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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. What Marlin version do you use? Default from Ultimaker?
  2. T0 and T1 are the codes for extruder 0 (first extruder) and extruder 1 (second extruder). A T0 or T1 alone switches from one extruder to the other; together with a Mxxx command it specifies on which extruder the Mxxx command is applied. I use both wipe&prime tower and ooze shield.
  3. Hi George Welcome to the forum! I can definitively recommend Diamond Age PLA filament from New Zealand. AFAIK Australia is one of the countries outside New Zealand to which they can offer reasonable shipping prices.
  4. In addition to what Markus already mentioned, you may set the minimum layer time to 7s and enable the cool head lift feature for the top. You also may play around a bit with the print orientation as cooling and air flow are the essential factors for this print.
  5. Could you please set the permission of the images to 'public' ...?
  6. Indeed a very bad way to start a day. I'm just grateful to live in a country which has been spared from war for quite some time (although Switzerland had a quite bloody past actually...) and which helps to resolve conflicts and keeping peace around the world (North Corea, Ukraine, Iran vs. USA, ...). And no, I haven't given up hope that one day everyone on this planet realises that War produces no winners... Shurik, I hope your day ends better than it began...
  7. @braddock: scanned or modelled? Very nice anyway... :-P
  8. Hardly anyone active on this forum will recommend the Makerbot due to the fact they closed their software and hardware. If you want to be able to troubleshoot your printer if necessary you will certainly welcome an open source printer as the other two.
  9. Does the second feeder wheel turn when it should? If yes, then it's rather a problem of proper priming. I recommend you test the new extruder separately. Generate a gcode file for the one extruder and replace all instances of 'T0' you find in the file with 'T1'. If there is no 'T0', add a 'T1' before heating commands (M104, M109). Expand the heating commands with a 'T1', e.g. 'M109 T1 S210'. Before trying a dual extrusion print, you should make sure that both extruder work properly on single prints. Which Marlin version do you use? Default firmware bundled with Cura, generated with the marlinbuilder or self-compiled? What's your setting for the gcode flavour setting in the machine settings of Cura?
  10. If you write about your issue in english, as supposed in this subforum, people will gladly help you...
  11. Flies are ok, they sleep during the night. But the gnats, they are hunting peaceful humans during the night - these cursed vampires...! :mad:
  12. This is a great layout, Robert! However, instead of the line number I think a custom line written by a M117 would be interesting...
  13. Ok. So you already know that 3D printers are driven with gcode. There are many different gcode commands, you may find an overview http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code. The M200 command tells the printer what the filament diameter is. It can be specified for each extruder. The printer then needs to know how much filament (volume) it needs for a certain distance. This is achieved with the socalled volumetric reprap flavour, a 'dialect' which uses filament volume instead of filament length. The start.gcode is a gcode block which is added to the beginning of a print file by Cura. The start2.gcode is used for a dual extruder machine and can be different from start.gcode. I hope, I didn't confuse you further... :huh:
  14. How familiar are you with gcode? Just for knowing where I should start...
  15. Uhhmm... I thought we are discussing dual extruders, i.e. UM Original?
  16. This would be my solution (start at red point and end at green point): Of course the lines should stick to each other; I just introduced some spaces for better visibility. The thoughts behind it (they may lead to an algorithm): 1. start with the innermost line and work from inside out 2. check if there are isolated lines 3. if there are, connect them to the line which lies on the inside
  17. I agree that it is sometimes very annoying having Cura beginning one perimeter and then switching to another before finishing the first. However, I think the reason for this is the fact that a different speed can be specified for the outer perimeter. Cura could gain some intelligence by checking if a zero is set in that field and then adjust the order of the lines. But back to your original problem. I don't see any reason right now why RetractWhileCombing should not add the retracts if the minimum length is sufficiently small. If you want me to check with your model, you may post a link to it or send it to Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch.
  18. What's the distance between the perimeter?
  19. An alternative would be to select RepRap Volumetric flavour and to put two M200 commands into start2.gcode. However, official Marlin still lacks of the long swap retraction (https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin/pull/948).
  20. Yes, it's very unusual that the price in Swiss francs is not higher than the Euro price... You meant that one, didn't you? Congrats!
  21. RetractWhileCombing should do this job if correct settings are applied. Please be aware that there is a minimum travel length specified with the plugin. If the travel distance without retraction (this is how the plugin understands 'combing': simply a travel without retraction) is smaller than this minimum lenght, no retraction is applied.
  22. And I guess the routine for the jpg-feature could be used for the generation of a custom infill pattern...
  23. Das scheint mir die z-Achse zu sein. Die tönt immer etwas knorzig (auch bei mir). Ob Dein Geräusch noch als normal gewertet werden darf ist etwas schwierig zu beurteilen, da, wie Du schon erwähnt hast, durch die Aufnahme das Geräusch etwas verändert wurde. Solange Du keine Über- oder Unterextrusionseffekte auf bestimmten Schichten bekommst und das Geräusch immer gleich ist, würde ich mir keine allzu grosse Sorgen machen.
  24. I kind of like that idea, actually... It would be a good way to satisfy everyone's wishes about the infill pattern.
  25. I guess you didn't find these due the sub-optimal search function of this forum: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6056-1406-release-notes/ http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6388-release-notes-online/ @Ultimaker: Is anyone working on the search function of this forum?
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