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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. I would say, depends on how thick. If it is so thick the nozzle drags through the fabric, it is too close. You want it to be just above the fabric, with very little space in between so the extruded filament has only 1 way to go; which is in the fabric, not out to the sides.
  2. Thanks for all your votes and feedback guys! I understand the Cura team received sufficient feedback and is taking all input into consideration.
  3. Like what kind of fabrics? To wear? You want to make sure that first layer is really in there, merge with the fabric. That is the most important. Because the fabric can move along with the plastic / print head you want a thick first layer and on the slow side of things.
  4. This is the other thread I couldn't find earlier
  5. That's what I was thinking. Plus everyone here understands 3D printing and what 'design for 3D printing' means. I'm really excited to see what the entries will be, I think these sets can be super helpful!
  6. Hi Chrii, thank you for your message. Simultaneously with the introduction of the Ultimaker S5, this was also the last day for the Ultimaker 2 Go. It was a real sturdy and accurate 3D printer, users who had it were really happy but like Nilrog says, the trend seems more to go towards bigger 3D printers.
  7. Ha Kevin, Het is wellicht makkelijk om via YouMagine of Thingiverse een dual extrusion model te downloaden, waarvan je weet dat ze goed zijn en daarmee dit proces eens doorlopen. Dan heb je iets minder variabelen. Maar in princiepe zou je beide modellen moeten selecteren, rechtermuis en dan merge models. Het lijkt erop dat je dobbelsteen body geen uitsparingen heeft?
  8. Hi @starbuck, I created a new thread for you so it is easier to find for other users who might have the same question. It usually means there is a notification pending for you, which should appear when you 'wake up' the screen. Could be a few things like a calibration it wants you to do, a finished print or something concerning your flow sensor.
  9. Ha Kevin, in Cura bepaal je of iets met 2 kleuren geprint wordt, daar heeft de CAD softwaar waar je het model in maakt niks mee te maken. In de CAD software (Computer Aided Design) maak je enkel het model. Door in Cura 2 modellen in te laden (die in elkaar passen, omdat je ze samen getekend hebt in bijv TinkerCad), kun je inderdaad zeggen, ik wil stl 1 in wit en stl 2 in rood. Dat is wel aan te raden ja, anders kan het voor Cura ingewikkeld worden wat hij verwacht wordt te printen, het 'rode' of het 'witte' gedeelte. Jep, vanwege de zojuist genoemde reden. Jep. Belangrijk is wel om te melden, maar misschien is dat voor nu nog iets te technisch, is dat het point of origin gelijk moet zijn. Dat betekend in het kort dat het ankerpunt van beide modellen dezelfde coordinatie hebben, zodat ze goed in elkaar passen als een puzzel. Als dit afwijkt, kan het zijn dat Cura probeert je rode cijfers op zijn kop te mergen. Cura weet niet wat boven en onder is, die weet alleen wat jij hebt aangegeven wat onder is.
  10. Ha Kevin, Daarvoor heb je Cura nodig. Dit kun je downloaden van onze site onder software. Je hebt gelijk, je model moet uit 2 delen bestaan, bijv de body van de dobbelsteen, welke je in wit wil printen, en alle cijfers/puntjes die je rood wilt printen. Via tinkercad kun je beide STL's afzonderlijk exporteren, en in Cura kun je deze 'mergen' als je ze beide inlaadt. Dan moet je kiezen welk model je met welke extruder (en dus filament) wilt printen.
  11. You may want to read / get involved here. I also thought there was another thread about it, but I also didn't find it just now.
