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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. What I can tell is that we are working on Ultimaker Cura 3.1 at this moment. A big speedup improvement will be in. We will stop loading all possible machines and profiles, but just load the ones that you use. After this we will have the UM3 support better single extrusion mode and we will start with 'Multiple Quality Profiles Per Model (aka variable layer height)'. What I'm mostly looking forward to is the research sprint. That is two weeks where everybody can work on the thing he/she wants and where it is less important that it works at the end (Ironing was a result of the last research sprint). How often does such a research sprint happen, and does that happen every so often? How free are programmers in this sprint, i.e., how likely is it that we'll have Morgan Freeman telling us to load the filament in feeder 2 in a few weeks?
  2. @Nallath, it is not uncommon that in past requests for features users could influence the process with sweet contraband like cookies. I certainly have seen many different cookies lying around on different desks and therefore I was wondering; What is the correlation between the type of cookies sent and the speed of implementation of a request/feature? And where does the quantity of cookies sent stand in this equation?
  3. Hmm. Tough question. I'm going for the cop out answer of; Make it a settable preference. But yeah, if i really, really had to choose; Morgan Freeman. I would like to vote for David Hasselhoff..
  4. A bit more of a technical question; As far as @Tinkergnome can see, Cura is the only software out there that uses python and the Qt-bindings for a (3D-related) user interface. What were the main reasons for this decision? What are the benefits for the Cura development in particular, @Nallath?
  5. The visibility pre-sets is in our top 50 issue list. It's also a feature that I really want myself. This system could also be extendable to custom pre-sets (or pre-sets per extruder) Is this top 50 list something we can share with our users @MSuurmond or @Nallath, so people kinda know where things are going?
  6. One question we received from the community is regarding a policy we use to implement new features. It has something to do with levels of activity a request must have in 12 weeks. @MSuurmond, can you explain this some more?
  7. Alright, aaaaaand we're live! I would like to welcome @MSuurmond and @Nallath to this thread and we can all go and start answering questions for the next 90 minutes! If you have any followup questions based on answers that are given feel free, and new questions are also welcome. I've collected a few questions already via different channels, and I'll merge those in in between as well
  8. Hi @Oj00, I got some more information for you: We used a mechanical way of measuring, and a sensor measured if there was contact between the measuring wheel and the filament. The wire still runs from the feeder to the mainboard, it should be connected to the I2C connector on the board. Hopefully, this helps!
  9. Today, one year after releasing the Ultimaker 3 series we are sharing the Ultimaker 3 and Ultimaker 3 Extended files with you. At Ultimaker we believe by making our knowledge, research and development open and accessible, everyone can gain a better understanding of the technology and benefit from it. Earlier we also shared the files for the Ultimaker Original (+), Ultimaker 2 series, Ultimaker 2 + series, heated bed upgrade and now the Ultimaker 3 joins the ranks as well. Sharing those files has been a great help for our users who wanted to know our machines from the inside out. It empowered many users to help each other in our community, raise the level of expertise and even continue innovation. One of my most favorite examples of innovation is the Olsson Block. Anders Olsson was able to easily develop his own hot end based on our design that allowed him to print with highly abrasive boron carbide, and this modification turned into the highly popular ‘Olsson Block’ that all of our Ultimaker 2+ users use nowadays. Ultimaker Cura, with currently over 1 million users has strong roots in, not just ours, the whole 3D print community. Because it is open source a lot of people are able to contribute to the development, make fast iterations and involve everyone in the full life cycle of Cura. From development, to testing beta versions to being the actual end user who reports feedback. Why were the files released after one year? The Ultimaker 3 is our most advanced 3D printer to date, and all the research and development we put in there was significantly higher than anything in the past. We wanted the period of time until we release the files to match the development period that went into creating the product. For the Ultimaker 2 it was 6 months and for the Ultimaker 3 it was 12 months. This way we felt comfortable about ensuring our investment into the product, and allowing our users to benefit from our research as well after this period of time. The mechanical files will be released under the CC-BY-NC license in a .step format which is recognized by a large range of CAD software packages. Our electronics will be shared under the GPL2 license. Besides this, you can also find a complete bill of materials in our github repository. With all of this we hope to put users in the position to learn even more about our products and the technology, and possibly even make modifications where they see fit. At Ultimaker a lot of our products have different licenses. In this rapidly evolving 3D printing landscape we always try to find the best license for each of our products. We’re always looking for the best approach within what we think is right and is beneficial for us but overall our users. If you are curious about what other products we have shared, check out our main repository where you can find both hardware and software releases: https://github.com/Ultimaker/
  10. . ya, sorry for asking to have a rather simple thing added that would make life for end users easier, guess Spaghetti infill and fuzzy skin are more important that actually being able to identify the app, ya know, Because so many people are using that and no one needs to ID which is which... Ok, point is clear. Moooooooving on!
