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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Have you tried repairing your STL in NetFabb's repair service? Maybe there is an error in your STL which Cura detects.
  2. Hi Adam, Welcome to the forum! It would be very helpful, especially in a case like this, if you could add some photo's of your print which illustrates the problem. That is usually very helpful for everyone to understand the issue. Looking forward seeing the pictures
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. Were there any error messages in your UltiController when you returned to your Ultimaker? I would suggest to check all the pulleys in your Ultimaker, make sure the set screws are all nice and tight. Remember, there are 12 of them, don't forget the ones on the X and Y motor. While you are at it, make sure the short belts are tight. Alternatively, it could be an error in your end stop, but that should probably trigger an error message. Good luck!
  4. Ik weet helaas ook nog niet veel meer dan wat ik op het filmpje zie, maar dit zou een perfecte vraag zijn voor op de Ulti-Evening
  5. ah yea I understand. So I was kinda in the right area, except I overlooked the fact the measurement tool was in the heaterblock instead of the nozzle instead. Makes sense.
  6. Beste vrienden, Het is weer tijd voor de volgende Ulti-Evening en dit keer hebben we echt een innovatieve spreker! Hij is geen vreemde voor de vaste bezoeker, want hij is al vaker langs geweest. Namelijk; Aad van der Geest! Aad heeft zijn trouwe Ultimaker 2 omgebouwd tot een soort full color SLS-printer, maar dan zonder de L(aser). Hij omschrijft het zelf meer als een 3D inktjet printer. Als dit je nog niet nieuwsgierig maakt, dan moet het volgende filmpje het zeker doen! Aad zal een presentatie en demo geven van de printer. Dit zal er aan bod komen: -> werkingsprincipe poederprinter -> geschiedenis van de ontwikkeling poederprinter -> poederprint module voor Ultimaker -> Inkjet gedetaileerde werking -> Poeder samenstellingen -> toekomstige ontwikkelingen -> demonstratie van de machine en software Ik zou dit niet willen missen in ieders geval! Datum: 22 - 02 - 2016 Locatie: ProtoSpace Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Binnenkomst (Neem je Ultimaker mee!) en bestel evt wat te eten (€10 pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentatie 19.00 - 22.00 powder time!
  7. Hi Guys, Its almost time for another edition of the Ulti-Evenings. We have a very interesting guest this time, a true innovator named Aad van der Geest. Aad van der Geest has already made a couple of trips to the Ulti-Evenings where he brought this special project. During this edition Aad will showcase his modified Ultimaker 2. It is converted into a full color SLS machine, except without the L(aser). It is like a 3D inktjet printer. Did this get you as curious as it got me? Come by and check it out! Aad is going to do a presentation in which he will address the following: -> operating principle powder-printer -> past developments -> powder-print module for Ultimaker -> Inkjet detailed operation -> powder compounds -> future developments -> demoing the machine and software I would not want to miss this! Date: 22 - 02 - 2016 Location: ProtoSpace Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (Bring your Ultimaker!) and order food (10 euro pp) 18.30 - 19.00 Presentation 19.00 - 22.00 powder time!
  8. I don't have the GT2 upgrade so I don't know.. Why do you need the new sliderblocks? Are they shorter?
  9. Dear Laurentiu, Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties sorting out what happened to the Olsson Block kit. I would also like to ask you to refrain from using full sentences in capital, that is not necessary. I understood that the Olsson Block was sent to your address and someone even signed off for it with the DHL courier. Not within 14 days but months later you reported that you did not receive it. We always do our best to work towards solutions with our customers in a reasonable way, but we feel that in this case that opportunity has passed. Again, our apologies for the inconveniences. I also heard you reached out, or going to, with one of our partners to get your hands on an Olsson Block. We hope you'll have it soon and will be able to enjoy the new possibilities. Have a great day,
  10. Thanks for the info and the chart! Perhaps you can explain something to me; how does the material affect the temperature? I can imagine different materials can increase or reduce the time it takes to reach a certain temperature, but once it has been reached, doesn't it come down to PID settings to keep it at that temperature? Maybe once the fans turn on, there could be a small drop and it may take a little longer to get back on track but I guess then it depends when you made these measurements. Right?
