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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Everything. It also states what it will save if you actually do the backup (and shows how many things it will restore if you open a backup They are stored remotely. That is also why you need to login before you can use the plugin.
  2. Without the model or settings that you changed, it's all speculation from my side. But things that generally cause this: The model is non manifold or "Make overhangs printable" is enabled.
  3. I think there might be an issue with the thumbnail post processing script. What happens if you disable that?
  4. Or even easier; Make a backup with the builtin backup plugin. You can find it under extensions.
  5. We thought we fixed this issue, but that is apparently not the case for the beta. So what makes you think that we wouldn't be working on this? Since then we have also made another fix, which we hope does fix the issue.
  6. No, that's not something that we support. Theoretically it's possible to do it, but it would take a lot of work to get that right in the workflow. So to keep things a bit manageable, we left that functionality out.
  7. I've forwarded this to our web team, we will fix that ASAP. Thanks for notifying us 🙂
  8. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018141480-Ultimaker-Cura-is-not-fully-compatible-with-the-Apple-M1-chip
  9. That is unfortunately, not a bug. 3MF defines that the origin is always the bottom left corner of the machine.
  10. Ah, yes, that makes sense! I will notify one of our FW engineers about this topic, they are better able to answer your questions.
  11. Have you tried clicking the save to disk in the right corner? That should pop up a file dialogue and allow you to select Gcode.
  12. Possible, yes. But it will come with a lot of risk. Changing things is never without danger and all modifications that you make are on your own risk. I don't think that this is likely to cause issues though. I'm not with the firmware team, so I can't give you a good answer to that. But to remove the risk of the XY problem (https://xyproblem.info/) being a thing here. Why do you want this in the first place?
  13. You don't have to update the naming of the icons yet. We have kept a mapping from the old names to the new ones. If you find anything that is super annoying for you, please let us know, we do have some time before the full release to make changes.
  14. I don't know what you mean by this. What is a jet nozzle? How does Cura clean it?
  15. This isn't a ploy what so ever. It's just that it takes a lot of effort from third party material manufacturers to actually create these profiles. We have made agreements with them (and also spent quite a bit of time & effort) to help them get those profiles there. As such, the profiles that are there are for our 2.85mm based printers. So basicly; we just didn't make it, which is not the same as locking it. We already spend a lot of effort & resources on making sure that third party stuff works for Cura, we draw the line with actually making the profiles (so all machine definitions in Cura are also provided by means of pull requests, they are not made or maintained by Ultimaker)
  16. I don't think that this is the best place to ask this. Most people that are here have Ultimakers, so won't really be able to help you out with this.
  17. You have spiralize enabled. So that is why you don't have any infill. The model that you are trying to print isn't really something that can be spiralized. Disable spiralize and it should work again.
  18. Update your firmware. We made a mistake with older firmware versions. They would only check for the first digit of the minor version number (so it thinks that something sliced by Cura 4.10 is sliced by Cura 4.1) Ignoring this message is also possible (but i can imagine it's a bit annoying) if you don't want to upgrade.
  19. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file
  20. Is the entire switch broken? The switching itself is pretty reliable in my experience.
  21. You're going to have to provide us with a little bit more information. Please have a look at the bug template on github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose)
  22. Correct. With only a single core it causes a whole bunch of problems.
  23. You could play with the infill overlap setting. By default it's not on zero to ensure that the walls and the infill stick together well.
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