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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. are you saying my aggressive sales technique worked? You can buy it here. Couldn't you find it, or were you to lazy to be bothered? Your country settings should be set to UK, and if you go to products > add ons > extrusion upgrade you are being directed to that link. Does that make sense to you?
  2. The stepper model it's different. The rods indeed are something that isn't 'needed'. As for the cost could be cheaper but it's probably made for users that don't want/know how to fiddle with all the hotend assembly. You pay more and assembly it faster. The rods are in place because there is a risk of bending the rods when replacing the printhead, there is a risk they were already bent during usage / rough maintenance (Atomic Method?) or maybe they were not lubed frequently. When installing the upgrade you know your Ultimaker 2 (+) will be in excellent shape and will run like never before.
  3. In the text you can read that it has a new stepper motor too, it is not just a duplicate. It is different from the one you have installed now. The rods are in place because there is a risk of bending the rods when replacing the printhead, there is a risk they were already bent during usage / rough maintenance (Atomic Method?) or maybe they were not lubed frequently. When installing the upgrade you know your Ultimaker 2 (+) will be in excellent shape and will run like never before. It is fully assembled which makes it a very user friendly upgrade. It has much more than just an improved fan shroud, or an olsson block. @Dirkdirk, yes. Even the housing of the printhead has been strengthened. It has now glassfiber, so even when overtightening the thumbscrews (which happened sometimes) won't break your housing. Here is a list of the upgrades you'll find in the extrusion upgrade kit: Geared feeder and increased reliability With a stronger feeder you are less likely to see irregularities in the extrusion flow. The extruder motor is new and attached to a geared feeder for extra strength. Swappable nozzle for more options Different nozzles give you the option to either print faster or super detailed. You can also have different nozzles for different materials that you use. That will make your entire 3D printing experience more reliable. Optimised airflow for smoother prints A new fan shroud with improved airflow. The fans are mounted horizontally instead of tilted. More accurate PT100 It has a new PT100 with a nickel wire instead of a shielded copper wire. It will do a more accurate and reliable reading which makes sharing print profiles even easier! Stronger heater cartridge Are you on a rush job? The stronger 35W heater can keep up with your speedy 0.8mm nozzle prints. Stronger PTFE coupler The improved PTFE TFM coupler is stronger than ever. Add on top that the spring has been replaced by a spacer should give you more time to enjoy your coupler than ever before. And more smaller contributions making it a great addition for your Ultimaker 2, like an enforced housing for your printhead.
  4. It is live Here you can find the post that introduces the launch and there is even an opportunity to win one
  5. At Ultimaker we have always said we look after our users, and it was time to put our money where our mouth is. From talking to our users and gaining more experience and insights ourselves we have been turn our workhorse Ultimaker 2 into an even better 3D printer, the Ultimaker 2+. We thought it would only be fair to share this upgrade with our loyal and contributing community. The Extrusion upgrade will allow users to upgrade their existing Ultimaker 2 to the latest standard for improved print results. Every user with an Ultimaker 2 will now be able to enjoy the latest innovations. The extrusion upgrade contains: Geared feeder and increased reliability With a stronger feeder you are less likely to see irregularities in the extrusion flow. The extruder motor is new and attached to a geared feeder for extra strength. 
 Swappable nozzle for more options Different nozzles give you the option to either print faster or super detailed. You can also have different nozzles for different materials that you use. That will make your entire 3D printing experience more reliable. Optimised airflow for smoother prints A new fan shroud with improved airflow. The fans are mounted horizontally instead of tilted. More accurate PT100 It has a new PT100 with a nickel wire instead of a shielded copper wire. It will do a more accurate and reliable reading which makes sharing print profiles even easier! Stronger heater cartridge Are you on a rush job? The stronger 35W heater can keep up with your speedy 0.8mm nozzle prints. Stronger PTFE coupler The improved PTFE TFM coupler is stronger than ever. Add on top that the spring has been replaced by a spacer should give you more time to enjoy your coupler than ever before. and more smaller contributions making it a great addition for your Ultimaker 2. 
And the great thing is; it is all preassembled! So no worries about complex steps or finicky instructions. Following the few steps in the manual you can just ‘click’ your new print head in place. The Extrusion upgrade costs €395 / $395 and is immediately available in your local store. Being backwards compatible is important for us, regardless on when you decide to get on the Ultimaker train we will look after your best interest. We have made upgrades available to the Ultimaker Original, and not too long ago an upgrade was made available for the Ultimaker 2 in the form of an Olsson Block. Which is now preinstalled in the Extrusion upgrade as well. Ultimaker listens to its users and together we are working to give you the best 3D printing experience possible. As a cherry on the Ultimaker pie, we are also starting a contest where you can win an Extrusion upgrade for your Ultimaker 2. We are looking forward to your entries! Do you have any questions about the Extrusion upgrade or are you a happy user of one; let us know! Thank you all for your time!
