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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Good thing I checked, I got an unanimous conclusion that it most likely is a short circuit in your heater cartridge. I would suggest to get in touch with your reseller to have it replaced. Thank you for your time and patience!
  2. Wow this is seriously cool!! How long did it fly? How did it survive heath / resonance and the wind in general? Are you gonna make more? Kuddo's for this amazing project!!
  3. Hi Horsiris, Thank you for your post. I have double checked with our technical department. I think it might be your electronics that short circuited but let me double check first. Your last post completely missed my radar, our apologies for the inconvenience. Will report back asap - Have you also been in touch with your reseller?
  4. Hi @Peetersm, I was patiently waiting for the extrusion upgrade to become available and have a few ready as a prize It shouldn't be long now! When those are over, I'm planning on continuing the 'regular' contests on a frequent bases.
  5. Hi Drofnas, Thank you for your post. Sorry to hear about the message, we'll deal with it immediately. Are you looking for never receiving such spammy emails or just no emails from YouMagine in general? Thank you for your time!
  6. Hi Dweldz, that is very much possible. Next time you could heat up your nozzle to remove the filament or just snap it of with your fingers/knife/pliers. Good that you found the source and you can now continue 3D printing.
  7. SandervG

    3D prints

    Dag @Jipvdmee, Welkom op het forum! Dat klopt. Maar je hebt een 3D model nodig om mee te beginnen. Standaard 3D model-extensies zijn STL en OBJ. Dit zijn ook de extensies waarin je de meeste bestanden kan downloaden op websites zoals YouMagine. Wanneer je zo'n 3D model hebt (gemaakt, gedownload of gescand) moet je deze converteren tot een gcode in Cura. In Cura hecht je een 3D print profiel aan je 3D model, net zoals 'print-preview' in bijvoorbeeld Word, wanneer je een brief wil printen. Een gcode, het formaat wat uit Cura komt, is de extensie die de Ultimaker kan lezen. Succes!
  8. Good idea. We were now also looking into if lets say we both follow a topic and I get a ghost notification if you had it too. So lies the problem with the user or the thread. Your idea could also be part of it. I'll forward it to the dev's! Thanks!
  9. I have seen a recent case where printing with XT could also wear down the drive bolt. So if you are considering trying out different parts, I would definitely give this a chance too. @Nicolinux, I have the feeling you have some expertise on this subject as well? Underextrusion can manifest with horizontal smaller layers, but also vertically. I noticed, myself included, a few people suggested to check your PTFE coupler. Maybe I miss it, but I don't see a response on this. Could you confirm? It can be, due to the spring and pressure it has received over the last 5 months it has deformed a little bit and can cause under extrusion. Looking forward hearing from you!
  10. It is. It has to fit a bigger picture of things that require development but in this post you'll read that it has top priority of improvements that need to happen. We had a quick meeting this morning to go over some of the feedback that was expressed yesterday and I wanted to give you an update on the outcome. Ghost notifications Is on the top of our list. And it has been. But like I said before it continuous to be a problem which is very hard to reproduce. This makes it very hard to find the exact cause. We have made fixes in the past which all contribute to the solution, but the complete solution has not been found yet. We continue on finding the solution. When exactly this is found, hard to say. But with every fix we are getting closer. Search. Also on the top of our list. Together with the next point. Next week there is another meeting where we are deciding on an agenda which includes other projects which require development. When we can expect an improved search engine should become more clear after this meeting. Speed. Also on top of our list. We expect to significantly increase the speed in Q1 2016. Probably March. Some smaller things which were mentioned were different emoticons, highlighting interesting content (me and the moderators will help in this), and the overall feel (clumsy / sluggish). The latter will be different I think when the forum becomes much faster. If more feedback surfaces we'll see where that fits in the picture as well! Thank you!
