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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @KnoxJA, thank you for your post and welcome to our community! Before you start the procedure make sure your print core and your build plate are clean and there is no filament in between. Next thing to check is that when the procedure starts, the tip of the nozzle should not yet be touching the glass plate. There should be a space in between. The most tangible guideline is that there should be a distance of approximately 14 mm between the bottom of the heated bed and the top of the aluminium base plate. If there is more space, you should tighten your springs a little bit with the thumbscrews underneath your bed. That should do the trick
  2. Another fix is implemented. What about now?
  3. Hi @Clancey , thank you for your post. If you're not entirely sure about the technical term, it would be very helpful if you could include some photo's. Could you also add which printer you have using a tag? (you can find them under the title of this thread). But based on your description, maybe the layers just don't have enough time to cool down? Have you tried lowering the temperature?
  4. Hi @Stefania Dinea , thanks again for taking the time to put this together. @Alex L, is it equally easy to do this in ArchiCad? Something I just wondered since we're talking tolerances here, how do you usually go about details in your design that, after scaling it down 1:400, become too small to 3D print? I dunno, like railings in a balcony or details in windows / doors / furniture? Do you leave them out entirely, scale them up so they can be printed or make them separately, perhaps via a different route? I imagine the solution may vary per object but curious how you decide how to deal with it.
  5. Hi. Small domestic note; I've moved this topic from 'Official news' to the '3D printers' subforum as we have moved passed the launch and it was still quite active. Other members may find it here more easily if they want to engage
  6. Has the footer/ error message been fixed?
  7. If by '..their filament in a future..' you mean a manufacturers filament profile in Cura, then yes. That would be correct
  8. The software was updated yesterday. Which theme do you have, the Ultimaker one or the default IPboard theme? What operating system do you have, and what browser? Thanks!
  9. I don't think that will be necessary, because the initial motivation to work with the alu build plate was because needed more bed adhesion when using some of the engineering materials and close to the full bed capacity on the Ultimaker S5. The Active leveling method will also improve for the Ultimaker 3 I believe, so you should be fine with the normal glass plate. Nope, that doesn't seem to be in the planning for now, sorry.
  10. If you didn't get the information yet, Ultimaker Cura 3.3 | Stable has been released! Please share your feedback here and download Ultimaker Cura 3.3 here!
  11. If you would have to go through all vendors and all filaments yes, but I'm sure there will be a smarter way. I heard something about a possibility to use a short code that represented a specific filament from a vendor which could be on the packaging. Like you say, let's wait the solutions that are presented!
  12. I imagine they get retrieved through the internet.
  13. I understand we strongly recommend those manufacturers to include an NFC chip on their filament, but it is optional. If they don't (or before they do), you should be able select their material manually in Cura and pull in the parameters that way. But I'm not sure when the first profiles will be visible in Cura yet.
  14. Hi @sutter, Thank you for your reply. Sorry for my late response, I have been away to a show due to the Ultimaker S5 launch. Using Ultimaker PLA and these settings don't give me any indication why you would be slightly under extruding. Would you mind to share the STL? And can you try a different reel of filament, to see if perhaps your filament got too brittle over time?
  15. Hi @Pepa, thank you for your message and welcome to our community! Can you elaborate a bit on which organic solvents you want to use? Or will it vary a lot? CPE and CPE+ are both chemically resistant. Have you considered any of these materials? When you say you want to use other materials which are easier than Nylon, what is it about Nylon that you are having difficulties with? Just warping? Do you use the active leveling? Do you have a clean build plate? Do you use Ultimaker Nylon or third party Nylon? Looking forward hearing from you!
  16. Thank you for your response, this is indeed very true and close to our viewpoint. With the launch of this new 3D printer, the Ultimaker S5, I can understand it is tempting to only look at the hardware which was just revealed to the market, (which is definitely worth the look!), but it is only a part of a puzzle we offer as a solution from Ultimaker. Not everyone needs that full puzzle though. Luckily many elements are also available separately, like Cura, materials and our investment in creating them. And our community obviously It's up for everyone to decide which part, and how big of a part of that 'puzzle' they want to incorporate in their workflow.
  17. Yeah, that's what you say... But we all know that is not the real reason... #UM4Conspiracy Hi! Just got back from the show at Hannover where we released the Ultimaker S5. I've tried to read most of the comments but I didn't really have time to reply any sooner. I'll try to get back on some of the comments here, if there is anything left behind feel free to tag me Regarding why the Ultimaker 4 was skipped; when we launched the Ultimaker 3 we learned from a lot of users that they interpret this as a replacement from the Ultimaker 2+. Because of the consecutive numbers. But this was wrong. As you have read here a few times already, and in many replies to the Ultimaker 3, it was not a replacement of the Ultimaker 2+. It was/is an expansion of our product portfolio. Both are great printers, and serve a different audience with different needs. We learned a lesson from this feedback, and did not want to give the impression the grand Ultimaker S5 would replace the Ultimaker 3. Although some features are shared, it offers a whole bunch of new features and improved user experience. With a strong focus on reliability and ease of use. (This reaches far beyond just the hardware. I'm talking about the integration with the printer, Cura, Cura Connect and the materials). And to top of that full circle user experience, have you already read our new alliance with these material manufacturers? ..Anyway, the Ultimaker S5 is not replacing the Ultimaker 3. Therefore, it is not called Ultimaker 4. S stands for Studio/office, because we see these professional users benefit most from this full circle ecosystem. Hope this clears things up a little bit. Let me know if you have any further questions!
