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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @Herman-wouters, if you have found Didier's reply helpful, could you mark it as the best answer? It would help future readers with a similar problem find the best answer the fastest way possible. Thank you!
  2. you should! What did you do for post processing? At first sight it doesn't look 3D printed.
  3. It is approximately 20/25cm in total, very impressive! (obviously it was not a single print)
  4. Hi Stephen, thank you for your message. I'm sorry to hear about the confusion where you should go for your support. First of all, let me say you don't have to worry. If you could send over your email (click my name and you can send a DM) I'll make sure you'll get the help you deserve as soon as possible. In the mean time we'll talk with Mindkits on how to improve this for future references. You should get help from your local reseller, but we don't want to keep you hanging so we'll sort it out Lastly; you say you have bought your Ultimaker 2+ on December 24th. But the Ultimaker 2+ was only available from January 6th. Are you sure it is a '+'? Looking forward hearing from you!
  5. What was the reason for your visit? Looking for a job? Sounds like you had a good time. Always great to hang around with a bunch of other 3D printing geeks
  6. Does it also work with regular PLA, or is it aimed for abrasive materials only?
  7. Nice, did you make the nozzles yourself? Hopefully your filament will arrive fast! Is the main advantage that it doesn't wear down?
  8. It does! Everything from the feeder till the nozzle. What do you mean with the regular UM2? The upgrade is to convert any of the 'regular' 2 Family into a 2+. So both Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended.
  9. Isn't the app 'just' a Modio / Tinkerplay derivative?
  10. Welcome to the forum! I'm very curious what you will be making. Will you use it professionally or for your personal gain?
  11. Curious to see what kind of feeder you come up with Care to share your developments?
  12. Have you tried removing the electronics board out of its housing and see if you could remove the broken part that was in the reader from its slot, with a pair of tweezers? If it could save you the money, and you can invest in a + kit it could be worth the investigation. At the very least, you have to remove it anyway for replacement with the new board.
  13. Hi, welcome to the forums! This is a typical case of a loose pulley. Shouldn't be too hard to fix. I think it is always leaning towards the same side? Find the pulley involved which is involved with that movement and make sure the setscrew inside is nice and tight. Here are some instructions if you need any Good luck!
  14. Looks very small! Kinda like a baby brother from this model
  15. It will probably be March, the end of Q1.
  16. Hi @Rumbaughsm, I appears like you have stumbled upon a bug. I have received the following as a temporarily work around until the issue is fixed: The user is able to save all custom material profiles via the menu Material —> Settings —> 'export to SD’. After a bed levelling procedure all custom settings can be reloaded via the menu Material —> Settings —> 'import from SD’. Thank you!
  17. Hi, the extrusion upgrade kit will be available in March. We mentioned Q1, so the stretch is a little bit longer than Jan- Feb. With it you'll be able to upgrade your Ultimaker 2 (Extended) into an Ultimaker 2 (Extended) +. So just a little bit more patience is required, thank you!
  18. @larsstenfeldt, maybe this thread could help you.
  19. Sorry, you are right. I did it by heart, and it is suppose to be maintenance. Let me double check with our software guys, because you should just be able to level the bed.
  20. Could you explain how you access the bed levelling procedure, when the UM2+ is thinking you are going through the setup phase? Thanks!
  21. Hi! Welcome to the forum How is the Ultimaker 2+ working for you? For the Eiffel Tower, it looks pretty small in size based on your photo. It also has a lot of details and small strands in it, so you probably want to go with a smaller nozzle than 0.6. travel speed is the speed your printhead travel at when it is not extruding. Do you know at what speed it was extruding? When you say thickness, what do you mean? The walls or top and bottom thickness? Overall for such a detailed print I would suggest to go with a small nozzle, print fairly slow and at a low temperature. Good luck!
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