  11. Hi Cloakfiend, Thank you for your write up. If you could mention what areas you think are malfunctioning and why? Like the bearing due to a wobbly head, maybe we can help! Being an explorer is a valuable characteristic. It is what leads to innovation! Sometimes it sucks. But when you succeed it is all worth it. And about marriage, Ultimaker gets more attention than my girlfriend
  12. 240/241 sounds right. Depending on the PID values it could always shift around a few degrees. I'm thinking we are maybe overthinking it. What material are you using now?
  13. Hi @Natsucielo, Welcome to the community! What Ultimaker do you have? Depending on what machine you have selected the buildvolume may change. 1) Do you mean the big square? That is part of your 3D model. You can sink it through the bed to avoid 3D printing it. Or you can remove it in a CAD modelling tool. 2) The time is probably not accurate. With the level of small details I would also suggest to print 2. So both chairs have enough time to cool down before the next layer is build. 3) Yes, in advance you can lower your print in the bed. You can also under 'rotate', bottom left, choose lay flat. It will rotate your image so it is flat on the bed. Good luck!
  14. Try again Your account was not yet approved so DM were disabled. You should be good to go now. And welcome to the community!
  15. Hi @PrintingDutchman, Welcome to the forum! Awesome name It sounds like you go through the first run wizard every time. In this wizard it assumes you turn on your Ultimaker 2+ for the first time, and helps you get started. Once you have completed the cycle, including selecting a material you have the option for future references to just only relevel the bed. You don't need to go through the entire wizard again. Go to maintenance, build volume. As you probably know from your Ultimaker 2, you shouldn't need to level it a lot. This should be a completely separate action from changing your material. Which you can as well, under 'materials'. Let me know if you have any further questions. If my description does not match your workflow, could you step by step explain your workflow? Thank you!
  16. Hi @Titus, Thank you for your elaborated post. It is much appreciated. As a general reply on 'sounding as a broken record' and 'checking our notes' we are collecting your feedback, but also feedback we receive from other users. And of course we also have to take our opinion into the equation. At the end of the line we have to make a call taking multiple opinions into account. So you should see a lot of the feedback processed, but probably not all. Now, I'll give you a reply based on each of the points you address. Hopefully I won't sound as a broken record either Typing posts For me this works. Are you typing on your phone or a computer? (double checking right now... yep it works.) Could you tell me what OS, browser etc you use? Gamification I believe this is a very strong tool to inspire engagement, when implemented correctly. I can see why you think the levels and titles don't make sense, but do you feel the same about the badges? The levels and titles are a reference to a users involvement, but the badges are very specific. For example, someone who wrote guest blogs, was featured in a story. When involved in a discussion with someone I would consider this interesting information. Filters. If you don't have a clue of the context, you are probably viewing the unread posts in the topics view. If you view it in the category view it is also ranked based on category. This should provide the context. You can also customise your view so you can decide which categories are top, and how many topics they show. - having a toggle option is a good idea. That would solve most of your issues I reckon? Random stuff I don't know. Sounds like to me that shouldn't happen. In the last sprint we build in a fix that when you visit an unread topic it is being removed from your notifications. Have you read this topic? Is it really new to you? Again, what is your OS and browser? (I have asked you so many times I should almost know it by heart ) Blue bars: In the category view it is an indication to unread topics in a certain thread, in that category. So it is not thread-specific. If you want the indication to be thread specific, move to the topic-view. Just like your filter I believe. Orange circle The text is there to describe what the category is about. You have the option to select the number of threads displayed. Obviously, the more threads you select the bigger that specific white space is. Pros: You have more threads visible to see what the latest activity is. If you don't want the white space, select only 1 visible thread and you'll probably see the entire category-list in 1 view. Letters. Hopefully this is an incentive for everyone to complete their User profile Since we can't like twist anyones arm until they fill out their entire user profile, what do you think is a better resemblance of their 'generic' user profile? New topic You can sort on questions. You should get most questions. If someone doesn't get an answer on an urgent question which they marked as a 'regular topic', it should be a lesson learned that next time they select 'question'. Right? I actually think this is a valuable distinguishment. New topic selection Not sure I understand. Because you have listed modifications and hacks as your favourite category? Hopefully my comments have been able to provide some context, on why certain decisions were made, or why they are the way they currently are. Looking forward hearing on what you think, if we can move to a solution which works for everyone that is a win-win I guess
