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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @tinkergnome, great entry! I wonder if you'll get some more competition this last week otherwise it is an easy win for you
  2. @Labern, obviously our intentions are far from anyone being disadvantaged by this change. For a short period of time we'll be in a transition period, in which you can count on us to help you out and make it as smooth as possible. If there is an unreasonable difference in price we'll have a look into it. Like stated above, besides us there is also a professional and customer-focused chain of partners ready to help out. If you are in need of any parts the form is probably the best way to get connected with a partner close to you to fulfil your need. Every partner is selected to ensure the Ultimaker feeling is maintained and through time this will only grow and evolve. @Korneel, dearly noted. Unfortunately, I have not been able to succeed in creating support for an appropriate compensation. But rest assured, it has not been forgotten. If you have any further questions, feel free to send me a DM or what you feel is appropriate. Thank you! - Oh, the note about the forum closing on January 5th will also be mentioned/featured on the dashboard itself to notify our users.
  3. Unfortunately, the official company update had to be postponed but I have been given permission to share some more information with you in an attempt to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Ultimaker in your area - closing our webshop 2014 was when we set up a collaboration with FBRC8 to establish a professional and customer focused level of service for the USA which served as an example for 2015. In 2015 we emphasized our European network of partners to offer a similar level of service and support in all European countries. We put in a lot of work in selecting only the best dedicated partners who share a similar vision and passion towards the field of 3D printing. In our efforts we have trained over 50 people who are part of this network to ensure they live, breath and execute the Ultimaker experience. Every hub in our link of partners has at least 1 certified member of our pro-team to offer technical support, which is the highest rank within the Ultimaker academy. The benefit of having such a network is that our customers can receive local service in their own timezone and language. It also means our partners can offer shipment faster and cheaper than we ever could. In 2016 we will continue to roll out this chain of dedicated partners and certified pro-team members worldwide, to ensure an similar Ultimaker experience for everyone. The first training has already been scheduled in January. In Singapore. As you can see we have already made the necessary steps in preparing for this next step to make our network as conclusive as possible. In regards of connectivity online we are dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s to link our website to our partner’s. In case you stumble upon such a yet-to-be-made connection a form is presented through which we’ll personally put you in touch with your local partner to fulfil your needs asap. Pretty soon it will be like nothing ever changed, except it got better! Offline - maintaining and updating website To complete the transition we have to do some work on our website. This also means that our beloved forum will be closed on January 5th from 9am to approximately 5pm CET. If you have any questions on January 5th our support department is ready and waiting for you. If you need any technical support our partners in your local area are set and ready to get you back on track. Kicking off 2016 - stay tuned Besides these improvements on the business side of things we understand our users are also waiting to be entertained and eager to get their hands on something. Stay tuned for more information!
  4. Oh.. about spare parts, I forgot to address that one. We are preparing a special shipment for Makerpoint to get everything back in stock.
  5. Hi Korneel and the rest, Thank you for your detailed reply. I am happy to hear the concept overall makes sense, good to be on the same page once For the other questions you raise I must admit you strike some good points. I'll address those in a little bit, first I would like to clear up the 'cheaper' part. This may be more true for our customers who literally live on the other side of the globe. I did not mean a big price difference per part, but mostly in avoiding currency changes and reduced shipping costs. For our fellow Dutch this may not always apply. As for the parts which aren't on the webshop @ultiarjan, you can still source them from the appointed distributor in that country. In the Netherlands that is still us, in Germany that is iGo3D and in France it is Makershop for example. Our customer support won't close so we'll always be open to answer any questions or requests you might have. @Dim3nsioneer, that is the point. (having a similar price). Could you tell me where they charge that? If I select Switzerland in my country settings I get forwarded to iGo3D and they sell an Ultimaker 2 Extended for €2999 w/ VAT. The difference is only 5 euro's. I hope you know better than saying we don't care about our customers. About communications; originally the closing of the shop was scheduled for January 5th, but for (IT-)reasons we (i) did not foresee it was pushed forward to December 25th. We had a company update scheduled for tomorrow but this was not altered after the change of the shop closing-date. Our apologies for the inconvenience. I'm afraid it's a human / communication error. The Company Update will have more information in regard of this change.
