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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. Don't forget to increase the default value for "machine_extruder_count" in the definition file. "machine_extruder_count": { "default_value": 3 }, I made a quick test... works for me...
  2. Version 1.0


    A rather simple old model, but I like it. Printed on Ultimaker Mark2 with black PLA and ColorFabb Glowfill Sigh - 1982... I'm sure it was a great year... 8)
  3. Ich vermute, das es am Start-GCode liegt... Kannst Du in den "Machine Settings" (oder versuchsweise einfach mal direkt in der erzeugten gcode-Datei) diese Zeile ein Stück nach oben verschieben (siehe Bild): Etwas längere Erklärung: Beim Wechsel auf den zweiten Druckkopf (T1) fährt die Z-Achse um den Betrag des Z-Offset nach unten. Das geht aber nicht in jedem Fall, weil sie nach dem "Homing" noch (fast) ganz unten steht. Daher kommt das "Rattern" am Anfang und die Z-Position stimmt dann nicht mehr.
  4. Die Temperaturen wählst Du im Slicer aus. In Cura alle Temperaturen für den zweiten Extruder auf Null setzen sollte ausreichen (incl. der Standby-Temperatur). Dann gibt es aber immer noch den Start-Gcode, der versucht, das zweite Material vorzubereiten... Besser Du verwendest gleich das "normale" UM2+ Drucker Profil (single extruder) so wie früher auch. Dann musst Du nur darauf achten, das Modell nicht zu weit nach vorn zu platzieren. Für Simplify3D gilt das analog.
  5. IMHO the additional steps are documented for Octoprint, not for Cura. I would first take sure, that Octoprint itself controls the printer in the right way (there are a lot of possible scripts and settings in Octoprint). Perhaps the Cura documentation should mention, that one should configure Octoprint first - there's no reason to connect Cura to an Octoprint installation, that does not work properly...
  6. Ich bin nicht sicher, aber das sind vielleicht nur die fehlenden Initialwerte für den X/Y-Offset. Setze den am Anfang einmalig manuell auf die folgenden Werte Advanced -> Dual Extrusion -> Extruder offset X= 18.00 Y=-25.00 (Z müsste ja schon den richtigen Abstand haben) Ja, das Netzteil ist ziemlich "am Anschlag" (du hast nicht zufällig ein ZPM übrig... ). Verwendest Du für alle Heizungen die (Standard) UM2+ Elemente? Dann reduziere einfach im Menü den ersten Wert (Total) schrittweise um 10W, bis es funktioniert. Der Standard sollte 160W sein, aber ich denke, es gibt immer gewisse Fertigungstoleranzen - vielleicht machen auch die Bondtech-Stepper einen Unterschied. Falls Du für die Düsen Heizelemente mit mehr als 35W verbaut hast, dann kannst Du das auch gleich ändern: Advanced -> Preferences -> Power budget Viel Erfolg!
  7. Perhaps a side effect of your tinkering with the motherboard. Have you accidentally plugged something to the connector which is labelled '8/16 step' (or similar)?
  8. @harmenschippers - where do you got the power supply at this price? AFAIK it is (usually) much more expensive... Can you share the source? ...and can you share some details about how to make the adapter? That would be great! IMHO the defaults are: 175 / 150 / 35 / 35
  9. Advanced -> Preferences -> Motion Settings -> Invert axis 8)
  10. Well..., it's stated above that it (probably) does not depend on the Cura version, because it happens with Cura 2.5 too - and even with S3D. The difference must be elsewhere... That's why I ruled this out at the moment.
  11. Let me recapitulate: The extruder offsets are added to the current position on a tool change. We are guessing that the leaning has something to do with rounding errors of the Marlin planner (which "translates" the moving path to the number of steps). the current suggestion is: rounding of the extruder offsets to a multiple of one microstep (1/369mm for the UM2+ feeder) and check, if this makes a difference correct me if i'm wrong...
  12. Well, it seems that some PSUs are more sensitive than others, or the heated bed draws more current than others, or something similar... (perhaps manufacturing tolerances and bad luck?). It's true that the dual extrusion setup scratches at the limits of the PSU, but it should not be necessary to change the power limits that drastically. I think you would have problems with single extrusion as well, if your heated bed really consumes 180W and your nozzle heater 80W....? I'm pretty sure that a bigger PSU can help, but they are not cheap... Another thought: what about the current of the stepper motors? If I remember right, i use 1150mA for all of them. Perhaps that has an influence as well? And how much current draws the led light? (my led stripes are broken, so I don't use them). This are the only other differences that I can think of.