  12. I just hope it is watertight ? ?
  13. We're open for entries! Presenting an idea, an architectural design or something as big as an urban project isn't easy. A scaled model can really help to get your idea across. But besides your main model, there is more needed to get your idea across vividly! An architect regularly uses various entourage sets to help bring these ideas and models to live. At Ultimaker we think that 3D printing can have a significant impact on the projects and daily routine of an architect. There is so much more you can focus and work on while the Ultimaker is doing the labor for you. We're happy to see many architects embrace this technology and elevate their business. But.. we think we could make your lives even a little bit easier! Because just like any manufacturing technique, 3D printing has design guidelines. Guidelines that can make the difference between a flawless 3D print and a troublesome 3D print. We figured we could help by providing free entourage sets for architects which are designed for 3D printing and are free to use for your projects. Think of theme-packs like vehicles for urban planning, people and trees. But I can imagine that which vehicles you need may depend on your project because European vehicles might be different from American vehicles, and within a certain city or building you may need different types of people. And this is where the contest comes in ? Separated in 3 segments we would like to ask for your help to design and provide the best entourage sets. There are some rules though: - One set should contain a minimum of 6 different models - It should be designed for 3D printing, like no overhangs and it should be printable in single extrusion (without PVA).* - It should be submitted in a 1:100 scale so it is easy to scale up or down depending on ones project - You can submit as many entries as you want - Ultimakers and the winning entries will be made available to use for free as entourage sets by Ultimaker - You can only submit your own design - It would be appreciated if your entourage set is based on real-world 'subjects' and if you add a descriptive title like 'American trucks and large vehicles'. 'People set walking' or 'Adults and kids'. - Each segment will run for a period of 3 weeks - Got a submission? You can add an STL to your reply below. (It's also possible to add it to 3D files, make sure to add a link to the replies below. We only review the replies). * -As an example, when designing our example vehicle set we initially had a little detail in each tire that represented a rim. A nice tough we thought. But upon printing, this little detail made the first layer unreliable and therefore the whole print. We removed the detail and can now run a full set without any concerns. Download: Ultimaker example Entourage - Vehicles.zip The Start. We're open for entries now and looking forward seeing what you will submit. Each theme will run for 3 weeks, which means the vehicle theme will run until July 9th. When the contests are over, we will make sure the winning entries are available in this architect sub-forum and Ultimaker will continue to add to these entourage sets if necessary. Of course, we hope that everyone who submits a set will do the same. We'll start with vehicles, then people and finally trees. The Prize. So, what can you win? In each contest, there are 2 prizes to win. First prize; a large filament pack. Containing 10 reels of filament; white PLA. Second prize, a small filament pack. Containing 5 reels of filament; white PLA. The Jury. @Stefania Dinea and I, (@SandervG) are jury. We will look for the design for 3D printing element (remember, we want to make your life easier!) and your choice of design/subject, i.e., which set we think will be used most eventually.
  14. Hi Yellowshark, Thank you for your message. Sorry to hear you had to re-register and read past emails. This last email was part of a 'series' of emails to, basically what it said, not clutter inboxes of people who aren't opening them anyway. For two reasons, one; the recipient doesn't care because he isn't reading the emails and 2; we have to pay for sending out all those emails. So sounds like a win-win situation if we can keep that list of recipients relevant right? Regarding the re-registering, like I said it should be part of a series of 3 emails. The first email should have notified you that we notice you haven't opened any emails in a while (I would need to check what the timeframe was, I believe a few months or so). The second email contained the 'Wait, I'm still in!' button, so you wouldn't need to re-register. In this last email, since previous ones didn't trigger any activity, we went ahead and unsubscribed. Our apologies if the other emails were not clear enough. Did you receive them even? Another important thing, this email you received concerns the Ultimaker promotional emails. It does not contain community newsletters. So, are we talking about the same emails, did you receive and read our promotional emails? Our apologies if the email did not match your online behavior. We'll see if we can optimize the process further. Hopefully, you don't hold a grudge against all of us Dutchies because of this ?
  15. Let me first say, there are even more new features. Unfortunately I can't name them all. But I'll be happy to add this one too the list as well ? Does it retract on both your model and with support, or only the model?
  16. It is listed under infill , and you can also find it using the search bar. It's good to realize that top faces that need support have infill. Here is a sphere. The sides where the walls are above a 40º angle don't get support infill. So only the overarching top / center has the support infill. (I'm saying this because my first understanding was that some kind of internal tree support would be generated to support large top layers where you actually want a hollow model but need support, but this is not the case.)
  17. Whoops, good thing that you mention it! I'll add it right away!
  18. Thank you for testing everyone! If you are interested in the newest, latest and greatest, Ultimaker Cura 3.4 | Beta just became available ? Follow this link if you want to read more about it
  19. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the new Ultimaker Cura 3.4 | Beta just became available ? Follow this link if you are interested ?
