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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It's because Cura doesn't have a quality profile for PLA+. The warning that you get is that it's not using material specific quality settings (as it normally does), but using defaults (which may or may not what you expect). If the material is a lot like PLA, you could change the material type to be PLA (instead of PLA+). It will use the quality settings of PLA instead (and stop showing the orange warning)
  2. That is possible. You need to use the "Support interface extruder" setting for that.
  3. You can already do this by just loading any shape and set it to be a support blocker (in the per-objects setting tool). For all other feature requests, please post them on github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose). It's really hard for us to keep track otherwise.
  4. Nope, but it is an item that's relatively high on the backlog.
  5. I've just tried this, but it seems to show up fine for me. Could you report this on github and fill in the entire bug report template (https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues/new/choose)?
  6. I've recently found a bug with some profile writing that could cause the corruption (i'm not a 100% sure if I fixed it, since it happend once every few thousand saves, so it's hard to validate it). This should be fixed for 4.7 Other than that, you can enable backups in extensions -> cura backup
  7. Same holds for you. Could you please report the issue on Github and provide log files?
  8. Very small armored vehicles for wargaming might be better printed with a resin printer. When I print miniatures, i tend to use the 0.25 nozzle.
  9. Please report issues on the github issue tracker and provide us with the cura logs. Report issues: https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues/new/choose Info on where to find the logs: https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/#logging-issues
  10. You can just change the line width setting. That essentially does the same as changing the nozzle size.
  11. Adaptive layers does not take the height of the object into account. it only uses the curvature to calculate what the best layer height is.
  12. If you put the definition in ~/.local/share/cura/4.6/definitions it should pick it up just fine.
  13. I can also tell you something about the rationale; With a 0.25 nozzle and 0.06 layerheight, the steps that the feeder would need to make get really, really small. So small that it will start to cause artifacts in your print. So as much as we tried, we really couldn't get the 0.06 profiles to work in a way that was anyway better than the 0.1 ones, so that's why they didn't make it (because it does take a lot longer to print)
  14. @JaseBenn https://all3dp.com/2/non-manifold-edges/
  15. I think you might have some terms mixed up. PLA crystalizes as it cools down. As long as it's hot, no crystaline structures will form. What can happen is that PLA that remains above a certain temp too long stards to degrade (and form a black nasty layer). I've not really seen this happen and if it does, it's really easy to remove when the nozzle is hot. Mostly to fill it up. Keeping up the flow (especially on larger areas) also ensure that the pla inside the nozzle doesn't stay there too long. This could cause clogs (which doesn't damage the nozzle, but it does mess up your print) Not really. You also want that tiny bit of extra material when ironing.
  16. I hardly ever change the settings. I tend to just stick to the default profiles that Cura has.
  17. The ryzen crash issue still has no fix, because we still don't know what causes it (and if it's something that we can fix at all, since it shouldn't even be possible for an application to crash the entire system)
  18. It could, but I don't think so. The pictures in the topic I linked to look a lot like the issues described here.
  19. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012087619-Using-the-Ultimaker-APIs The engine is not able to send g-code. It only generates it. Nope There is an API endpoint for that.
  20. Ik vermoed de plugin. Het kan zijn dat er al wat werk aan gedaan is omdat degene die de plugin gemaakt is (@ghostkeeper) ook Nederlands is.
  21. Well, if someone does make it into a plugin, i'd be more than happy to help out to get the changes needed into main Uranium / Cura. As far as I know, this was started as a research project. We were scheduled to have another "round" of that, but then corona happened. So feel free to continue to work on it. I can help out with advice, but not with actually implementing it.
  22. Yeah, that's something that is pretty high on our backlog.
  23. It looks like a buffer underrun. Have a look at
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