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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. I think I need a little bit of help.. what am I looking at right now?
  2. Since the misalignment is so erratic maybe it is not the pulleys or the set screw. Maybe an end stop is interfering. Could you check if a wire is caught between a pulley, a motor or anything else which may cause a short circuit or triggers it? Looking at the offset on the image, I would first investigate the endstop which is on your front left. Good luck!
  3. I would recommend you read this blog first, it is especially about materials and should be very helpful to you!
  4. Hi Khanate, could you share with me the source of those prices? Which resellers are you in touch with? Thank you!
  5. Don't the layers itself undermine the transparency of a print?
  6. Here you go! http://support.3dverkstan.se/article/64-disassembly-of-the-ultimaker-2-plus-feeder
  7. Yes it has been posted on the forum a couple of times, let me see if I can find it.
  8. Hi Rob, I think that little thread of filament you see in your photo is blocking your filament. Are you able to pull it back out by hand, when there is no power on the Ultimaker? Alternatively, when that fails you can remove the entire bowden tube from the Ultimaker, put it in hot water to make it soft and then pull it out. You could pull it out, or use another string of filament to push it out. Good luck!
  9. Hi Mastory, I never have to sign in again. Could it be because you use different computers / browsers or your browser deletes the cookies after a certain amount of period?
  10. If you found UltiArjan answer helpfull, please select it as 'Best Answer' so other users can find the answer as fast as possible too! Thanks!
  11. It may be a long read but there are some topics about 3D printing chocolate with an Ultimaker. These tests were done with Nutella so not the most rigid material, but you can also use other types of chocolate which are way better suited for 3D printing.
  12. ok ok, next time I'll tag you as well @IRobertI no need to show off
  13. Hi @ChrisW, I think @Labern gave a very good response with good options for you to consider.
  14. Thank you for your input! Those points you mentions don't sound like cons to me. We are in an orientating phase, so every is possible! We want to avoid making assumptions leading to mistakes, so I don't really think it is a 'dumb question'. Github has some good features, but it is intended for software projects. In my original post I asked the question, do we think that involving hardware requires more features than software projects? In a way most of the projects will probably evolve around digital fabrication and CNC machines so a lot should be able to be shared. But maybe some of you have different experiences or insights. That is what I am after. So do you think it requires other features? And why? We don't need to 'own' or build it, but we do want to host it on our community platform.
  15. Hi Peetersm, Thank you for your input. It got better, I didn't say it worked flawless. There is still plenty of room for improvement like you pointed out. We wanted to give you guys the opportunity to be part of the optimalization while we were working on it as well. Hence this thread. The obvious things are also on our radar. We have also received some valuable input in terms of desired filters and options, so thank you for that!
  16. What type of things are you printing or what would you expect from the Ultimaker? Both a great machines which almost only have positive feedback so I think you can't really go wrong and at the very least expand your horizon and frame of reference in the scene of 3D printing.
  17. @Gr5, this sounds like a job for you
  18. That was a partial mistake from my end. I used to do it like that, but it is not necessary. In my last example I copy pasted the entire URL and that worked too, so we can ignore my previous comment about the /watch etc
  19. Yes, Fusion 360 is free for students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and startups but we are neither one of those plus that is only for 1 year. Than you need to buy a license. I read that onshape is limited in the amount of private folders or something in that area.
  20. Hi Arjan, for some reason (feel free to tell me if you know) that website generates a URL with watch feature video in it, and that part triggers the error. Usually, most embedded video's have a redirected URL and those work. It is also strange that if you click your link in your post, you are not redirected to the video, just youtube in general. Can we agree that this is a unique strange issue, and the youtube video's usually work?
  21. Or because the 'transaction' (profitable or not (filament/time) always takes place under the flag of 3DHubs, which is an organisation, it always undermines the NC license? Well, nothing is really safe. Even if it is not on the internet, like a physical thing, it can be reverse-engineered.
  22. @UltiArjan, how did you retrieve that URL? If you just use the original URL from youtube it should work as it should.
  23. Good question! Got me thinking. I think the difference in respecting the license or violating it would be in what you pay through 3D Hubs. If you only reimburse the 'maker' for the filament used, he is not making any money and therefor it is no commercial use. Kinda like in your example. If you also start paying for his time he is offering a service, which is commercial use. What do you think? And then there is also the use of the 3D Print. Is it being used at home, or in a professional setting? Obviously that is out of 3D Hubs radar, but this should be affected by the license too.
  24. Fusion360 cost money but it was also suggested yea. I think we want something what people can access for free and something which is open. Like you can view it without logging in, but if you want to participate you need an account, just like on the forum. @Labern, what would you say an 'owner' is? Is it always the person who started a topic? What if he needs help for 60% of the work but he had a great idea? I think an owner should be able to add another owner if that would mean someone will contribute to a very big part of the project. Looks like Onshape is something to remember!
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