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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Na, dann spring ich mal ein... Die FlowRate verändert einen Skalierungsfaktor, der in der Firmware, genauer gesagt im Planungsmodul angewandt wird. D.h. im Prinzip wird nichts anderes gemacht als die Geschwindigkeit des Feeders verändert. N.B.: Beim UM1 Dual Extruder gibt es inzwischen sogar zusätzlich einen Skalierungsfaktor pro Extruder... nennt sich dann Flow0 und Flow1. Wenn Du den Speed veränderst, passiert genau das gleiche; plus: die Geschwindigkeit der X- und Y-Achse wird ebenfalls mit dem gleichen Faktor verändert. Damit bleibt das Fortbewegung-zu-Extrusions-Verhältnis gleich. Jedenfalls theoretisch. Praktisch werden zwar die X- und Y-Achse irgendwann immer noch schneller, der Feeder kommt aber nicht mehr nach weil die Energie fehlt, soviel Kunststoff in so kurzer Zeit zu schmelzen. Das Resultat ist Unterextrusion, sprich Löcher im Print.
  2. Ahhmm... ok... just thought it might be worth asking... And as it is Friday I hoped for one of Daid's teasers...
  3. Very interesting wording... sounds a bit as if some people have it already (for testing?)...
  4. Of course Cura... must have been 14.06. If I remember correctly the front piece was made on the UM1, the other parts on the UM2. Speed was 30mm/s @ 210°C, standard retract settings. I used three shells and 50% infill. The overhangs were optimized by placing the parts in such a way that the overhangs see most efficient cooling by the fans.
  5. No, it's not a good idea. I have one but never mounted it. It's at the wrong place for the primary feeder. It works much better without.
  6. Der Auslieferungszustand bei meinem Kit war auch viel zu hoch.
  7. Wow! (There is not much more to say... ) Just one more thing about the copyright: You might want to state whether the usage may be commercial or not.
  8. Komischer Effekt bei der Software... vor allem auch beim Lesen von der SD-Karte... Hast Du mit Cura 14.07 auch eine neue Firmware auf Deine Maschine aufgespielt? Bei den Schrittmotoren solltest Du ev. mal die eingestellten Ströme überprüfen: http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Electronics_build_guide. Ev. sind sie deutlich höher eingestellt als überhaupt nötig. Achtung: Drehrichtung des Poti unbedingt beachten! Mit zuviel Strom sind die Treiber nach wenigen Sekunden hin!
  9. I have the same issue at the front. But I guess there is not much that one can do, isn't it? The pulleys on the UM2 fix the rods and thus they should not be moved. However I could imagine to print the black spacers in a slightly different size in order to relocate the pulleys...but actually I'm not very keen of taking my UM2 apart...
  10. I got the same email... it's a bit absurd as I actually have just one design on Youmagine which is very simple compared to e.g. your feeder or the cable chain... :wacko:
  11. You will hardly get a flow as laminar as from a cross flow fan with an axial fan alone. You might try to build a 'laminarizer', i.e. something with a lot of straight channels where the air will flow through (if the axial fan is strong enough).
  12. Der Querstromlüfter ist als Ersatz, nicht zusätzlich gedacht. Mit dem am Kopf angehängten Lüfter würde man die laminare Strömung gleich wieder zerstören. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, sind Nick Foley und foehnsturm die Querstromlüfter-Experten hier im Forum.
  13. There are crossflow fans from ebmpapst which can be PWM'd (separate PWM input signal). But they are quite pricy.
  14. Da hast Du aber ein schönes grosses Thema getroffen... Ich glaube, der Effekt hat (noch) keinen Namen, aber es gibt ja einen längeren Thread dazu: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4094-raised-edges/ Und wie Du richtig erkannt hast, liegt die Lösung in besserer Kühlung. Dazu gibt es auch einige Threads. Die Themen sind 'physics of cooling', 'cross-flow ventilation' etc. Letzteres, also eine laminare Strömung durch einen Querstromlüfter, scheint eine sehr attraktive und für den UM1 realisierbare Variante zu sein.
  15. How did you unload the filament? If I use the change filament procedure it results in a very fine thread inside the Bowden tube as the unload is performed at a significantly too high temperature. This thread is hardly to not visible by eye but blocks the filament flow as the clearance between Bowden tube and filament is extremely small on the UM2. So, I recommend to clean the Bowden tube as you feel some resistance when inserting filament manually. About UM support: I don't understand how they could keep customers waiting for an answer (not for a solution) for up to week. Something is still quite wrong there. I can only guess but I think it has something to do with their ticket system. It upgrades every ticket by two levels in urgency from day to day. I think there is something like 6 different levels which means that after three days latest every ticket has the highest priority. This must be very difficult to deal with for the support people. So, I recommend to UM to switch off this urgency upgrade and let the customer choose and eventually upgrade the urgency level.
  16. News! TweakAtZ has been updated to version 3.2! B) You find the new version on the also updated http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:_TweaktAtZ for now. Cura will be updated in a few days with the new plugin version. New in this version of TweakAtZ: - bugfix in the parser (allows for negativ coordinates as they occur on delta printers) - individual extruder flow (using a feature which has recently added to Marlin), i.e. you can set the first extruder at e.g. 110% and the second extruder at e.g. 90% while the overall flow rate is still at 100% - speed is reset to 100% at the end of a print (your Ultimaker will never again become a snail at the start... -_- ) - on UM Originals a message is displayed when a tweak is performed (sorry to all UM2 users, as soon as Ultimaker2Marlin supports the command M117, you will also see this message... ) Please report bugs and further feature request https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/issues.
  17. Bei der Filamentherstellung ist die typische Genauigkeit im Bereich 0.05mm. Das macht bei 1.75mm Durchmesser mehr aus als bei 2.85mm.
  18. Du kannst in Cura die Kosten pro ccm angeben (Einstellungen).
  19. What do you mean with 'nothing happened' when using the atomic method? What did the tip of the filament look like? Did you check the feeder? Is it grinding? If you loosen the Bowden tube at the feeder's end (the same way you do it during the atomic method at the print head's end...), heat the nozzle to something like 210°C and push manually some filament through, does it flow continously?
  20. Is it possible that you post a video showing the feeder when it runs ok and then when it shows the problems? edit: Is there any special noise coming from the feeder when the problem appears?
  21. There is already a standalone Windows application for tweaking gcode outside Cura, please see http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4185-tweak-at-layer-number-windows-application/; maybe this application will meet your needs? I would rather keep the TweakAtZ as pure Cura plugin for the time being. However, please feel free to submit a feature request at https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/issues.
  22. Shipment to Switzerland with DHL: €26.60, price of the sample pack: €20... Ultimaker is not the only company with ridiculous shipping prices... must be a Dutch problem... what about standard mail?
  23. I'm not sure if the last one shows an overextrusion or an underextrusion... :-P Thanks for posting the pictures!
  24. The link you posted is about volumetric extrusion. You can set Cura to volumetric extrusion by changing the gcode flavour in the machine settings. You will have to compile your own Marlin firmware with FWRETRACT enabled which gives you the tools you need as understanding G10 and G11 commands. On your Ulticontroller you will then also be able to set different values for retract and priming speed.
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