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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Is the support horizontal expansion different?
  2. Cura has a built in online backup system. Create an account, go to extensions -> backups and create one. On the new machine you can restore the backup.
  3. No, we currently don't provide a way to change how it chooses to automatically place the objects.
  4. The model is also non manifold, which can also cause additional issues.
  5. If only Creality would actually use all that profit from their best selling printers to invest into creating profiles for Cura instead of leaving it up to community members and Ultimaker to fix those problems. I understand that you are frustrated, but I hope that it's clear to you that we are the wrong people to be frustrated with. If there is a bug in the interface that breaks things for all printers, we will gladly have a look at it. If it's just a third party printer that has weird settings, you will need to contact them instead.
  6. I'd argue that it depends equally on the material and the machine. Due to how the hole horizontal expansion works, i wouldn't enable it by default either.
  7. You can control click to select items within a group. That being said, it shouldn't suddenly add a group. Could you also report this on github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose)
  8. That is because the model is invalid. The highlighted areas with the polka dots indicate that. You should have also received a message indicating that the model isn't correct. There are various tutorials / fixing algorithms to fix non-manifold / non-watertight meshes. Try one of those and see if the problem is still there. Alternatively, try to find another 3D model that doesn't have these issues.
  9. Those kind of artifacts can also occur if your first layer is too close to the buildplate.
  10. I don't have the esun petg profile, but i guess it's based of "not_supported", so you could try and change the quality_type to that?
  11. Did you manually change it? The types in the various files doesn't match (left extruder is normal, the rest is draft)
  12. You're going to need to give a bit more info. Do you have log files? Did you check the preferences to see if any of the simulation options are enabled?
  13. That is correct. Profiles are "delta profiles". They store changes comparatively to a quality type. This wiki page explains a bit more how all that works: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings That is because those profiles don't have quality profiles. As such, you only have a 0.1 layer height. It's not the storing that causes it, it's you changing the material to something that doesn't have pre-defined quality profiles. That's unfortunately a bit more complicated as it might seem from first glance. A number of settings have formulas in them (a bit like you can do with excel, saying that the value of a field is the value of another field / 2). The wiki provides a few examples for that. If everything is flattend, what should be stored? The final values? The formulas? What if that formula is only defined in a given machine? If someone changes the speed from 50 to 60, what should be done if the other machine has a base speed of 60? Keep the 60? Use 70 (60+10?). Use 72 (60+20%)? Why not just disable the extruder that you don't use? I don't see how we can make it easier than a single click 🙂
  14. What is exactly the problem with just upgrading or just importing the profiles? I'm pretty sure that both of those (especially for Ultimakers) are part of our smoke test for every version. So i'm a bit suprised to hear that it doesn't work. If you don't trust the local storage, you can also use the built in cloud based backup system (you can find it under extensions)
  15. Do you have "print thin walls" enabled?
  16. This is caused by an outdated plugin. Please update the custom job prefix plugin. A fix for this issue has been out for months now.
  17. Update the firmware. We made a mistake a long time ago, but never noticed it. So basicly it would check for the first number that it found after the first dot. So 4.10 is seen by that firmware as 4.1
  18. Whoops. Thanks for reporting it. I've forwarded it to the right people.
  19. The great @ahoeben created a plugin for exactly what you want: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/MaterialSettingsPlugin If you like his work, don't forget to donate something to him. He's not getting paid for making these plugins, so if you can spare something, i'm sure he'd appreciate it.
  20. There are various means to contact support. One of them is github, the other is contacting our support directly. You can find the email on the website. There are also various other reports of this on the forum, all of them answered. We even made a specific help page about the issue, since the issue isn't caused by Cura: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file So before claiming that the developers don't care about problems or don't want to solve them, i would kindly request you to first look at if the question has been asked before and has been answered. I understand that it's frustrating that if something doesn't work, but i hope you can understand that the claims that you make are also quite frustrating.
  21. @V3DPrinting I've just tried reproducing this on my machine, but for me the dropdown is selectable. There are a few reasons that i can come up with as to why: 1. I'm on linux (which isn't helping you, but it might make things different) 2. I added the machine without it being upgraded. You could try this by removing the machines from cura and re-adding them. If those don't work, please create a ticket on github, since it's much easier for us to keep track of things. The link is https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues/
  22. We haven't touched the feature since 4.2 So i'm going to need a bit more information about your system (including log files) to figure out what is going on.
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