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Everything posted by nallath

  1. The camera controls live here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/tree/master/plugins/Tools/CameraTool
  2. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018141480-Ultimaker-Cura-is-not-fully-compatible-with-the-Apple-M1-chip
  3. We check the plugins on the marketplace. It could be that we miss something, but i doubt that that is the case here. I can't say much more without the logs though.
  4. Thats because you don't have any settings changed. Change a setting and try again.
  5. Cura isn't software to create 3D models; it converts 3D models into print instructions. If you want to create 3D models, you could have a look at software like fusion 360, tinkercad, freecad or Blender.
  6. Calm down. People just didn't spot your message. Note that this is the forum of Ultimaker, so most people have experience with Ultimakers, so any help you will get here will be mostly focussed on that. Your first point of contact should always be whomever made your machine; They know most about it and should provide you with support if you need it. That being said; I don't have your model, so i can't see what the problem is.
  7. for layer in data: index = data.index(layer) layer = layer + "\n" + SoundCode data[index] = layer return data break This code will only run once. The return data will make sure that the rest of the code of the function is never called. You should remove the return data (and the break) inside of the for statement.
  8. Because no-one created quality profiles for PLA+.
  9. Oh yeah, I'd love to have a chat with them. It's worth finding out if we can get some kind of collaboration going!
  10. Do note that the profiles have setting versions. The upgrader scripts that we have ignore the intents, since we don't provide a GUI to create them. You will need to increase the number on updates. It's a bit tedious to do, but not very hard. I'd also recommend looking at using the built-in backup system of Cura (Just in case...)
  11. What support would you need for multiple hot zones? How would the g-code they generate be different from "regular" printers?
  12. Could you please share your log files? With those we should be able to tell you what is going on / wrong.
  13. This project is very much alive! We've not been spending 100% of our time on it (since we also had to work on the CAD file importing, which took a fair chunk of our time). We are currently picking up some work for Arachne again. As it stands, we will have at least one aditional pre-release of Arachne before the full release. I expect that there might be a few more prereleases, as the changes are pretty big, so we really need to get things right!
  14. It's possible, but it will be a bit tedious. Cura makes the assumption that the intent profiles don't need to be upgraded, so every upgrade of CUra, you would need to check yourself what you need to change. You can find some more info about how the profile system works here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings
  15. @Bwijering You have a different problem. It seems that you manually added a printer definition that doesn't work with the version of Cura that you have.
  16. Well, what i can see from the logs is that the definition SV01 has some issues with it. I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Could you try to remove the machines in machine_instances and see if that fixes it.
  17. Whoops. Re-reading them, I already see some inconsistencies with the running from source guide. It should be possible to get it running with them, but we are now using a higher python version as described in the guide
  18. It's an open source project 🙂 Anyone can contribute! You can find the instructions here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Running-Cura-from-Source-on-Windows
  19. Sure, and done 🙂 First thing i would recommend is making sure that you can run Cura from source. I expect that will take you some time to setup. If you run into any issues, feel free to ask help. We've tried to keep our running from source guides up to date as much as possible, but it's always a bit of a moving target.
  20. There are several (optional) extensions for 3mf, the lattice extension is one of them. As Cuq already mentioned, the lattices are mostly intended for SLA/SLM printing. As such, we never put in the effort to support the lattice extension.
  21. It does, since what you want to do requires you to add extra profiles. The thing that you want to do isn't fully supported by the interface, as you already found out that it's a quite tricky thing to do. So if you want to have a profile for it, you will need to create a material file, and manually create quality profiles (or use the quality changes, and set those up by hand). There are some plugins in the marketplace that allow you to export all the settings that you have right now. If you want a debugging insight into the profiles, you can also try to install the "god-mode" plugin (https://github.com/sedwards2009/cura-god-mode-plugin)
  22. I don't think that the backup will work in this case. The version number has changed, so it could be that you have added some profiles by hand (so not via the interface). Those are not upgraded automatically and will therefore not show up anymore.
  23. We don't provide anything via snap. THe only thing that we provide (and support) is the appimage. Info about log files can be found here: https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/#logging-issues
  24. The plugins from topikar only support loading a single file from an assembly and require solidworks (or others) to be installed. The plugin we built has everything integrated. In the future we will also be adding more functionality to it.
  25. If the openGL that your computer supports is too low (either due to outdated drivers or outdated GPU), the third button is not shown. So basicly; ensure that you have the latest drivers and if that doesn't work; Update your hardware.
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