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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. I say the outer two are 14.03 and the inner two are 14.076. If I'm wrong I will push it onto the limited image quality... :lol:
  2. You jump quite fast from one issue to another. It might help people to help you solving your problem if you stick to one issue and work on it until it is solved. I lost the overview which issues you actually have and which you solved already.
  3. I can't see how smearing blood onto the UM2 does improve the feeder... Were you trying to color the white filament?
  4. There is an Ultimaker with dual extrusion: the Ultimaker Original. I don't think that the guys at Ultimaker are overengineering... they just want to make sure it really works when it leaves their house, which is the right way to deal with problems IMHO.
  5. Pretty cool demonstration! :cool: It could be called 'inside Cura'...
  6. Try to add a cut-off of something like 0.01mm to 0.05mm in Cura. Numerical uncertainties in the z coordinate can leed to such an effect; e.g. parts designed with Blender are affected by such uncertainties.
  7. You mean with the mouse? On the keyboard it works, doesn't it?
  8. :lol: (I think Daid's aversion has less to do with the machine itself as how Apple treats developers... :rolleyes: )
  9. No, the time forecast during the last minute of a print is more or less random. Precise time forecast is difficult on the UM2 as cpu power is limited.
  10. Check the gcode file on the sdcard. Maybe the file is empty? Always eject the sdcard before removing from your computer...
  11. Yep. Parts under stress have lower maximum values of course. So I guess the stress comes from the spring and from the filament which is pushed by the feeder?
  12. I assume you refer to the TweakAtZ plugin when you write 'z-plugin'. I recommend you fill in everything you need BEFORE you load the first object. As long as no object is loaded, Cura doesn't slice. When everything is filled in as you want it, load the object and Cura will slice it ONCE. The TweakAtZ plugin needs some time as it is a Python script which needs to be interpreted and not a compiled software. The plugin has been extended during the last few months. If you want to try an older version with less features you find the old versions at the http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:_TweaktAtZ. For the present version 3.2 I recommend not to use more than five instances of the TweakAtZ plugin.
  13. Maximum permanent temperature for PTFE is around 250°C, peaks are allowed up to 280°C. These are the numbers which can be found at various sources.
  14. Some of you may have seen that I organised a collective order for NZ originated Diamond Age PLA for Switzerland some time ago and have a second collective order ongoing right now. I had to limit the order of full rolls (100m) to people with a delivery address in Switzerland or Liechtenstein due to customs limitations. However, if someone in the European Union is interested in getting samples, i.e. smaller amounts of filament (e.g. a few meters) for testing, I could offer to send them for about CHF 1.50 (which is EUR 1.20 at the moment) per meter excl. shipment. Shipment costs would be 5-6 Euros depending on the length / weight of the sample(s) up to about 20m. Above that shipping costs will increase significantly. All samples would be shipped by standard mail. Depending on the amount you will have to pay customs and VAT when the shipment is imported in your country. Most countries know a limit below which no customs and another limit below which no VAT has to be paid. As I don't want to post 28 tax tables here, please send me a PM if you're interested. I hope this is ok for the moderators. About the material itself: It's most probably one of the best PLA you can get. There are people saying it is even slightly better to print than Faberdashery (which is an excellent material as well!). Stringing is remarkably small with Diamond Age PLA and you can print it over a large temperature range from quite cold to rather hot in an excellent quality. It has a very precise 2.85mm diameter (+/- 0.05mm) and works excellent on both Ultimaker Original and Ultimaker2. These colors are available from Diamond Age Solutions: 1st column (on the left, from top to bottom): Diamond (clear), Sapphire, Emerald, Amber, Ruby 2nd column: Kiwi Green, Kiwi Lime, Cherry Red, Bright Orange, Banana Yellow 3rd column: Blueberry, Cornflower Blue, Sky Blue, Grape, Lilac Pearl, Bubblegum Pink 4th column: Silver, Gold, Ivory, Chocolate Brown, Red Beech 5th column: Luminous (glow-in-the-dark, CHF 4.00/m / EUR 3.20/m), Black, White Not on the picture: Tactical matt black (CHF 2.00/m / EUR 1.60/m) The colors of the first column are all semi-transparent the others are opaque. For some of them I will have to order material myself first in order to provide samples.
  15. If your object just has a skirt or a brim on the outside then it should not end up in the print itself; that would be a bit strange. Or the object must have a quite concave cross section. However, I know the effect from brims printed on the inside of a larger cutout or bore. What I do sometimes is to pull on the string in exactly the moment the nozzle passes the string. This is a quite good way to remove the string without destroying the brim. The only way to turn off the priming at the start of the print would be to change the start behaviour in the firmware which is not recommended as it is the optimized result of quite some work done by people at Ultimaker and here in the forum.
  16. Is there a tool for the Logitech drivers on the Mac as there is on Windows machines? Such a tool might allow you to configure the buttons of your mouse.
  17. @Meduza (or do I have to write 'CAPTAIN Meduza'...?): You should really put it back into that treasure chest... otherwise you might be a bit surprised to see yourself in moon light... :eek: But really cool! :cool:
  18. Have you delivered already machines with the new teflon? If yes, when was the magical date?
  19. Such a tower already exists for dual extrusion; it's called 'Wipe & Prime Tower'. However, it's quite hard-coded and unfortunately is called 'TYPE:SUPPORT' in the gcode which makes it really hard to separate for a plugin from real support material. I would appreciate if this tower could be a feature for any print and not only dual extrusion prints.
  20. Super cool! Oder weil es um Kaffee geht: heisse Sache!
  21. @Skodiar: Da haben Dir wohl die Ohren geläutet... Ich bin tatsächlich gerade dabei, abzuchecken, ob es erneuten Bedarf gibt und ich stelle fest: es gibt ihn! Die Frage ist nun, wie gross ist er? :?: Mein Vorschlag: Ich sammle mal den Bedarf bis nächste Woche Mittwoch (23.07.2014) und gebe dann Bescheid, ob es sich schon lohnt, ok? Den Bedarf dürft Ihr gerne in diesem Thread oder per PM durchgeben. Falls jemand Interessierte ausserhalb des UM-Forums kennt, darf er diesen gerne Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch als Kontaktadresse weitergeben. Vorzugsweise würde ich wieder 3mm-Filament in Rollen (nicht auf Spulen) bestellen. Falls aber jemand unbedingt Spulen möchte, finden wir eine Lösung... Ich gebe nochmals die Preise für 100m-Rollen durch, wie wir sie schlussendlich hatten: Standard-PLA: CHF 45.00 IMPLA/HIPLA: CHF 50.60 Glow-in-the-dark PLA: CHF 88.20 Das Ziel ist es, die gleichen Preise wieder zu erreichen. Disclaimer: Leider wieder diskriminierenderweise nur für Lieferadressen in der Schweiz oder Liechtenstein! :wacko:
  22. The only way to avoid such jokes is not to have a Mac... Sorry, your remark was kind of an invitation... :lol:
  23. Good point with the orientation, braddock! To my personal experience the print should be oriented in such a way on the UM2 that the least critical side is oriented to the front as it sees hardly any cooling. And cooling is the most important factor with overhangs.
  24. @Dirkels: Don't read the other parts in this case if you want to print without issues...
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