, and it could be that it requires a different amount of voltage to kickstart, or it can only run at full power. This is just a mere option. So perhaps it is something completely different. Like Roberts suggestion, swapping the fans could give you more insight. Looking forward hearing from you if you have given this a chance, otherwise I'll let you know when I hear back about the deep cool fans.
  9. The workshop is on a Tuesday. It starts at april 19th and will be continued on April 26th and May 3rd. It starts at 18.30-21.30. Indeed it is a stretch, but it would be quite the upgrade to your Ultimaker.
  10. Hi Auke, Welcome to the forums! Could you tell us a little bit more about the Ultimakers that you are using? Are both regular Ultimaker 2's or Ultimaker 2+? And are they upgraded / modified in anyway like an Olsson Block or custom fan shroud? Pictures are always helpful Did you purchase both at the same time? Thank you,
  11. Voor wie er bij de Ulti-evening is geweest waarbij Aad zijn Colorpod demonstreerde, Protospace organiseert een workshop waarbij je zelf je Ultimaker 2 kan ombouwen tot een 3D Inktjet printer. Hij wordt uitgerust met een poeder dispenser en twee inkjet printkoppen. Mocht je een ander type printer hebben en graag mee willen doen, neem dan ook even contact op met Protospace. De workshop begint op 19 April en kost €750 Inschrijven kan je via Protospace op dit nummer: 030-223 08 75 Mocht je dit gaan doen, zien wij hier op het forum natuurlijk graag daar het resultaat van
  12. For everyone who attended this Ulti-evening, or is interested to know more.. Fablab Protospace is offering a workshop where in 3 evenings you will learn how to transform your Ultimaker 2 in a 3D Inktjet printer. You'll be equipped with a powder dispenser and two inktjet printheads. WOW! This workshop starts at April 19th in Protospace and it costs €750 If you are interested, get in touch with Protospace by calling 030-223 08 75
  13. That is what I am gonna ask, about the brackets / strings etc. Right now I don't know.
  14. Agreed. I'll mention this (priority from titles) soon to the dev's. But 'information during print' are some pretty generic keywords which are probably in every thread. It should show forum first (when searching from forums), maybe it was overlooked during implementation.
  15. Ahh I think I get it. Sounds like fun! I am not much of a modeller but I gave it my best shot in Tinkercad Lets see where the next person takes it and what kind of crazyness comes from this! About structuring, what do you think is the best way to connect these together? Like uploading to YouMagine and sharing my upload in your comments? Ive named it Cycle-print v2. I'll do that and if you have a better idea let me know .. Who'll be next?
  16. Hi Peetersm, we are far from a perfect search engine, but last week we have made some improvements to the search engine. I'm waiting to get a full disclosure about what configuration we have now but I believe it has been improved. You no longer have infinite hits and the hits actually do make sense. Has the reason for this reply been that you could not find what you were looking for? What were you looking for? For example, I have just searched how to unclog nozzle, as I can imagine someone searches for that, and I find all kind of topics with help. Thank you for your patience
  17. For the sake of testing, have you tried printing it with like.. 60% infill or less? Does it even print infill or are the shells thick enough to touch / create the entire stick?
  18. Very curious to see what you will be making! I would consider printing flexible materials for the experienced user, and would certainly not start with it. Even though you are familiar with a Zortrax (how was that working out for you?) an Ultimaker is a different machine which behaves differently. So I would recommend to first get familiar with PLA, see how the machine works and than move to the flexible materials. Generally speaking flexible materials need to be printed slower than regular filaments.
  19. Hi @Mikelam, thank you for your post and welcome to the forum. Could you be a little bit more specific about what is happening? - What kind of 3D printer are you working with? - Do you see any error messages? - What is the behaviour you are noticing that makes you think your heater is not working? - What is your current workflow? Looking forward hearing from you and I'm sure we'll be able to help you in no time!
  20. hmm, I thought I already replied to this thread.. What I imagined I said was; thank you for the feedback! We're happy you appreciate the improvements we have made. We'll have another look at that part of the pages. We have also made some other improvements to the website today. Curious to hear what you think. Among others we did the following: - We have optimized the menu and especially the 'resources' pages. - A better overview, and less clicks to get to places. We are still busy writing content and expanding the amount of knowledge. If you want to help, feel free to let me know! - Another topic of interest... Search! - We took the first steps to an improved search configuration. Let us know what you think. - Disabled searching for a "space" - When a search tab has zero results, it opens the first tab with results - We believe we fixed the ghost notifications issue in the community. Big news! Let us know if you still get them. Also, keep an eye out if in fact you do get all the notifications to the topics you are subscribed to. This filter could help to get a quick overview. - Topics with huge gcodes (as text) in them didn't work, they do now - When users posted the same URL twice in the same reply one of them didn't work - Users cannot post a topic with a title with less than 8 alphanumeric characters - User activity in a user's profile is now displayed correctly Let us know what you think, or what you feel we should have a look at too. Thank you for your time!
  21. Have you also documented how the replacement / mount in the Land Rover went? I thought that is what I was going to watch following your youtube link
  22. Hi @LesHall thank you for your post! Sounds like a very fun idea. I don't know if it is personal or maybe cultural, but I myself am not very familiar with a cycle story. Not sure about the other people from the community, but would you care to elaborate a little bit on your idea and how you expect others to collaborate?
  23. Hi Peetree, sorry to hear about the difficulties during, or well after the upgrade. Make sure to get in touch with Fbrc8 (I see a nice sticker on the bottom of your Ultimaker) and see if they can help. By the way, it looks like you also didn't put the + sticker in place yet. Most important part!
  24. Participating would still be fun and potentially educational / inspiring. Spare parts are always nice or you could make yourself the most popular guy on the forum and give it to someone who needs it
  25. Ohh, you should upgrade yourself (not that you need it.. I mean.. this is a great picture!! )
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