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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It also depends on your location; If there is a lot of draft or cold room temperature, your bed won't reach the highest possible temperature. MCguyvering a enclosure with cardboard already helps quite a bit.
  2. Interesting idea. I'm pretty sure you can get this to work on a UM2 with a bit of work. You'd probably need the electronics they provide, as we dont offer 3 extruder controls.
  3. I havent seen them in action, but in those cases, their solutions are probably patented. They also have the option of spending much more on precision components (due to the overal higher cost of the machine).
  4. Waiting? You don't have to wait for the slicer to finish. The fact that your UI freezes has nothing to do with the automatic slicing. The engine is started as a seperate process with the lowest priority. If any process requires resources (GUI, other running programs) they get it before the slicer gets it. So, like I said, you are attacking something that exposes a symptom of a problem, not something that actually a problem.
  5. Most of us are against the function of not automatic slicing, because people make the (wrong) assumption that because it's automatic that this is the thing that causes the problem. Like I said; Making it not automatic hides certain symptoms, it doesn't fix them. I personally don't believe in hiding symptomps, i believe in fixing them. Making the slicing automatic shows the symptomps, which get reported (usually with people writing capslock messages or calling us stupid ), which can then be fixed. This discussion has been going on for months already and every single time someone said it was the automatic slicing that caused the problem, it turned out to be something else. I think its a bit more of a boy who cried wolf.
  6. Groter maken is niet 'slechts' langere assen en aandrijf riemen gebruiken. De doorbuiging begint een grotere factor te worden.
  7. http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M906:_Set_motor_currents%20
  8. You can write a plugin that uses a regex to change the gcodes. I've worked with tinyG once, which uses simmilar commands which needed to be ported. Also, the ultimaker uses G109 for temperature. I believe you can add a T0 or T1 parameter to indicate which head needs to be heated.
  9. Ik ben benieuwd wat er gebeurd als je bronze fill bewerkt met Chloroform.
  10. X-ray view is your friend. If there are red areas, your model is wrong. It basicly means that the model you gave cura is probably incorrect and that it's coping mechanisms did not work.
  11. Finding out if something is covered by patents is hard, because there are tons of them. Most of the patens are (intentionally!) vague, which increases the difficulty even more. The cube does use the wiping and a priming bin, but the one that I saw in action did work well, but the material change took about 25-30(!!) seconds.
  12. So the problem isnt the automatic slicing, but the crashing if it needs to slice something. Could you give us the logs? Changing the auto slicing will only hide the problem, not fix it.
  13. I don't see anything weird in the logs. This is very strange...
  14. Pff, harma has been telling us about this mythical 'clean desk policy' for years. Havent seen it yet
  15. It very much apears not to do it, which is the entire problem. If you don't do it, you knock prints over or ooze into your print.
  16. Scanning is HARD. Hand held scanning is even harder. I did my master thesis on scanning and that only scratched the surface of 3D scanning. It's a shame the fuel3D isn't open source, as i've got a few ideas how I could dramatically improve the accuracy and speed.
  17. I don't know what the cheapest route is. I believe that if you buy something from shop.ultimaker.com that it will be handled by one of the resellers.
  18. I believe the um2 go was created to be that cheaper alternative. Then again, knowing most schools here, cheap is never cheap enough, as they tend to look at the initial price and not as much towards quality in the long run.
  19. White fillament is known for not printing well. So it could always be that. But juding from the picture, it can be two things; The glass plate not being flat or an inconsistent diameter.
  20. Not that i'm aware of, but even someone with experience in support needs to learn the system that UM uses, etc etc.
  21. I don't know how swamped support is at the moment, but if how bad it was a while ago is any indication, there was more work than we could hire people (and yes, we are hiring more people, but it's those people need to get experience, etc first)
  22. You'd need to inhale a LOT. Just holding your head over an open container is generally not enough
  23. Chloroform with PLA in it. Works exactly the same as acetone with ABS.
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