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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. They do actually snap to the geometry, but not to edges or vertices. Implementing that is on my todo list, but that list is fairly long and I would prefer to do this in a way that performs well, regardless of the complexity of the model, which is not trivial.
  2. If all else fails, you could log out of your account.
  3. The Linear Advance plugin is now available in the Marketplace. That leaves me with only the Sidebar GUI to finish up. This unfortunately is a tricky one, due to issues like this one: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/issues/32
  4. Let me point you to the french section of this forum: 👉 https://community.ultimaker.com/forum/126-français/
  5. The location of the configuration folder has not changed between Cura 4 and 5, other than the version number.
  6. You are responding to a 10 year old thread with a single image and no explanation or information. What do you think will happen now?
  7. I don't mind the endorsement of my plugin, but you should not need it to change the start gcode snippet. This does not really tell us much. Please give an example of a gcode snippet you used, and how it did not work (what went differently than you expected?).
  8. It might be less of a TARDIS-feeling if you use a Linux VM, with just the essentials you need for Cura.
  9. On the Printers pane of the Preferences, go to Machine Settings. Is the checkbox in front of "Origin at center" checked? It should not be checked.
  10. Maybe it could, but that would still be a completely new Cura frontend. Personally, I dread the day that Ultimaker decides to go that route, because it is just about the only way they can stop developing Cura as open source (and in the process stop supporting 3rd party printers).
  11. The inner cylinder has holes in it. Where do you want those holes to end? This question is an important part of what is confusing Cura.
  12. AFAIK, this has not changed. Printing from the USB key does not get much attention from Ultimaker, since the intended usecase is to use Digital Factory network printing.
  13. Here is an explanation about what "non manifold" means: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes A cross-section can never have an uneven number of walls; Cura needs to be able to figure out what is enclosed between two skins, and a single skin must allways be inside on one side and outside on the other side. I think you mean for your outer cylinder to have thickness.
  14. Thanks for testing. Just to be 100% sure, could you test again with this version? Download the file and drop it into the viewport in Cura 3.5 as it you were opening a 3d model.
  15. The CAD integration that Ultimaker offers for paying customers does not require the original CAD package to be installed. Other developers are free to create plugins to integrate with CAD applications. @thopiekar wrote a set of plugins that work with different CAD applications installed on the same system to automate the conversion and importing of models using those CAD packages. Those are entirely free to use. But they don't come with support from Ultimaker.
  16. Chances are unchanged. Cura 5.0 on M1 Macs still runs using "Rosetta", not as a native application. But even if it all ran natively on M1 chips, that does not mean that it is just a push of the button to also have it run on Ipad OS. For example, Cura is built using Python, and Python is not available on Ipad OS. The same is true for other pieces of software Cura depends on. Running Cura on an Ipad would still require a full rewrite of the application unfortunately.
  17. I think this stems from the recent change in Ultimaker profiles where the behavior for 100% infill was made to not print everything as bottom layers. This made Ultimaker prints "much faster" than all the other printers, so Cura must have made all other printers print slower! This is ofcourse not true, but once a youtuber has made a couple of thousand views with that headline, it is going to be hard to get it out of people's heads.
  18. ahoeben


    That's an unfortunate typo. George meant STL; the other is usually associated with databases.
  19. Telling Cura you have an Ultimaker printer when you don't will lead to all kinds of issues. I highly recommend you don't do that, even if you want to use the profiles for the Ultimaker printer for your non-Ultimaker printer. I recommend you check out what it is you like about those profiles and put that in your own profiles. There is no conspiracy here, there is nothing you can't do in your profile that you can do with the Ultimaker profiles. My code does not check for Ultimaker printers, but it checks for the metadata attribute "supports_usb_connection". Most Ultimaker definitions set that to "false". I am not going to break my software to enable something that I think is a bad idea, but if you want to change that "supports_usb_connection" from false to true, then I can't stop you. PS: I recommend not posting feature requests as a reply to a 2 year old mostly unrelated thread, because they may get lost (no matter how large you make the font).
  20. There seems to be a problem in Cura 5.0 when installing a new version of a plugin, where Cura leaves itself in a state where it does not install the plugin files, but it does think the plugin is installed. Please try uninstalling the plugin via the Marketplace, then restart Cura, and then install it again via the Marketplace and restart Cura once more. You are not alone with this issue (https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-OctoPrintPlugin/issues/272, https://community.octoprint.org/t/support-to-cura-5-0/43849/26?u=fieldofview). I am trying to figure out what exactly is going wrong, so this can be fixed in Cura.
  21. Here's a start: https://gist.github.com/fieldOfView/d3913c610c761fcfbc7fb4f65e77b45c
  22. If you still have Cura 3.5 installed (or are willing to install it), you could test a version of of the plugin with that for me. I have tested it myself, and it works with Cura 3.5 through 5.0, but the reviewer says it does not show up in Cura 3.5.
  23. No, a new theme would have to be made to "emulate" the old theme. Once someone makes that, it can be easily passed around. What do you miss most about the old looks? The colors or the spacing?
  24. It may have gotten quarantined, as some virus checkers seem to detect a virus in that exe. As far as I know it is a false positive.
  25. Install the final release instead of the beta you are currently using. The beta had a bug (go figure, a beta...) where the toolhandles would not draw if your GPU does not support OpenGL 4.1. This bug has been fixed for the final release of Cura 5.0, which was released yesterday.
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