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Everything posted by nallath

  1. There is an option in preferences where you can select if it should ask you if you want to open a project as a project or if you only want to import the models.
  2. Sorry, I'm very sure that this was never a feature in Cura.
  3. This has already been reported a few times. Unfortunately we've not been able to reproduce this on our systems, but we are looking into fixing this.
  4. Save the workspace? You mean like what you have on the build plate? Cura never saved that.
  5. It's a known issue. It's on our backlog to be fixed
  6. Creality hasn't submitted any of the printers that we currently have.
  7. This hasn't been reduced and the functionality is a core part of Cura (not an external plugin). I've just tried it on my machine and it works as expected
  8. We had to switch out a number of systems in order go get things to work for windows 10 again, and this is one of the things that went wrong because of that. We already identified what went wrong and are working on a solution! I expect it to be fixed in 5.1
  9. What you describe is also a bug in 4.13.0 that was fixed in 4.13.1
  10. It was already reported by others. We're currently looking into it!
  11. Use cura 5.0 😉 We reworked the entire engine so that it handles cases like this like it actually should.
  12. Considering the amount of work needed to do that, I don't think that we will ever get to doing that. It would also not be allowed due to the current rules instantiated by Apple (they don't allow apps that have their own marketplace). Since the notion of plugins is fundamental to Cura, that might be something that would require a full re-write of Cura.
  13. Looks like seam issues. One of the known issues of 5.0 is that the seam placement isn't as good as it used to be. You can try setting a manual one and see if that improves things.
  14. Ah! You have discovered the magic of rubber duck debugging: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging
  15. Are you perhaps printing multiple objects at the same time? The default order of the walls were changed. So if you're printing multiple objects, that might have a noticeable effect.
  16. That is simply not true. I get how you're upset that there is an issue, but there is no need to spread untruths about it. The issue is reported by multiple people, we responded to most of them and it is on our back log. You can find one of those tickets here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/12197 It can be that we take a bit longer to respond to people as we're currently in between community managers. Harsh much? Their mess? Also, we are currently working on making it easier to run things from source.
  17. Huh? the getConvexHull doesn't change anything in the scene... (or well, it sure as hell shouldn't :P) Also, what kind of crash do you get? A segfault?
  18. The bug that it wouldn't reset is fixed for 5.1
  19. I think you're just purposefully misrepresenting the arguments that I've posted. I understand that you're frustrated, but this is clearly not a discussion that is going anywhere. So good luck with another slicer. There are a lot of good ones out there and I hope it solves the issues that you have.
  20. We generate the database based on the files. So the files are still there.
  21. It's still pending approval from my Colleagues. Since it's my plugin, i don't want to sneak it past by approving it myself.
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