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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. I recently had a few problems myself with the active levelling feature of the UM3. It told me it had failed. As I had removed the glass plate just before, I decided to clean the glass plate on the lower side and the print bed pcb. And indeed I found a tiny piece of PVA between them. After cleaning the active levelling worked flawlessly. So: if you get a failed active levelling: clean your print bed (between glass and pcb).
  2. I feel that a lot of Ultimaker users have that wish that Cura can slice with different layer heights at different heights. However, quite often people ask for an even more sofisticated feature which automatically recognizes the optimum layer height throughout the print. So for the developers here: That is probably going to be the step after the basic feature... But I could imagine it is not so difficult to implement - it could work in a similar way as the overhang angle recognition. btw: about two years ago I was very close to implement the different-layer-height-feature into Curaengine myself. I found at that time it would not be the hell of a work to do just on the engine level. But the whole communication with the GUI would have to be altered dramatically. But I don't know what the situation with today's code is.
  3. @Thesickness: Fragt doch einfach mal bei @iGo3D an, wo sich der nächste Ultimaker- und ev. Raise3D Händler von Euch aus befindet. Es gibt inzwischen in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz ziemlich viele Ultimaker-Partner, die alle von iGo3D bedient werden. In Kürze sollte meines Wissens auch eine Liste dieser Partner verfügbar sein. Bildet Euch unbedingt Eure eigene Meinung - der eine oder andere Post in diesem Thread scheint mir bedingt repräsentativ für die grosse Mehrheit der Ultimaker Benutzer zu sein. An dieser Stelle möchte ich anmerken, dass ich selbst inzwischen auch Ultimaker Händler bin und daher offiziell natürlich keine unabhängige Stimme. Der Ultimaker 3 wurde mit dem Fokus auf kleine und mittlere Betriebe entwickelt. Das bedeutet, dass er deren Bedürfnisse gut abdeckt (Standfestigkeit, kurze Ausfallzeiten etc.). Er kann durchaus auch für Privatpersonen interessant sein. Es gibt Hobbyisten, die Ansprüche haben, welche diejenigen mancher Firma übersteigen. Ich rate jedem, der sich einen 3D-Drucker anschaffen will, sich zuerst eine (geistige) Liste von Anforderungen zusammen zu stellen, welche der Drucker erfüllen soll. Und dann den Drucker kaufen, der genau diese Liste am besten repräsentiert. Das kann dann ein Ultimaker Produkt sein oder etwas anderes. Seid Euch auch bewusst, dass in einem Forum, speziell in einem Herstellerforum, natürlich überdurchschnittlich viele 'Probleme' auftauchen, weil es eben ein sehr guter Ort für Hilfestellungen ist. Tatsache ist, dass die UM3 Firmware noch nicht alle Features hat, welche die UM2+ Firmware besitzt. Das wird sich aber sicher noch ändern. @zerspaner_gerd: Garantieprobleme sollte es beim Einsatz von Hardcore Druckkernen eigentlich keine geben. Die Hardcore-Elemente sind umgebaute Ultimaker Printcores, welche ohnehin von der Garantie ausgenommen sind. Oder an welchen Fall hast Du da gedacht?
  4. Well I guess atm everybody is quite busy to bring the UM3 firmware feature-wise up to the level of the UM2+ firmware and has no time for games...
  5. Do you have material loaded in both extruders? The UM3 with firmware 3.5.3 does not heat up the bed when no material is loaded.
  6. In the network menu go to the status entry and scroll down until the mac address appears...
  7. Get in contact with your Ultimaker reseller. He should be able to organise the necessary parts for you.
  8. Is that cheap glass really Borosilicate? I have recently been in contact with a manufacturer of Borosilicate glass quite well known in Europe and they told me that their borosilicate glass is not manufactured with the aim to get even surfaces. Standard glass is often much flatter than borosilicate glass. And I have no doubt you can buy a 'cheap borosilicate glass' in China which would turn out to be standard glass if checked with appropriate methods. One more remark to the test method: please be aware you are testing not only the flatness of the glass but also the straightness of the axes (although Ultimaker axes are very straight nowadays).
  9. And what am I doing finally with the alcohol/702 solution?
  10. Den UM2+ Feeder bekommt man als Ersatzteil, aber nur auf Anfrage via Ultimaker-Händler. Löcher dafür müssen aber natürlich selbst gebohrt werden. Ich würde aber empfehlen, zwei gleichartige Feeder zu verwenden.
  11. Last call: If anyone still wants to register for the Meet-Up at FabLab Lucerne on Wednesday next week, please do it now. We will close the registration soon as we are close to the maximum number of people the location can host.
  12. The drop down box refers to the nozzle sizes Cura has a material profile for. If you add your custom nozzle size to those profiles and also to your machine via materials.txt you can have your custom nozzle size in the drop down box. But it's much easier to adjust the line width as suggested by @peggyb.
  13. Dissolve that printed PVA in water and smear the solution with a clean cloth onto the glass, then let it dry by heating up the bed. PVA, PLA and Nylon should then stick like nothing to the glass.
  14. I moved it a bit and it started working again. maybe a cord? I'm scared to move it again lol. You moved the printer? Then I guess it's a question of WiFi signal strength...?
  15. Apart from the forced bed levelling and the 'forgotten' retract those issues sound to me rather like Cura issues. I think the new beta fixes the single extrusion with the second core; at least according the change log. Connection to the UM3 from Cura 2.3.1 seems a bit delicate to me. I sometimes have the situation that Cura doesn't find the UM3 automatically and also not on a network scan. However, if I add the ip number, it immediately finds and names the printer.
  16. As the UM3 is not compatible with 1.75mm filament I recommend to buy some spools of premium quality 2.85mm filament and make a nice birthday present or similar out of the 1.75mm filament for a fellow maker of yours...
  17. Check if you can move any of the x and the y rods. If so, untighten one pulley of that rod and tighten it again so the rod does not move anymore. You may want to look how close to the edge the belts are running over the two pulleys in question and then decide which to move.
  18. @DirkT: Das klingt mir danach als könnte man das Problem mit einem z-Hop lösen?
  19. That's a really nice XT-CF20 print, @Wisar. Would you mind uploading it into the print section with some details about the Cura(?) configuration? How far did you have to deviate from a standard configuration?
  20. Is it possible to have a productive 2.3.1 installation and a separated 2.4 beta version in parallel or do they use the same user directories and files as 2.1.3 and 2.3?
  21. The bugfix from @amedee has been used in the above linked V5.1.1-RC1. However, it seems there are other issues which have to be adressed as e.g. @Alix reported that version still not to work properly.
  22. Wäre es dann nicht auch sinnvoller, die Frage nach einem neuen Drucker auf einem unabhängigen Forum zu stellen?
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