  20. Ultimaker Cura 3.4 | Beta It’s time for the next step in the evolution of Ultimaker Cura. We’re excited to share Ultimaker Cura 3.4 Beta with you! This new version holds a lot of improvements for UX, new plugins and some very interesting upgrades to the slicing engine. Before we get started, I would like to remind you that even though we have tested this version internally for major bugs, we can’t yet guarantee the same reliability and quality as the stable version. Therefore, if you are working on an important or time-sensitive project, we recommend to continue and use the stable version. Thank you! So, without further ado. What are those new improvements? UX improvements. Toolbox. The plugin browser has been renamed into the ‘Toolbox’. Graphical elements are added such as tiles with contain more information upon clicking. Upgradable bundled resources. It’s possible now to have multiple versions of bundled resources installed; the bundled version and the downloaded upgrade. If an upgrade in the form of a package is present, the bundled version will not be loaded. If it’s not present, Ultimaker Cura will revert to the bundled version. Configuration error assistant. Detect and show potential configuration file errors to users, like incorrect files and duplicate files in material or quality profiles. Information is stored and communicated to the user to prevent crashing in the future. Reprap/Marlin GCODE flavor. RepRap firmware now lists values for all extruders in the "Filament used" GCODE comment. Contributed by @smartavionics Plugin updates. Backup and restore. We’ve added the functionality to backup and restore your settings and profiles to the cloud using the Cura Backup plugin. This could be a most welcome improvement when you have a custom machine, custom profiles or work with multiple computers. Autodesk Inventor integration. Open AutoDesk inventor files (parts, assemblies, drawings) directly in Ultimaker Cura. (Thanks to @thopiekar!) Blender, OpenSCAD, FreeCAD integration. Open these files directly into Ultimaker Cura. (Again, thank you @thopiekar) New version of OctoPrint (Thank you @ahoeben !) and MakePrintable. Slicing engine upgrades. Infill support. When your model doesn’t need all the strength that infill gives, but you do want to give support where your top layers need it you may want to use infill support. When enabled, it generates internal support for part structures that need support. (Thank you @bagel-orb !) Print outside perimeter before holes. This prioritizes outside perimeters before printing holes. By printing holes as late as possible, there is a reduced risk of the travel moves showing unwanted artifacts on your surface. Many thanks to @smartavionics Disable omitting retractions in support. Previous versions had no option to disable omitting retraction moves when printing supports, which could cause issues with third-party machines or materials. An option has been added to disable this and thus enable retractions when printing support. ( @bagel-orb!) Support wall line count. Added setting to configure how many walls to print around supports. (Thanks @bagel-orb !) Max combing distance with no retraction. This value determines the maximum distance your printhead will travel without retraction. When set to a non-zero value, combing travel moves that are longer than that distance will use retraction. (Thank you @smartavionics !) Bug fixes. We fixed a lot of bugs in this version. I want to highlight a few but please navigate Extensions > Changelog > Show changelog for a full list of bug fixes. Empty file names. If the filename is empty when you save and send your sliced model to the printer, Ultimaker Cura will report it as sent but it would never arrive. Now, if the job name is empty, it is detected and listed as ‘unnamed’. Print job name reslice. Fixed behavior where print job name changes back to origin when reslicing. Curaproject naming. Fixed bug related to two "curaprojects" in the file name when saving a project. Discard/keep. Fixed a bug where customized settings didn’t give an 'discard or keep' dialog when changing material. Prime tower purge fix. Prime tower purge now starts away from the center, minimizing the chance of overextrusion and nozzle obstructions. Thanks to @bagel-orb No support on first layers. Fixed a bug related to no support generated causing failed prints when model is floating above build plate. As a final note, a big hand for @ahoeben , jwalt, ohrn, ngraziano, @smartavionics, @bagel-orb and @thopiekar . Your contributions help everyone, every day! Thank you! But this was just my list, there is more! Don’t care and you’re ready to try it out? Download Ultimaker Cura 3.4 | Beta here. Do you prefer to continue and read more about? Visit our blog. As always, we’re looking forward receiving your feedback. It is because of your feedback we are able to continue and improve it.
  21. Thank you for your feedback. I take it all into account!
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