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Everything posted by nallath

  1. You're changing a lot of settings to values that you shouldn't use. Have you tried printing the object without changing settings? At the very least set the wall line count to 2 and top/bottom layers to 5.
  2. Ik heb echt een project file (file-> save project) van je nodig. Als ik het model inlaad op een Ultimaker dan ziet het er goed uit: Mogelijk zit er dus nog iets in je settings. In een projectfile word alles opgeslagen, dus mischien kan ik daar wat zien.
  3. But Cura doesn't know that arc commands exist at all. So the only way to handle this is for the arc writer to have a list of machines that don't support arc welding and show a warning / error if a user prints with that.
  4. You could download the SettingsGuide plugin (https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide2). It provides a lot of information about the settings of Cura and general 3D printing advice.
  5. Kan je het projectbestand delen? We kunnen dan zien of het aan de modellen of aan de settings ligt.
  6. So if you log in in cura, that's when the printer doesn't show up?
  7. Maybe it's best to contact xvico3d if you have specific issues. I don't think that anyone here has that specific printer, so it will be almost impossible for people to help you with printer specific issues.
  8. Log files from Cura could help figuring out what is going on. Note that there is a difference between connecting Cura with the printer and connecting the printer with DF (and then connecting Cura with DF). The connection with DF is likely more stable / reliable.
  9. Cura has a built in backup, but you will have to enable that. You can find it in extensions -> backup You can also import profiles via preferences. If you select a g-code there, it will try to extract the settings from it. As for storing projects, it's best to store project files (3mf's with extra data). They store much more information than g-codes and STL files.
  10. Issues are best reported on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose
  11. Flow visualization is new in 4.10. There are also a number of bugfixes. You can see the entire list here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/4.10.0
  12. Could you create a ticket on the Cura issue tracker and add the project file that has the issue? You can do that here https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose What do you mean? We didn't change the way that the layerview works.
  13. I don't think anything changed, but I'm not in the firmware team, so I might be wrong about that.
  14. "When it's done". I know it's not an answer one can build / plan on, but this is not the kind of thing we want to rush out half baked just because we promised a certain date. I totally agree. That is also why we are taking our time with it.
  15. "When it's done". I know it's not an answer one can build / plan on, but this is not the kind of thing we want to rush out half baked just because we promised a certain date. I totally agree. That is also why we are taking our time with it.
  16. You didn't save it as a project, so I don't quite know with what settings you actually sliced it with. I think you need to enable "print thin walls", since the letters below the logo are pretty thin.
  17. Could you share the logs? We should be able to get more information what is going on from them. If those logs don't have the info that we need, you could try again with the 4.11 beta that will be out soon. I've made the logging regarding accounts a lot more verbose, since more people had issues with this. In most cases it was the firewall blocking the login from completing.
  18. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/3.6.0
  19. It's not visualised through an SVG, it's visualised through a shader (so the instructions are handled by your GPU).
  20. Please report issues on github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose) and fill in the template, we will need more info to debug this. I've done some prints on the S5 recently, i didn't see this. Could you provide more info (it's easiest for us if you also create an issue on github)
  21. Could you also provide a project file? Just a few pictures isn't enough to debug your issue, sorry.
  22. The issue was fixed by ahoeben for the 4.10 release, so updating should also do the trick.
  23. The amazing @ahoeben has already provided a way for people to do this: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/CustomJobPrefix Don't forget to donate if you like his work; He's providing all of the plugins that he makes completely free of charge!
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