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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Totally understand, very valid point. That is an interesting find. Not sure if I would agree. Usually, silver is considered to hide unwanted print artifacts a little bit better. Have not heard often that it is more difficult to print with, unless maybe this is based on an experience from years back? Anyway, you should definitely give matte a try. Curious to see the results!
  2. No problem, but if you want to continue this conversation please move it to your thread ? If you want to provide feedback or make suggestions to the Cura team, both our community (Cura thread) and Github are good places. Sometimes you may be asked to also share your feedback on Github.
  3. When something is labeled as experimental it does not necessarily mean there are negative effects to a machine, it can also be that the creation of the profile did not have main priority and it may not be optimal (yet).
  4. This is called support interface, and this can be configured for X, Y and Z dimension.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. How do you mean this prevents you from reading the full message on a smartphone? For me these blocks are just pasted at the bottom and don't overlay or replace any other content. I figured it is a nice way to suggest some high value content which you otherwise may miss. Although I agree the 4 blocks are rather big, I currently don't have much tools to optimize them (like make them smaller).
  6. Hi, welcome to our community of 3D printing experts! It looks like you 3D printed it laying on it's back, right? Do you remember what it looked like when you took the Ultibot of the bed? Did you use a raft for adhesion? My first guess is that when you started your print, the filament was not fully loaded yet and it took a few layers for it to do so, and then your Ultimaker recovered (they do that sometimes miraculously) and finished the print. You could try another print, and see if it starts to print from the start? One way of telling that your filament is inserted all the way, is when you feed it, a small string starts to ooze from the nozzle.
  7. How do you print with your Ultimaker 2+ if not via memory card? The USB entrance is mainly used to upload new firmware, it's recommended not to use it for sending gcodes. Can you also share a screenshot of your Cura settings? Is the blue surface some type of blue tape you print on for adhesion? What material do you print with?
  8. Hi @UncleFungus , thank you for your post and welcome to the community. Do you have a photo you can share of what your object is supposed to be (like a screenshot from Cura?), and a photo of what your Ultimaker is doing? Thanks!
  9. Hi! The Cura team is working on improvements and was curious about your opinion regarding the following: You know that Ultimaker Cura by default puts an acronym in front of the files that it saves. When you're loading a cube it'll give the file name "UM3_Cube" instead of just "Cube" when you slice for an Ultimaker 3. We're re-evaluating what would be most useful as a prefix: The name of the printer or the type of printer. On the one hand you may be organising your g-code files for specific printers or printers that are loaded with specific materials. On the other hand you can use the same g-code file for all of your printers of the same type as long as you switch out the material and print cores. For clarity, with "An acronym based on my selected printer's name" we mean that if you call your printer "Ghostkeeper's Printer" then the acronym would become "GP". We'd like to ask you which you prefer. We're interested to hear how you organize your g-code files (if at all). Thanks!
  10. It should be mentioned in the files there. Basically you have to reverse the feeding (you can do this in the gcode by replacing all E values by -E, reverse some wires on your stepper motor or mount it the other way around), so the filament will pull instead of push. The pulling motion will pull down the top of the syringe, like how you would squeeze the contents out of it if you would do it manually. Something like retraction is not possible.
  11. Hi @june , welcome to our community of 3D printing experts. Which version of Cura are you using? Is your Ultimaker connected to the same network as your laptop? I believe there should be a sync button that sync Cura to the configuration of the Ultimaker 3 you are connected to.
  12. Would any of these files help? https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-syringe-extruder-ii
  13. Sounds fair, and I also agree after thinking about it some more. Most of the gain in the aesthetic department is probably gained in Cura, selecting the right configuration. Obviously things like overhangs will have to be taken into account for a nice looking print, but if you don't this will also negatively influence a functional prototype so it would fit here as well. But besides aesthetics, Cura can also benefit strength of a model. So I (still) wonder.. if I would want to print a strong model; should I go for thick layers or thin layers? (and if the shape of the model is important, what is a rule of thumb?) I'm curious to see if others have anything to add to this article or if there are any questions.
  14. What would you like to know? Do you know Discov3ry ?
  15. We seem to have an e-mailing issue at the moment. We're looking into it and we're trying to fix it as soon as possible. Edit: Should be fixed from now on, moving forward. Activation emails for new members were also on hold and are all resend now. Our apologies for the inconvenience!
  16. I would not recommend to take your print core apart, there is a high chance of breaking it / doing damage to it and we use special tools to assemble them to make sure tolerances are right. You can also not buy the nozzles separately because there is no way to install them. AA and BB nozzles indeed have a different internal geometry and if you would print PLA in both (as an example) this indeed would influence quality. Most likely, the BB nozzle will ooze and string more. If you want/need to replace nozzles, you probably have to collect some feedback regarding the 3D Solex hard cores to find out of this is something for you.
  17. Sure you can! If you want to replace just the nozzle on a print core, this is not possible. There are third party products that allow you to do so, but not on an official Ultimaker 3 print core.
  18. fyi; I have just added a video to the first message of this thread where we go a little bit more in-depth regarding certain features of Ultimaker Cura 3.3. Hopefully, it will help with using Cura. Next time, we aim to share it upon launch ?
  19. Looks good @DanielHolmSweden ! ?
  20. In theory it can, but removal may be more difficult because of its flexible nature compared to ABS or PLA. Do you have a photo of your model?
  21. Hi @Jeremi , the option closed to your request is 'support blocker' in Cura. It allows you to select places on your 3D model where there will be no support. If you search for 'support blocker' on our forums you should find enough information about it.
  22. Could you estimate how much further it tries to move up? Are talking about a few mm or cm, or maybe like 10cm? If so, you maybe have the Extended firmware on your Ultimaker and it tries to move up the additional 10cm? Alternatively, if it is less, you may want to inspect the Z end stop at the bottom. Is it bent or loose?
  23. Hello ? Moderator speaking; we are drifting off topic! The OP has an Ultimaker 2+. Feel free to debate about the function of 7/8 but let's not derail in Cura - 3D printer philosophies! Thank you!
  24. Very cool! They look really good! I saw in one of your earlier guides you made a pin in your landscape where you would position all these little people. Is that how you always work? I imagine having a disc like these gives you more flexibility re positioning and you don't have to worry about it at start. Or maybe sometimes you don't want any people, and then the holes may be distracting? (or do you consider all these discs as distracting?)
  25. All makes sense, thanks! I would also agree, everything looks better in matte ? @Stefania Dinea in the matte colors your office decided to like, did that include non-white too? What type of things would you print in color? Entourage like trees etc?
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