  6. Hi Korneel, Hope you had a good time celebrating Christmas. (I hope everyone did!) Just saw your message, might as well just reply here so we all know whats going on. First of all, an official Company Update will come this week with similar information. Anyway, Ultimaker's goal is to service all of our customers locally, in their own timezone and language, with all the accompanying advantages. It is much more comfortable to order from one of our partners in your own area, supporting you in your own timezone and being able to deliver you the parts in a shorter period of time for much lower costs than we could ever offer. When 2015 was progressing less orders came through our own webshop, which was the (desired) result of the efforts we put in creating our distribution network. Less, but still alive, we had to maintain our webshop and logistic department. You can imagine that the workload and schedule of a logistic department varies greatly between a couple of large expected orders, or a lot of small personal orders. That ratio didn't compliment either side of the spectrum. For those reasons we move forward closing our own webshop and put our entire focus on our established distribution network. We put a lot of effort in selecting the best partners, so you can be assured that every partner will be able to give you the proper service and support. You can continue to visit shop.ultimaker.com until approximately 31-12-15. For those of you, for example @Labern, who's reseller is not yet represented on the map, or doesn't stock spareparts, a form is presented to you in which you can inform us what parts you need. We'll personally reach out to you and make sure you get those parts from the partner closed by. We don't expect to inconvenience a lot of users, since, as our data shows, most purchases and orders where already being done through our distribution network. @Korneel, in regard of Makerpoint, it can always happen that a certain part is out of stock. Our apologies for the inconvenience. We are working with Makerpoint to establish a reliable stock to reduce the chance of this happening again. Thank you for understanding!
  7. With the risk of sounding like a retard, did you go parachute jumping during the fireworks? That is what it looks like on the second picture. Isn't that super dangerous? Very cool story! Feel free to share some more about it
  8. Just in case people missed the video! (I LOVE it! ) Merry Christmas!!
  9. ohh That isn't very open source of you! nah jk, of course you can choose to do whatever feels right for you. About your comment in regards of doing a presentation in a fablab, in which fablab were you planning on doing this? I was thinking it could potentially also be an interesting module for our Ulti-evening. Would you be interested on working with us on that?
  10. Hi @ampirical2016, are you talking about an Ultimaker 2 or Ultimaker Original? What is it you are having difficulties with?
  11. So we finally caught the flag-troller! AHA No worries, every now and then we receive a reported post but often it is by mistake (sometimes people click it instead of like). I don't think anyone sees that a post is flagged except moderators?
  12. @Hulk2K8, I think you could better start a new topic. When you post a new topic try to be specific about what you want to know about the Ultimaker 2. Thank you!
  13. Cool idea! Do you use the people section a lot? Regardless I think it is a good idea, but I was wondering since you also have your hardware listed next to your post. When do you find this info or would you go look for it?
