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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Could you add a screenshot of the error? When the error is showing, just do Ctrl + PrintScreen, and then paste in a reply here. It will also help if you post a link to your Cura.log, which can be found in %APPDATA%\cura\4.9
  2. See the Z seam alignment setting, and read this documentation: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/shell/z_seam_type.md
  3. There is no way for us to know what is going wrong unless you say what NSIS error you get. I can only guess. And if I were to guess, I would say the download got interrupted or otherwise corrupted. Try downloading it again, perhaps with a different browser just in case.
  4. From the log you provided, it looks like something is going wrong using a "shader". This is a bit of code that runs on your graphics card (GPU). Since older versions that worked before aren't working anymore either, I think a GPU driver update is causing your issues. Try finding a newer or older graphics driver for your laptop.
  5. No, that is not it at all. Cura only "jitters" in the XY direction. Ultimaker Cura has never jittered in the Z direction.
  6. @merph, when you print an object is it rotated or mirrored? There's a difference. Eg if you print a piece of text laying on the buildplate, does it come out readable or in mirrored image? I think you have your firmware misconfigured or a stepper motor plugged in the wrong way around. I have not heard of an Ender 5 user with your issue before, and AFAIK the origin of your Ender 5 should be at the front, not at the back.
  7. There is an MSI, but it is only available for "Ultimaker Essentials" users. The EXE installer does not have a silent installation option. Having said that, it can be easily unzipped.
  8. Your QML file must import UM 1.1 as UM, and then include UM.I18nCatalog{id: catalog; name: "cura"} as a child of something Item-like.
  9. Please explain what you mean by "it wont let me past into the box"? There is no Copy/Cut/Paste context menu, but you can use the Ctrl-C/Ctrl-X/Ctrl-V keyboard shortcuts for the same functionality.
  10. This seems to happen on systems with a Right-to-Left locale. You could switch to a Left-to-Right locale, downgrade to Cura 4.8, or wait for a version of Cura that fixes this issue.
  11. The problem seems to be your starting gcode. You can specify where the head moves to before the filament priming happens in the start gcode (see Preferences -> Printers -> Machine Settings)
  12. The materials in the Marketplace only come with profiles for Ultimaker printers, which are all 2.85 mm only.
  13. Yes, that is very helpful. From that log, it looks like your printerprofiles etc should actually still be just fine from the zipped backup. The crash that happened seem to be caused by you being logged in to an Ultimaker Account, but something is going wrong checking your account. Did you have an internet connection when Cura crashed on startup? You could restore the entire backup zip, and edit the cura.cfg file to remove the line starting with ultimaker_auth_data = Removing that line will log you out of your account in Cura, and will let you start Cura even without an internet connection. Personally I don't log in to my account in Cura; I don't use any Cloud features myself.
  14. Though I am not the creator of the "magic", my guess is it is as follows: The algorithm takes 3 consecutive points (that are part of an extruding move) and fits a circular arc to them. If an arc is found, it compares the arc to the two linear sections and checks the difference. If the difference is smaller than what is specified in the settings, (and some additional conditions are also met), the arc segment is accepted. Then I am guessing the next point is checked to be on the same curve. If it is not, then a new section of 3 consecutive point is taken.
  15. The backups you can manage from within Cura are stored into the cloud. The backup that is created from the crash-screen is a local backup. To find the local backup, go to Help -> Show configuration folder. Then go up one folder. There should be a zip file there, containing your backup. To restore from that backup, you would place the respective files from that zip to the folder that opened when you pressed "Help -> Show configuration folder". However, if you just restore the full thing, then Cura will tell you again that an error has occurred offering you to backup and reset. You are going to have to find out which part(s) of the configuration has become corrupted, and not restore that.
  16. In the General preferences, disable the option to “Restore window position on start”.
  17. I did indeed mean right-to-left. There's already an issue for this on github: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/9667
  18. This seems to happen on systems with a left-to-right locale. Could you check the Preference pages too?
  19. Sorry, I can't help you if you keep using the least amount of words possible to describe your issue.
  20. You could use a linter for parts of what you would be editing (such as JSON files), but other parts would be Python code. Arguably there's not even a comfortable text editor to edit these files with. All that is because these files are not meant to be user-edited. You can do it, but it is not really recommended. I really can't tell, because I don't know.
  21. But you have to redo all such changes each time you update the firmware, and it is possible to "brick" your printer by changing files on it.
  22. Where do you click "open"? There are many ways to open files. Do you mean you click the "open" button in Cura, or the File -> Open menu in Cura, or the "open" option in the context-menu of a file in Windows Explorer?
  23. What is the error message? We really can't tell what is going on without you being more specific.
  24. There are extraneous faces in your mesh, see the (small) red parts in X-Ray view: (I am using Sidebar GUI; if you don't use that plugin, then X-Ray view is hidden in the "PREVIEW" tab) Under Mesh Fixes, you have "Remove All Holes" enabled. The model seems to slice well without that setting enabled.
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