  11. @Korneel: 'we're laughing but we're crying'. @Shurik, on those buttons you can't actually see if the hexagon is overlapping.. it shows 'best' on the laptop, altho it is still pretty difficult to see. Happy to hear you managed to download it anyway. I'll give the feedback to our dev's that this problem may be bigger than we realized. We're rebuilding materials pages right now, perhaps the software page may follow quickly.
  12. @Nallath, perhaps something you can help with?
  13. Hi @AbeFM, it depends. Do you want to leave feedback regarding the beta or stable? You are currently in the beta thread, and yesterday we released the stable version. The thread for this you can find here. @Darkdvd & @Thomllama, I have a feeling we are drifting off topic, aren't we?
  14. I like how genuinely excited person A was, and it took a little bit longer for the other guy to realise what he was dealing with. Cool video to watch, thanks for sharing
  15. I'm actually based in the Netherlands, but we are usually between 35% and 50%. It kinda depends on the amount of rain that falls and amount of open windows.
  16. the links from where? Have you tried it in incognito too? I quickly compiled an image that illustrates how to recognize it (it is small but perhaps you can see it. The hexagon overlaps the laptop). Previously we've always thought it barely affected anyone, but now it seems the problem is bigger than we thought.
  17. Hey everyone, I wanted to let you know (or remind you) that we have our second Ultimaker 'Ask Me Anything' scheduled for tomorrow 4:30pm (CEST). This is where it will take place, and hopefully we'll see you there if you have anything you want to ask Nallath or MSuurmond. If you are not familiar with the concept of an 'Ask Me Anything' (AMA), usually someone (or in this case 2 persons) step forward for a certain amount of time where they will try to answer any question you fire at them. Usually, this person has a specific level of expertise or story which is interesting to know more about.
  18. Hi @LePaul, Do you perhaps have some pending notifications in chrome when the download button is not working? I have it as well, and if you look closely it is because the hexagon in the background is being pushed forward, covering the button. If you would go incognito you would also be able to download it.
  19. we've been deploying a new software page for Ultimaker Cura 3.0, and that is probably what you noticed. (So did I). @Korneel, not yet. Probably upcoming Wednesday..
  20. I saw the discussion on twitter a while ago and later here. Sorry that it is not included in this stable version, it seemed like a good feature. But I'm sure it will follow later as promised in Cura 3.1.
  21. Thanks for bringing that out @smartavionics! I usually write my post based on the release notes and running the beta version and indeed, I was not aware of this specific experimental setting. Is it something you also help with / made? Care to elaborate on it a little bit? I will include it in my original post
  22. Hi Guys, we just launched Ultimaker Cura 3.0 stable. You can find the forum post here, blog post here and the download right here Let us know what you think!
  23. Welcome to Ultimaker Cura 3.0 Ultimaker Cura 3 offers new features, a new UI and introduces the start of a new era where even more functionality will be added to your 3D print experience by our open plugin structure. Here are some of the new features we introduce: Skin removal width, removes thin strips of skin from a model to prevent head zig-zagging, and thus preventing vibrations. PVA gradual support is now enabled by default. Sometimes a print with PVA can take quite some time. With this setting PVA infill is heavily reduced in the support, and only increased towards the interface. New UI: Updated UI and color scheme Due to the faster startup time for Ultimaker Cura 3.0 has practically been cut in half compared to previous versions. I personally also like the print quality slider, with which you can intuitively slide between time and quality. Plugins: The new Ultimaker Cura 3.0 will grow even faster and its users will be able to select new plugins from a range of offerings by Ultimaker and third parties. SolidWorks and Siemens NX are two plugins which are included during launch, and more will be added later. All can be installed with a single click. We’re also putting together some documentation where we explain more about how plugins work, how you can share one if you’ve made one and what to expect as a user. So more about this soon! Did you get curious? Follow this link, download Ultimaker Cura 3.0 and as always, let us know what you think Or go here to our blog if you want to read more before jumping on board.
  24. Hi @Rebekah_harper, I've moved your topic to 'Tips & Tricks', I think you'll find a broader audience here. Thanks for sharing this with us, it looks pretty good and I'm sure a lot of people would find it useful. Perhaps something for @Dennispo to try?
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