  14. Version 1.0


    Example entry for Community Contest part. 7 | The Finale - Santa - Link + Navi - An Italian looking Mine craft guy
  15. Hi everyone, We started this series of Community Contests a few weeks ago to celebrate the Olsson Block campaign. They generated a lot of positive feedback and we are determined to continue the series but in a slightly adjust fashion. We'll reconsider some of the rules. For example, the frequency per contest will be a little bit longer so everyone has time to participate and take a shot at some of the new amazing prizes! (did anyone say coffeemug? ) But first, we are facing the final challenge, for an special edition Olsson Block set. Leading up to this moment we have seen some amazing entries, from the smallest bearing to a Indiana Jones robot-party to hairy Apes. We loved them! For the final community contest it is all about creativity, everything goes! But stop! This does not mean it will be anarchy and chaos. There is a purpose. You must 3D print this figurine and customize it any way you want! For example: In the example upload I have made Santa Clause and Link (fyi, he even has Navi on his shoulder screaming 'LISTEN') and mr @GuyS made a Italian looking mine craft guy. Feel free to get as creative as possible. Design your own special tools it can hold, change size, add ears or print it in rainbow colours. We want to see everything! Rules Your print needs to be printed on an Ultimaker. We know how you all love hacking and modifying, so we have only one guideline: it must be printed on an Ultimaker. Entries must be uploaded in the Print section. (Fill out your settings if you want. The winner agrees to share his settings at the end of the week). Share the link and a picture of your upload in this thread. Everyone can participate in every contest, but you can only win once. You can participate until Sunday midnight CEST January 3rd. EXTRA INFORMATION We'll choose a winner primarily based on originality. Making a certain someone from the Ultimaker team could result in extra points ;)Or just cool details, making it an original, funny and creative entry! We will announce each weeks winner on Monday in the corresponding thread on our forum, on our Twitter feed and Instagram! WHAT DO I NEED TO PRINT? Grab Cymon's customizable toy figurine here. Upload your entry here. Prize The Olsson Block itself 0.25mm nozzle 0.4mm nozzle 0.6mm nozzle 0.8mm nozzle 1.0mm nozzle and a screwdriver and socket to swap nozzles
  16. Without the element of surprise on my side, I have the honours to announce this weeks winner.. Congratulations @Titus We all loved your entry in the office, your original idea and the effort you put in it and the fact we all learned something (I'll certainly read up to the wiki-page). I'll DM you in regard of your prize! Next week. Next week is going to be the last contest. For this reason and the due to the holidays in between we are extending this contest until January 4th! It is going to be a creative contest, so I think the extra week and creative juices during the holiday should get the entries to an unmatched level!
  17. And did the heated bed work? Does the PT100 work? When you put a hairdryer on your hot end, does it warm up? Maybe the problem lies not with your heater, but with the registration of the heat.
  18. What kind of paint is this? The results are beautiful. So is the affect on your green prints. I would say they don't need any further post processing. I love the affect it has on the print. What is your end goal? What are you trying to accomplish or working towards?
  19. That is kinda a dick-move. Even stealing the pictures. He does say he didn't invent it, he is just pushing it to the market so he is not lying about that, but he still is stealing someone else's idea. (But that is not a right solely coherent to open source, the stealing of ideas and monetizing them). It looks like something which should be easy to take down, also don't think fits their policy. I think it's also partially ignorance. A lot of people don't know what open source is, we even had someone on a show once who thought we were open source because the Ultimaker Original frame is physically open. I think people don't know what kind of conduct or guidelines go with open source values or things being shared. A lot of people come from a mindset where hoarding, gaining and owning is the motto. They need to be educated about how to deal with sharing and the beauty of it, and not trying to abuse it (although I don't think that will ever go away).
  20. Looks nice @labern! Is it your daily limit of what you can eat or what you are allowed to catch? @LePaul, excellent! I haven't seen it yet, so no spoilers please!! (I am surprised I have survived the internet so far ) You must have received TONS of cool reactions when in the cinema?
  21. Hi! I went out and asked my technical colleague who asked our friends from R-D (it wasn't something I knew the answer to) and what I understand is that this jumper allows your Arduino to stay open when you plug in the USB and you can install new firmware. Without it, the Arduino wouldn't reset and you wouldn't be able to upload new firmware. Hopefully that is the answer you were looking for. Have a good day!
  22. ' i think we all know the quality of the micro M3D printer ' You do know you are on an Ultimaker forum, don't you? What printer profile do you use when dumping out a gcode? You need an optimized profile for your specific printer otherwise your bound to run into problems. Without having seen your prints (don't know if you are dealing with a software or hardware), I think part of the problem is buying one of the cheapest 3D printer around.
  23. Please try to use the heated bed through the UltiController and see if that works. Looking forward hearing from you! The heater seem to be installed OK.
  24. A few quick options: - Check if you are not using an Ultimaker 2 Go power supply unit. - Check if on the electronics end or the bed-end none of the wires are touching. - Feel free to upload a picture of your electronics terminal on which the heaters are connected to check for burned marks or anything strange. - 4th option; your heated bed is broken.
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