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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. If you are talking about the horizontal slider, that always only controls the current layer. There's also a vertical slider to control the layer (on the righthand side of the window). You may have put your settings over it.
  2. Ah, the "Windows 9x" school of programming 😉
  3. Yes, you can safely remove that folder.
  4. That's probably best. Though the problem mentioned in this thread may seem similar to you, it sounds like it is a different underlying problem (especially since the issue in this thread was a very specific bug that was fixed a year ago). When you report the bug, make sure you include both logs and a project file (File -> Save project...).
  5. ...with only half an ear... Honestly, this type of issue is not really my forte.
  6. An important difference between the UM2+ and the UM2+C is that the former has firmware that is completely open source so that it could be enhanced with additional features by @tinkergnome (and others). The firmware for the Onion board mentioned by @Smithy is not open sourced, making it much harder - if not impossible - for intrepid community members to create an alternative firmware with additional features.
  7. That's a strange statement. No bugs or error reports are ignored. I think what you mean is that the developers need a way to reproduce the issue. A problem that can not be reproduced is very hard to fix. It is hard to fix something if you don't know what is going wrong. Especially on the github issue queue, a "duplicate" of an issue is a report of an issue that has already been reported. These duplicates are normally closed, to have the discussion about a problem in one place instead of on different threads/issues.
  8. A postprocessing script that looks for M104 gcode lines, and inserts an additional M104 for the second heater is the most straightforward, I think. If you want to make that into a plugin with settings of its own, you may want to look at the Z Offset plugin as an example. https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-ZOffsetPlugin
  9. There are far more people who can help you if to ask your question in english. English is not my native language either, but if we all put a bit of effort into it we can help eachother.
  10. I think the easiest way to do what you want to do is to "post process" the gcode produced by Cura using a Postprocessing script. Look at the postprocessing plugin that comes with Cura. It has scripts that are written in Python, which are fairly easy to get in to.
  11. I may have misread the feature you would like. I thought you wanted to share one heater between two extruders (a "mixing" type hotend that allows two colors/materials from a single nozzle), but you seem to want two heaters for a single material/color. How would that work? One hotend can not have two temperatures at the same time.
  12. The help page has a typo. There's a space between the '/' and the 'u' in "regsvr32 /u". Also I don't think you are supposed to type regsvr32 /u "path (C:\Program Files...etc)", but instead regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files...etc"
  13. We really need more information to help you. What plugin(s) did you install? Did you restart Cura after installing the plugins? Post a link to your Cura.log, which can be located via Help -> Show configuration folder.
  14. 1. Yes. @burtoogle maintains his own fork of Cura, which has many features that Ultimaker Cura does not have. See https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura/releases 2. This is already implemented in Ultimaker Cura, though it is hidden and you basically need the Printer Settings plugin to access it. However, the functionality is part of the aforementioned fork by @burtoogle
  15. I would choose to not connect the +5V to the printer-side of the cable (but only to the phone-side). There is nothing to be gained by powering the printer PCB of the UM2 via USB.
  16. The log shows that you tried to launch Cura on 2021-07-09 at 10:46 and it failed because it could not find required files part of the install. In other words: installation somehow did not put all the files in place. But then from 10:49 on (after a reinstall?) it looks like you got it working, placing and slicing a garage soap dish. So it looks like you got there in the end?
  17. I don't understand the question. If you change a setting value and restart Cura, the setting value should still be what you changed it to. If it isn't then something is going wrong.
  18. Unfortunately, there is no way to do that with a cutting mesh. The cutting mesh cuts the model into multiple parts, and they will all have their own walls.
  19. Since the number of available nozzle sizes (variants) depends on the type of printer you have configured, we can't diagnose this without knowing what printer you use. Does the definition for that printer come with Cura, or did you install it yourself? We don't know what "doesn't work properly" means. What seems to have changes? What do you expect to happen, and what happens instead?
  20. Try a different browser to download the file again. This has nothing to do with having to uninstall an older version, but the file as you downloaded it is somehow broken; like the error says an incomplete download is the most likely cause.
  21. There have been certain cases where having mapped network drives affects the performance of Cura. Do you have any (mapped) network drives, and are they online or offline?
  22. I don't see why/how the pattern replacement is not working from the snippet you posted; the spelling seems correct. Can you save a project file (using File -> Save project...) and post a link to it here? Then I can have a look at your exact start gcode, as well as any postprocessing and other settings that could affect this.
  23. If you install the Printer Settings plugin, you can tell Cura you have a 1.0 mm nozzle (without having to edit configuration files manually).
  24. To answer the second part of your question: no, there is no way to do simple math with the replacement patterns.
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