  6. Calling out to all makers, designers, tinkerers and innovators! This is your chance to win an Extrusion upgrade kit and bump your Ultimaker 2 to the latest standards! By talking and sharing experiences with our community we have been able to develop the extrusion upgrade and make it available to you! As a thank you and in celebration of the launch we are starting up another community contests! Goal: Come up with an upgrade for your Ultimaker, office, house, car, pet or whatever you can think of using your Ultimaker. Add a feature, make it better, custom fit it to your personal situation. Anything that makes your sleep, eat, commute, work, or play more awesome! Got it? Entries will be judged based on ingenuity, creativity, (print-) quality and execution. Upload your entry as a ‘3D print card’ in this thread! upload your entry under ‘3D prints’. Share the ‘Embed’ code in this thread. A video can be included in the 3D print card. Timeframe: The contest will run for a month! Starting: March 9th 2016 End: April 11th 2016 5pm CET. Prize: 1 Ultimaker Extrusion upgrade. Value €395 Rules: It needs to be printed on an Ultimaker Modifications are allowed It may consist of non-3D printed parts Looking forward seeing your entries!
  7. Dear Khanate, here is an alternative reseller for you.
  8. I was kinda distracted by the usage of PSU, but maybe that information was not necessary. Could it be, just like @Peggyb says, that your nut has play? It would totally make sense, also because you say the speed influences the wobble. Usually in this case faster means better too.
  9. Have you tried bringing an UMO+ from your school to your home, or the other way around to see how that works? And what is the difference between print 1 and 4?
  10. Lol, second time in a row where you answer my question before I have asked it I'll just stop posting for a few minutes
  11. Did you took any more close up pictures? Sounds really impressive.I saw his hand device over a year ago where he also had the leather work and it already was amazing!
  12. @GR5 a beard looks good on you! Hopefully you had a good time, I am sure Skip had a lot of interesting stories and developments to share. What are you holding in your hands? Does Peregrine hand has claws? I am happy you finally got together!
  13. Please select the answer which helped you most so a future reader will be able to find the best answer asap! Thank you!
  14. Hi @Jtmma95, If you go to the advanced settings in Cura you will see 'cut off object bottom'. Setting that to 0 will most likely bring your object back on the buildplate. Good luck!
  15. Hi, welcome to the forums! @Gr5, what are your thoughts on using your 1.75mm kit for an Ultimaker 2+?
  16. So um this Nutella has me interested..... ..and hungry
  17. Isn't that 'assembled' robot in the middle 3D printed?
  18. that is the example they mentioned! A cup full with batteries. Looks pretty impressive!
  19. I didn't see an example but I was told that if you made the surface perfectly flat you would get a glass like transparency. The curved surface (layers) influences the transparency more than the fact the layers are stacked. So super thick layers and a flat surface should make it really transparent.. as I was told
  20. @Khanate, thank you for your message. Let me notify my colleagues and I'll get back with you with an update!
  21. Thanks! I did not see it yet. I've spent a few days in NYC so I am reading up on all that I have missed. @Gareee, my compliments to your print! It is b-e-a-utiful! What I have recently learned (but not yet tried) is that if you 3D print something in a transparant color like XT you can use like a certain coating to make it glass-like transparant. Is anyone familiar with this?
  22. Even if you have already installed the Olsson Block, it is still a valuable upgrade! Just the physical block you'll have twice, the extra set of nozzles comes in handy as spares or for ABS instead of PLA for example.
  23. Hi Guys, Earlier this week we published a new blog about the details of a rising file format; 3MF. It could be a very interesting big step for 3D printing where the exported digital file coming from digital fabrication is a better fit for the next step, 3D printing. The 3MF standard has been designed to have the complete model information contained within a single archive: mesh, textures, materials, colors and print ticket. An STL, on the other hand, contains only the simple mesh that is to be printed. This is why a dual material print, for example, currently requires two separate STL files to be loaded – one for each material. A 3MF for such a print would simply consist of a single file. I was wondering what you guys think of this file format and the possibilities it offers: You can read the 3MF blog here. How are STL's/OBJ's working for you now? Do they offer everything you need or have you created your workflow around some of the missing information? Do you think the 3MF holds is the next step?
  24. Hi, welcome to the forums! Happy to hear you are happy with your Ultimaker 2+! Could you also share a picture of your print that illustrates the difficulties you are having? If the part that needs to be 3D Printed is too small it may be that Cura skips it but looking at your STL it doesn't appear to be the case. Looking forward seeing a picture of your print!
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