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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. PrintedSolid.com has always treated me great!
  2. @SandervG and @Daid, the font is a little weird Try it on your smartphone. When I was posting on my iPhone 6 using Chrome, the font was really, really small. Nice to see Daid back. Finally, I'm not the only cat-avatar poster
  3. Is it me or are the spools we see on the Ultimaker 3 demos smaller than the spools we usually buy? Maybe less capacity? Or just an optical illusion.
  4. Using parenthesis generates a lot of unwanted sad smiley faces.
  5. Everything said here should help On my UMO with heated bed, for some reason, glue stick smudge around with a damp cloth works good...I find 66-68C to give me the best results.
  6. @cca1 you can always place the printer you have up for sale, using the proceeds to upgrade to the Ultimaker 3
  7. You make a lot of valid points. I was disappointed to see some of the harsh responses some have given. I was fortunate to be invited to the grand reveal by the Ultimaker team and spend a lot of quality time with them. Everyone I meet impressed me so much. I would have to say my impression over the past few days has been like this....a family is proud to introduce their new child The Ultimaker 3 is a remarkable machine that shows a LOT of experimentation, new ideas and efforts went into it. Siert (the CTO) spent an hour or more chatting with me about all the methods the team went through to make something extremely stable and reliable for their customers. The prints really emphasize that point. I've read many of the posts about the Ultimaker 2 not being able to fulfill the hope of doing dual extrusion. It looks like others have some ideas on how to get there, though. As a hobbyist/enthusiast user, the Ultimaker 3 will make some really complicated prints so much easier. ( My BB-8 build has many curved pieces and support material is very problematic!) It's a bit out of my budget for now. But for the professionals who need a return on investment with reliable printing with less tinkering, this machine is it. The learning curve has been brought way down with way the filament settings are scanned in, the bed leveling and all those features previously explained. Announcing upgrades is a tricky spot. As a customer, you value good communication so you choose properly. Every year Apple has their annual event and we all know they announce new upgrades/products then. Ulitmaker has been working on this project for a long time, so I'm sure they didn't want to promise something that wasn't quite ready. I'm looking forward to see how well these printers work for the professional users out there. I had no idea what to expect and after meeting a lot of professionals at the Ultimaker 3 reveal, it's obvious to me these printers will perform great. My short rant
  8. That's a LOT of retractions! Nice work
  9. Getting notifications! Thank you
  10. I did buy a refurb from Fabrc8 and I have the Extrusion Upgrade Kit waiting for me to install it It took me a while but I eventually got one!
  11. You're welcome I checked my settings, everything is OK there.
  12. I feel your pain. I bought an Ultimaker Original kit and the Ultimaker 2 came out just over a week later. I did the Captain Kirk "KHAAAAAN!" scream for a few months.
  13. I haven't received any email notifications lately, I will go check my settings to see if anything changed....but I thought I would mention it.
  14. I am all for quick navigating. For me, and others can certainly chime in, I find the one that says "Dashboard, Forum, etc) to be too much. Perhaps there can be an option to hide that. It may be useful to some but the top menu (Ultimaker , Explore, Products, etc) has all of those same options. It's a little redundant. (I think the Ultimaker menus have too much in them, the full horizontal menu of items is a little overwhelming to my eyes) Speed has always been slow, clicking along the various forum topics. Just some feedback!
  15. I like the cleaner look. I'm not crazy about the reply box text being so bold/dark. I keep checking to make sure it isn't really in "Bold" mode! I'm always wary of the "Support" blue box on the lower right....my brain wants to click it and thinks it is "Send"! Maybe that's just me. I find the underscore on the top menu (under Forum now) a bit distracting. There's too many horizontal menus which robs me of reading space. Can that be a user option to hide? I keep thinking the underscore is the line that used to indicate last read post The forum still loads very slowly for me too. At work, we're on a fiber link and it's no quicker than my home internet. Good changes, overall
  16. Will the new one be available the same day as the reveal?
  17. This seemed familiar to me and I found another thread that had this issue Neo's suggestion should fix you!
  18. Well despite being very late, you should have it soon?
  19. I've been buying my ColorFabb filament from PrintedSolid.com MatterHacker has some excellent offerings as well. Seattle is nice...but I am on the opposite, Atlantic coast
  20. I am noticing longer threads are problem with notifications (not bringing you to the latest post). Such as the "What would you like to see in an Ultimaker 3" and other lengthy discussions.
  21. Why is that? I'd certainly like to know what temp it is using so I can decide if that is too low or high.
  22. I'm thinking my profile got clobbered or something is up with the 2.3 beta...I can't get Bed Temp and Print Temps to show up on the Ultimaker Original (with heated bed) or for the UM2. I go to settings to enable them and there's an "i" in front of them....but no way to make that appear in the menu. I sort of seem stuck in a loop
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