  11. Thanks for your reply. 4) let me invert the question; why would it better to go for a 3rd party upgrade? The v2 hot end has been around for quite some time and has a good record. And if you ever need help, there is a bigger chance people will be able to help you here with the Ultimaker hot end (although I know there are several E3D hot ends too.) I guess in the end it is what you feel most comfortable with. 5) what speed are you printing at currently? i.e. what do you consider slow? You lost me a 6).. sorry. 10) in theory you may have a point, but just give it a try and you'll see it works. Not sure if there is a margin in Cura. (if it doesn't, it is probably a mechanical issue). Rods; have you checked if they are still straight? Making sure the rods are a perfect '+' and oiled with sewing machine oil that should be the start. When you have the rods out, it could also be worth your while to check if the bearings are still OK. What feeder do you have on your UMO? I don't think replacing the X and Y slider blocks is necessary with new belts. How is the overall surface quality of your print? When holding the printhead, can you 'wobble' it, or is it very rigid? Some inaccuracy can also be caused by the friction from the rods.
  12. .. please, be my guest! I would love to read that from an honest, long time user experience.
  13. Oef, so many points and responses. Maybe it is good if @assist91 gave a status update on where (s)he has still some questionmarks. @aggertroll, really nice write up on the maintenance part. Some solid tips. @LePaul, thanks for being so helpful! 4) That is the first printhead. It has been a while since I have seen it. I would recommend to update it to the hot end v2. You probably need to send an email to the reseller in your area because the default pack only has the hot end. You need to replace the top and bottom of your housing too. (the drawings are also on our github. Do you have access to a laser cutter?) The advantage is that it is more reliable and less stress on the bowden tube and the heath doesn't travel up as far so less prone to clogging. 1) (I'm just gonna do the number random ok?) Yes, the new firmware should update your Z-steps. Make sure to select you have a heated bed as an upgrade. An upgraded Ultimaker Original with an heated bed is different from an Ultimaker Original+. They have different electronics. 9) shrinkage / 'Several distances where quite the opposite than I would have expected.' What does this mean? Did you expect it to fail but it didn't? If the accuracy is off you should inspect the short belts. I think Aggertroll mentioned it in his maintenance post. That directly influences the movement of your printhead. You can tighten them by loosening the motor and push it down. By tightening it (screws are on the outside) it should be more accurate. 10) keep the wall thickness a multitude of your nozzle size. Also sloppy short belts can influence the strength of your walls. 8) They indeed get quite hot. Don't have to worry about that. They can take it. If you do, you can source heatsinks to draw away the heath. Let us know if you have any further questions! And pictures of your prints (especially if you have questions) are always helpful!
  14. Does this mean we can market it as a self-maintenancing 3D printer? - I have been tagged, let me read up and see if I can be of use.
  15. Hi Phil, Because you have tried so many different filaments, can I ask you try an Atomic method to make sure your nozzle is clean from the inside? You can find a tutorial here on how to do it. It could be that small particles/dirt are interfering with your material flow. Alternatively, I would suspect the bearings on your Z-stage but first things first Lets get that hot end nice and clean first!
  16. Just also needs notifications when people post.. I keep missing people (or people should have a little bit more patience )
  17. Very cool idea, but kinda hard to judge I think? Maybe weighing the support material to determine on the amount and judge the surface quality.Or weigh the complete model, and the model without support, maybe that would be better.. Of course I know we are all honest chaps right?
  18. Hi, Thank you for your post and welcome to the forum. I was wondering if you had this under extruded line on the exact same length every print or does it vary? It kinda looks like it varies, and on some of your prints it looks like generic under extrusion. Which makes me think it may not be the bearings. Could you tell me what settings you are using? What material are you currently using, and what materials have you used in the past? Looking forward hearing from you!
  19. I'll give the dual fan pack-prize some more thought. That might sound realistic and fun. Adding it to the store is actually a lot(tttttt) of work so I'm not sure if that is real, because as for an alternative you can just buy a second fan and get your hands on a fan shroud. What do you/people usually do to make it silent?
  20. @avogra, thank you! We did our best to make them conclusive. The manuals have come from a long way Are you specifically asking on how to remove the heater from your electronics board when you replace it by a 35W?
  21. Was it just a test to see if it would fly or was it part of a bigger plan / project?
  22. Dear Laurentiu, Thank you for your post, and welcome to the forum! I assume English is not your native language so I am not sure if I am understanding your post correctly. First of all, our apologies if the Olsson Block was not included in your Ultimaker 2. Have you received the Olsson Block by now? I'm not sure from reading your post. Let me know if you need any further help, and I'll see what we can do. Thank you for your time!
  23. I reported it with the YouMagine team and they are already working on the fix.
  24. haha YES! .. I'll just have to think about it for a little bit Any suggestions?
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