  17. Starting today [edit, a few weeks back] we're launching the Ultimaker Schooling blog series, that will focus on topics such as 3D printer maintenance, printing how-to's and other helpful tips and tricks. For this special blog series we’ll combine our local Ultimaker experts with our online knowledge base and will regularly present a collection of tips. If you follow along with these blogs you'll become a specialist in no time at all! Read on to discover our tips on the topic of maintenance. Even though we’re a 3D printing business, we still learn something new everyday. And we should! It’s no wonder when you consider that it’s such a dynamic landscape where hardware evolves, software matures, companies grow and new applications rise all the time. No matter how much technology and expertise is put into 3D printing, it still feels like craftsmanship - with all the beauty and ingenuity that comes with it. A lot of our users have developed their own methods and workflows around 3D printing problems and have learned a great deal in the process. We’re passionate about sharing this knowledge with the world and we’re very lucky to have a thriving community who feels exactly the same. By doing so they not only help the makers of today, but also of tomorrow as our online knowledge base is always available. With such a great repository of expertise we can all become 3D printing specialists. The first tips on our list are a few points which should keep your Ultimaker 2 in the best possible shape. - Printhead - Bowden tube, influences your retraction. - Thumbscrews, avoid distortion. - Fan bracket, optimal cooling. - Skewed PTFE coupler, resolve under extrusion. - Bearing print head, reduce friction. - Atomic Method - Remove clogs. - Rods - Add oil, prevent loose rods. - Bed clips & springs - avoid loss in surface quality. - Print profiles - slow print - normal print - fast print If we would go all in depth here it would probably be the longest forum post ever. Visit the original Schooling blog, with visual aid, and learn all you need to know about maintenance. Looking forward to hear what you guys think.
  18. The only way you can do that now is by doing it manually. If you own an Ultimaker, you can use the 'tune' menu while printing. When necessary you can change the temperature and speed. You can not change the resolution. Here is a test to determine what the ideal temperature is for your material.
  19. Can you check the temperature on your hot end? Is your PT100 still reading the right temperature, or is 260ºC maybe really 230ºC? Do you have access to a tool that reads temperatures?
  20. How did the joints turn out? @Valcrow has a lot of expertise in this area, maybe he has some good tips?
  21. Nice. It doesn't cool down the print anymore now? What is it connected to?
  22. Hi @Chelly005, have you already ordered a new sensor or contacted your reseller? Did it come out of the heaterblock of is one part still in? Well, I can imagine this was not the course of actions you had envisioned, but from the bright side, you are getting a speed-training in knowing the machine from the inside and outside Very valuable lessons Let me know if you need any further help!
  23. Hi @Jameshs, I understand your point. I guess that is the challenge to attract new users and keep the challenging and interesting posts for the core-users available as well. Especially if you consider the amount of 'where are the files'-posts to outnumber the 'magnetic toolchanger'-posts. At the same time, getting all the core users involved with Ultimaker (or its affiliates) doesn't boost their activity either (talking about Iluminarti, Robert, Didier, etc). But at the same time it is great for them, and the community in the long run. (don't start denying @IRobert. You like it! ) Anyway, we are building a knowledgebase. It can be found under 'tips and tricks'. We are going to expand this section in the upcoming period with tons of interesting topics. Here is the link towards the guidelines from our community. And a more general page can be found here. There is still plenty to learn, and we'll contribute to emphasise this! Have a great day at work!
  24. @al-blunty, I think something went wrong in your last post so I'm going to delete it. If you want to share your print please try again. Thank you and our apologies for the inconvenience,
  25. It is much appreciated @LePaul and I have also already send you a reply. You're the best. Thanks!!
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