  13. @ultiarjan - IMHO this move should be X105 Y27 This is also the default for the Prime/Wipe position. The default for the extruder offset should be X=18, Y=-25 (as a starting point for calibration). It seems that the "tinker" firmware does not set this automatically - I'll check it.
  14. That looks wrong... Can you share pictures of the second printhead (coupled and in the dock) and feeder (where is it mounted)? Are both UM2+ feeders/printheads or something different? Also important: the settings on the printer for extruder offsets and wipe/prime position.
  15. Have you ever solved the former problem? If in doubt, you can try to reduce the "Total" value of the power budget by 10 Watts and see what happens. (The default is 175). Advanced -> Preferences -> Power budget
  16. The tool change travel moves are done by the firmware, but not faster than 200mm/s. If your printer can not handle this, then there is definitely something wrong with it... Are you sure, that the print head (or the rods) does not collide with .... whatever...? And yes: if you reduce the max. x/y speed of the printer settings, the Marlin firmware limits all moves to this speed (at least it's worth a try).
  17. There are no special differences. S3D does not (yet) generate the "temperature magic" like Cura, but besides that it's the same. Leave the tool change script empty (the firmware takes care of it) and copy the start/end-gcode from Cura (more or less). I rarely use S3D for dual printing, the following is untested, just to give the idea: ;start M84 G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off M200 D0 T0 ;reset filament diameter M200 D0 T1 G28 ; home all M190 S[bed0_temperature] M109 S[extruder1_temperature] T1 M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 T1 ; move to the 2th head G0 X140 Y30 F9000 ; move to prime position G0 Z20 F2400 ;move the platform to 20mm G92 E0 ; zero the extruder length G1 E35 F225 ;purge nozzle quickly G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 E-4.5 F1500 ; retract G1 X120 Z0.01 F5000 ; move away from the prime poop G1 X90 F9000 ; move away from the prime poop G0 Z20 F2400 ;move the platform to 20 mm T0 ; move to the first head G0 X120 Y30 F9000; move to prime position G92 E0 G1 E35 F225 ;purge nozzle quickly G92 E0 G1 E-4.5 F1500 G1 X100 Z0.01 F5000 ; move away from the prime poop G1 X70 F9000 ; move away from the prime poop G0 Z10 F2400 ;move the platform to 10 mm ;end G90 ;absolute positioning M104 S0 T0 ;extruder heater off M104 S0 T1 M140 S0 ;turn off bed T0 ; move to the first head G28 ; home all M84 ;steppers off M107 ; fan off
  18. Hi Dirk, welcome to the forum! Most probably you accidentally plugged the hotend fan connector to the wrong port. See here: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/35107-upgraded-um2-to-um2-error-in-z-switch-after-upgradation#reply-166484
  19. Hallo designhub, wenn ich das noch richtig in Erinnerung habe, liest diese Firmware-Version die Retraction-Settings fehlerhaft aus der MATERIAL.TXT ein. Ich weiß aber nicht, ob das in der Version, die Cura 2.5 mitbringt schon behoben wurde. Du könntest mal kontrollieren, welche Einstellungen für das Material tatsächlich gespeichert sind und das ggf. direkt am Drucker korrigieren.
  20. Perhaps you have enabled the setting "Automatically drop models to the build plate" (Preferences -> General)?
  21. Just take sure that none of the 8mm (rotating) rods can move in axial direction (best to check while the printer is switched off). There are some black spacers between the pulleys and the ball bearings (at the inside of the panels), and the rotating rods are secured with the pulleys. There should be no (or minimal) play in axial direction.
  22. Well, there are several other possible reasons... (double-) check the material settings on the printers. Temperature, fan, diameter, flow... all are exactly equal? Compare all motions settings (acceleration, retraction and motor current) as well. Or a mechanical issue, like sliding 8mm axis, 6mm rods are "bananas", loose belts or something similar.
  23. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/tree/master/1071_Clamp_Clip_(x2) oder alternative Versionen von Youmagine: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-bowden-clip-thicker-version https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-2-bowden-clips-1mm-to-3-5mm
  24. Ändert sich denn die Druckgeschwindigkeit je nach Höhe? Das wäre bei der einfachen Geometrie zumindest ungewöhnlich... Womit ist der gcode erzeugt? Cura? Wenn die Geschwindigkeit sich in diesen Abständern ändert und die Drucktemperatur gleich bleibt, könnte das schon die Ursache sein. Anderenfalls tippe ich auch auf: entweder Schwankungen der (Düsen-) Temperatur oder Schwankungen des Filament-Durchmessers.
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