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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Do you feel more comfortable sharing them through a PM or email? I think it is important to know as many experiences as possible, good or bad. And they also deserve to get the feedback just like we (and everyone else) does. Looking forward hearing from you!
  2. Hi Onkel, Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. From our experience we are very satisfied with their efforts. They are going a good job making Ultimaker visible and for what I know they also have the best intentions when it comes to customer service. Of course I do now know about your experience, and I am sorry to hear if it wasn't positive. Could it be that whatever spare part you needed from them, they did not have it at the time? They do not have all the spare parts on stock, they only have several to do some technical support if necessary at the scene. I am not sure if the same goes for filament (I can imagine them also selling non-ultimaker filament), so I can't say much about that. If you are indeed having or had problems and they could not solve them, I think they were right in redirecting you to us. We have a very capable technical support staff and obviously this amazing community!
  3. Welkom bij de Ultimaker community Ik ben benieuwd om te zien waar je de Ultimaker allemaal voor gaat gebruiken!
  4. Hi Guys & Phil, I am sorry to read about the frustration you are experiencing and that you are not alone. First I would like to say we, as Sales&Marketing and myself as Community Manager are fully aware about the importance of open and frequent communication. Just as I recently posted in another thread I share the same goal as most of you on these forums. Which is sharing information. We want to give you the information you need, but it turns out to be rather difficult getting the ríght information. We learned this the hard way, because just as Phil experienced, we have not always been able to keep our promise. In Phil's case I want to add, that I have just checked his order and it should actually have been send out yesterday. I will double check if this was the case, and if not I will make sure it will be dispatched today. Hopefully that is some comforting news after a troublesome road. The tracking will be send to you by mail. I am also happy to say, as it may be a bit late for some, that we are sorting our things out and learning from our mistakes. We know what we want to achieve, and we are getting there. This is not something that happens overnight but every day we are focussing on helping each other and giving each customer a positive experience. The lead time is not something I can change that fast, but I can contribute in keeping people up to date about the progress during this time. Just as always, if anyone needs a specific update about their order please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help. Just as the rest of my team. Thank you for your time and have a great day!
  5. Hi Guys, Sorry for my late reply. If you buy your machine from a reseller I would advice to first get in touch with them. Some resellers offer technical service themselves and that would be the fastest route. If they can not help you, for what reason whatsoever you will be redirected to us and we will be able to help you get back to printing again. I hope that covers your question
  6. Hi Conz, Welcome to the community! As Illuminarti said, please feel free to post any questions or remarks you have. Looking forward to see what you will be using the Ultimaker for!
  7. How about heating up the bed a little bit more. Would that help blending the first layer? I wouldn't recommend it with a print that has some low/early overhangs, but this seems to be like a pretty straight forward model.
  8. Dont know about storm trooper armors, but I do know some people are putting together the master chief helmet from Halo. And I believe on the forums someone is also making an entire C-3PO..
  9. Ik heb m vanochtend ook gezien. Staan we mooi op
  10. I think it is pretty good, but if you want to reduce the overhang you could try to increase the resolution, maybe print it at 60 micron? Also for me dual fan worked like a charm on my Ultimaker Original. It could make some difference in the overhang. An easier tip would be to maybe decrease temp a bit. 210º at 20mm/s is maybe a bit hot. Have you tried 200º or 195º?
  11. 20mm/s should be alright for a first layer. Unless you are printing something very delicate like a chainmail, you may want to go 10/15mm/s i guess.
  12. Hi Guys, Thank you for your posts. I totally understand the need for information. The situation from my end is partially the same, as I am sometimes struggling with getting the right information. My previous schedule is a good example, as you have now expectations based on this schedule which we may not meet. My goal is to have the proper information and share an accurate timetable. Every week I am working hard to get all the facts straight and when I have it clear what to communicate I will let you know asap! We both share the same goal, I want to give you the information you need. Personally, I think giving updates is very important. But when I do make an update, I want to give you a complete and accurate picture. Bare with me and I will give you an update Friday. If you want to get some more information about a specific order please feel free to send me a PM and I will be more then happy to get you the information you need. Thanks for understanding guys!
  13. consider it done, for all the hard labor. (and Illuminarti said he could make it happen. And when he says something.... )
  14. Hi NatoKane, I will have my colleague contact you for a workaround for your problem. It looks like Paypal flagged it as 'suspicious' and that caused a conflict between our shop and Paypal. My colleague will get back with you so you can finalize your order. Thank you for your time!
  15. I have just double checked and it has been processed and completed. Perhaps the weekend added another day but I am told it should be on your account tomorrow by the latest. Can you keep me posted? Thank you!
  16. Hi Youri, Thank you for your reply. 50mm/s would be a good average to start with while printing. How do you mean ABS? On the picture I see Silver Grey / Metallic, which is PLA. Are you switching ABS with PLA? Are you perhaps confusing PLA with ABS? What temp have you printed this silver object with?
  17. I would also double check the bedleveling. Perhaps there is glue in the nozzle because too much was used? Other models behave the same? He has no problem with extruding in mid air? (move material) ?
  18. Hi Ameba, Thank you for your post. Your order is actually the third in line now. Last week we made it halfway orders made on December 30th. Your order is going to be shipped out tomorrow! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
  19. Hi Madian, Thank you for your reply. I looked up your failed order and I will take it up to our IT guys. I will get back with a solution for you asap so we can finalize the order. Thank you for your time and understanding.
  20. Hi Youri, Thank you for your reply. 100% does not mean anything. Allow me to explain; if you set the speed in Cura to 50mm/s, the ultimaker will display 100% as 50mm/s If you set the speed in Cura to 200mm/s the ultimaker will still display this as 100% 100% merely means that it is operating at the speed you set in Cura. You also have the option to increase or decrease speed, as based on the first example 50% (of 50mm/s) would teach you that your Ultimaker is running at 25mm/s. Can you try some of the other models, to see how they come out? Could you relevel the bed? If you print at a reasonable resolution, it is probably very difficult to actually see the bed move. What does your very first layer look like?
  21. Last week I walked up to the financial department, and I ran into my colleague at the same time. Both pushing your refund, and we were told it would be processed Friday. I will double check, but I am sure it was indeed processed and should show up in your account any day now. Please keep me posted!
  22. Hi Youri, Thank you for your post. I have a few questions for you: At what speed are you printing at this point of the print? How is the bed leveling / adhesion? Other models, do they finish normally? Thank you,
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