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Everything posted by nallath

  1. in that case Ithink your only option is to increase the number of walls
  2. Can you also feel the infill through the walls or is it just a visual effect?
  3. Ik vermoed dat je dus handmatig het IP ingevuld hebt. Via preferences-> printers - > connect via network kan je dit aanpassen. De handmatige verbinding kan je met "add" toevoegen (en dan moet je dus het nieuwe IP adres van de printer toevoegen).
  4. We're going to re-work that soon (and by re-work i mean; take it out to the chemical shed and have it shot, so we can have a clean start)
  5. There is no easy answer to this, sorry. To illustrate, you're asking something akin to "How do you cook a tasty meal" or "How do you make a good product". We do have some guides on what you should take into consideration, but there is not a single answer that I can give you. You can find them here: https://ultimaker.com/nl/learn/setup-to-success-3d-printing-guide
  6. I don't understand what you mean, sorry. Could you be a bit more verbose? What do you want to achieve? Why do you want this? Do you have some pictures?
  7. Is there a specific reason why you want to disable it?
  8. Did you check if this one worked: If not; it's best to contact your reseller directly, they can help you with the latest version of the recovery image (or find out if something else went wrong!)
  9. Yeah, it's a known issue. There are non latin characters in your username, which causes an issue for one of the libraries that we depend on.
  10. I think they just disabled the marketplace there.
  11. The printer doesn't do anything with z-offset settings. The printer side profile is primarily for the switching temperature and the like (eg; if you switch between material A & B, to what temperature does it need to heat up and how does it need to do the insert / removal procedure). The rest of the behavior is defined by Cura.
  12. So basically it's Chitubox that is not playing nicely and it breaks things rather dramatically for other software.
  13. So for those of you that are interested; We fixed another issue with the skin generation. But all recent Ultimaker printers have a infill overlap of 0%. The default creality profiles have a very high overlap of 30%(!!). I don't know why that was set, as it seems way to high to me. Anyhow; the bug was that it wasn't taking the infill overlap into account and we didn't notice that since for the printers we tested it, it was set to be 0.
  14. Are you printing on a creality? If so; that is a bug that I've fixed for 4.12
  15. Do you have the startup optimizer plugin installed?
  16. Cura can do this as well. It's called "Per object settings" : https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012031399-How-to-adjust-print-settings-per-model-in-Ultimaker-Cura
  17. Is it a dual extrusion machine? If so; the choices you make for the second extruder matter for what is visible. You could try disabling the second extruder.
  18. Just as the answer was "please provide logs" for the other people, it's also what we need for you 😉
  19. A plugin allows this: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/MaterialSettingsPlugin
  20. It should be possible to do this with modifier meshes, but it would require manual work (since you have to position the models yourself). There isn't a way to change the order in which it's printed as far as I know.
  21. In case you didn't install it already, there is a super good plugin on the marketplace about the settings: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide2
  22. Try decreasing the value of the "skin removal width" setting
  23. We don't have a definitive date yet. We will release at least one beta version for doing a full release, which i hope we can do soonish.
  24. We're working on a plugin so that people can run profiling on their machine. That should allow for us to figure out what is causing these issues.
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