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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Ok, well.. maybe because I am not a programmer.. but.. I have no idea what you are suggesting You mean in the text editor or..? If you e.g. go to https://github.com/daid/Cura/commit/459bb1d2328e53ebfe34181ec4dc1d843ecca8d2 (a Cura commit by Daid) you can see that not the complete code is shown. The lines between line 50 and 60 and above 66 are not displayed. If you hover the mouse over the symbol with the two arrows up and down, it says 'expand'. If you click on it, the previously hidden content is displayed. That's what I mean. It just has to be for the displayed posts, not in the text editor.
  2. For the case that all the above issues are solved one day... I have a suggestion to make the new forum even better than the old one... What about using a shrunk version of the code insert if the code has more than let's say 20 lines? With a button to extend it to its full length? As it is implemented on Github. Because having code posts of a few hundred lines (done from time to time by some users) are actually a PITA.
  3. When does the reset happen? During the pre-start phase (heatup), right at the beginning, anywhen during printing or at the end of the print (where it actually makes sense, so I guess it's not the last one...)
  4. Ahhh... that's interesting. UM is showing off with something that needs tweaking the standard machine...
  5. As you pointed out the generated gcode is missing UM2 characteristic start and end gcode. There must be a thread here on the forum, started by @Nicolinux iirc, about how to implement standard UM2 start procedure by RepRap gcode. The UM2 might need volumetric RepRap gcode (I'm not sure about this because I always use UltiGCode on the UM2). From what you posted I think this GCODE uses rather filament lenth than filament volume for extrusion.
  6. OK. I'll be there. Who else?
  7. Sure I have an example: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/10928-korneels-method-for-cleaning-hot-ends-um2 The thread is more or less useless without pictures...
  8. Thanks @SandervG for the list. Maybe you can keep it updated by crossing items which are cleared? What time do you think you will realistically need for clearing the 'urgent' items? Days, weeks, months... ? edit: could you please add a point 'fix displaying of old images'?
  9. -1 I don't think reopening the old forum would solve any problems. I rather think taking constructive critics for improving the new forum by the forum members seriously is the way UM should go. I would appreciate if UM could post a schedule for the improvements which they already agreed on lacking on the new forum. btw: The mobile template should be strongly simplified. On my Galaxy S3 (I admit it is not the newest smartphone anymore) it takes really too long to load. btw2: What if the source code of the new forum would be open? I guess we would be much further with improvements... maybe something to consider for future...
  10. You may check: - if the screw holding the bearing at Robert's feeder is fully and properly in - the nurled bolt is clean
  11. Hi Paul Do both heater cartridge and sensor fit tightly in the heater block? If not, adding some copper grease might help...
  12. Good point. Strangely enough the pictures exist somewhere but were not assigned to user albums on the new forum.
  13. Daid it's you ? I officially declare that Daid hat nothing to do with the above phrase and it was my own phrase by 100%... @yellowshark: You're absolutely right concerning paid software. But I think one should make a small difference for open source software where a community can join the development. You're right about my background. I'm not a software engineer but a physicist. I'm used to the fact that new technologies are more expensive and less reliable and powerful when they start but will overtake existing technologies during their lifetime. This might be a model that can be applied to open source software as Cura. I can assure you that I will be pushing about the dual extrusion as I happen to have a dual extruder UMO.
  14. Well, it depends what you're looking for... ;)The Curaengine can be run without GUI. But I got you... so now, not for the time being. They decided to select a group of people who will test it before July. I don't know for which OS the test will run. But I'm pretty sure it will be quite solid when being launched in July. It will be certainly much more solid than the community web software (oops, did I write that? ).
  15. The Curaengine for PU is already on Github. The 'only' thing missing is the GUI.
  16. @yellowshark: Partially agreed. A new version should have the features widely used without bugs. But maybe it doesn't have to have ALL the old features right from the start. Which will be the case for PU. It's not to be expected that it will e.g. support dual extrusion right from July on as there is no dual extrusion on the UM2 family. But support will be improved as everyone can see from the github source of the Curaengine PU branch. But functionality will be increased as the new Cura works with plugins for nearly anything as Daid pointed out a few months ago on the forum.
  17. Liebe Schweizer DA PLA Liebhaber Die nächste Sammelbestellung findet gleich nach Pfingsten statt. Ich habe schon ein paar Interessenten; es ist aber nichts gegen ein paar mehr einzuwenden. Es wird wieder Rollen und Spulen geben.
  18. Version 1.0


    Printed on my UM2 - with a 0.4mm JET RSB nozzle in the Olsson Block - at a layer height of 0.1mm - at 195°C - in Diamond Age PLA 'Sapphire' The quality is better than any print made before; you actually can't see the layers... never had that before on a 0.1mm print.
  19. Wäge? Ich verstah Dich prima... Bim Föhnsturm wirds es bitzeli aaspruchsvoller aber gaht no rächt guet... You all assumed the next big thing will be a 3D printer. There are other devices which might have something to do with 3D...
  20. I'm back. Finally. thanks Sander for sorting out.
  21. What about designing in mm? When you have switched, please convince the rest of your country to do the same...
  22. I had the whining also with the DRV8825. A slight adjustment on the current setting made it disappear.
  23. I guess it was some kind of hacker attack (would be a clever strategy to hit UM where they are strongest). Otherwise it would be a bit amateurish... :unsure:
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