  18. Ultimaker Cura 3.3 is available from today! Following the news from yesterday, a large part of the news relates back to the Ultimaker S5. Among others Cura can now also create a UFP. UFP (Ultimaker format package) is a new file extension that contains compressed gcode and a preview thumbnail. Using this extension enables a model preview (similar to the solid view in Ultimaker Cura) on the Ultimaker S5 touchscreen and in Cura Connect. Since we also introduced a new material, 'Tough PLA' yesterday, the material profile can now also be found in the latest Cura version. Tough PLA prints as easy as regular PLA, except it is as strong as ABS. Which means if you are looking for strong prints it is definitely a material worth exploring. The prints with the same temperatures as PLA, which implies it is equally heat resistant. Besides aligning Cura with the recent expansion of our product range, we have also added some new features. Ultimaker Cura is now equipped with a 3D model assistant. The 3D model assistant triggers when you want to slice with ABS, PC, PP or CPE+ and can give you tips on how to potentially improve the quality and reliability of your 3D print. - More good news is that you can now also easily do single extrusion prints, when your model allows it. Using single extrusion mode also makes the ‘print one at a time’ feature available for the Ultimaker 3 and Ultimaker S5. You can easily disable it by right clicking on extruder 2 and enable/disable it from there. - The prime tower has now been made round instead of square, which should result in a smoother toolpath and a sturdier prime tower. - Support blocker also made it into the stable version. @ahoeben , thanks again! You can now generate a cube mesh to prevent support material to be used in certain areas within a model. Each cube can be scaled, rotated, and moved with the standard adjustment tools in the left side of your screen. - Bridging. Many thanks to @smartavionics . It is still a fairly new feature, but it allows Cura to check for bridges and opens up more configurations to tweak for better briding. Finally; three new plugins have been added; Scalable extra prime, Print temperature offset, and Enclosure fan. I've mentioned some already, but I want to thank everyone for there help in realizing Ultimaker Cura 3.3. We couldn't do it without you! I'm talking about @ahoeben , @smartavionics , @thopiekar , Pheneeny, krios-fabteam, dagoma3d, uBuild-3D, maukcc, timur-tabi, pouncingiguana, velbn, and Gordo3di. We've also created a 6-minute video where we go a little bit more in-depth regarding some of the improvements of Ultimaker Cura 3.3. Can't wait? Download Ultimaker Cura 3.3 here! Not entirely convinced yet? You can read more about these features and more on our blog! Looking forward hearing from you, and make sure to share your feedback with us. That is the only way we can continue improving on this wonderful slicer!
  19. Added , everything is possible. I hope we can share a lot of ours and the industry expertise this way!
  20. This morning we successfully launched the Ultimaker S5 at the Hannover Messe. It was quite a big turnout from the press and it has been the center of attention throughout the whole day, and probably the rest of the week. (I'll share some photo's later!) If you are in the area of Hannover, Germany make sure to stop by. The Ultimaker S5 is our biggest 3D printer as of yet. It offers a grande 330 x 240 x 300 mm (13 x 9.4 x 11.8 inches), comes with a new touchscreen and has similar connectivity as you know from the Ultimaker 3 so you can fit it perfectly with Cura Connect. And now the build volume has increased, we felt it necessary to introduce a new buildplate to improve the adhesion of some of the engineering materials when you want to use all of that new space. So with the Ultimaker S5 there will also be an anodized aluminum buildplate for this reason. The S in Ultimaker S5 stands for Studio, which means we have designed and built this 3D printer to be the perfect fit for any office/studio. It is quieter compared to previous generations, has front doors to protect it from draft and cold air and similar print cores as on the Ultimaker 3, cause they just work like a charm The Ultimaker S5 is also labeled as future ready, which means you should expect both software, material and hardware 'accessories' in the future. Besides all this, the Ultimaker S5 has a flow sensor too. Which helps you when you are about to run out of filament. When you are connected to Cura Connect you can receive notifications when your print is finished or when it needs assistance. Which should give you all the peace of mind to focus on your other tasks and let your Ultimaker quietly do its magic in the background. Let us know if you have any questions for us! We're happy to help. And keep an eye on us, because more news is to follow! (Maybe as soon as tomorrow? :O)
  21. Hi everyone, thanks for all the replies! Happy to see so many responses and excitement to the news. We'll know more soon enough!! @kmanstudios and @uncle_bob, I haven't read everything into much detail, but it seems to be clear you are either on a different level or just have different opinions. Both are totally fine. Let's move on and not go about it endlessly. Have a great day everyone!
  22. Maybe a stupid question, my apologies in advance, but if this (only?) surfaces when you abort a print repeatedly, it usually means you want to stop the print for whatever reason. Could be a lot of reasons, except the one; print is done and finished. So for what reason does it matter if there is a blob / the nozzle stays on too long? The print is aborted, right? Probably going to be thrown away? Or is it just unexpected behavior we're reporting here? I'm just curious if perhaps I can not come up with the scenario when this would be problematic.
  23. Hi @RudydG, welcome to the community! Sounds like an ambitious project, good luck with it. Regarding the firmware, have you checked out our github account already? There is a firmware repository as well. As for the print head, I imagine the magnetic toolchanger might be easier to do? And it is very well received in our community too. Both hardware might be easier sourced and it also has custom firmware and a lot of support in our community.
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