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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Hmmm... I actually never touched or measured the PTFE coupler during print but why would the Ultimaker people mount a fan cooling for the coupler on the UM2? They didn't had that on the Original. So they must have seen a significant difference in the thermal profile when developing the UM2. Or they are just stupid which I don't think so. One should not forget that a good thermal insulator shows a large temperature gradient. A strong cooling on the outside will change the whole gradient over time which will lead to less degrading also at the higher temperature ranges (means you increase the heat flow and therefore the resulting temperature on the inside).
  2. Marlin should be able to manage individual flows for each extruder by using the 'T' option in the M221 command. You can also specify them in the TweakAtZ plugin.
  3. It's a great project. Congrats on that new milestone. But: It somehow reminds me of the story of the Hubble space telescope. It was built because astronomers were convinced at that time that earthbound astronomy has come to its limits due to the atmosphere and only space telescope would be built from that time on. As history shows they were wrong. Today we have better earthbound telescopes than the HST. To come back to this wonderful project (please don't get me wrong, I really like it): Having two independent extruder is certainly a very clever solution for various collison and oozing issues. However, as soon as someone manages to build a hotend without oozing while being idle, the whole exchanging mechanism becomes obsolete. To go one step further: FFF/FDM itself might become obsolete. Just think about recent developments as the CLIP technology and new multijet 3D printers. But let's enjoy the toolchanging dual extrusion for the time being. And hopefully the UM R&D people will finally get a proper dual extrusion print into their hands (as they still claim not having seen a really proper one so far... )
  4. You still can use TweakAtZ for that purpose (since V4.0).
  5. Hmmm... is a solid top needed for the cut print? If not, the solution is indeed not too difficult to achieve with a plugin. If yes, then the solution has to be within Cura (for the time being; this might be different with PU).
  6. @Darknaco: Get in contact with fbrc8... Simon will be able to help you quite quickly.
  7. An alternative strategy is to wrap a piece of pipe cleaner multiple times around the filament before it enters the feeder. Since I do this I never had a clog... it doesn't matter how dusty the filament is.
  8. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/tree/master/1309_PTFE_Isolator_Coupler_3.2_mm_%28x1%29
  9. Not a bad idea. Certainly worth trying. I see two potential issues. Adhesion between the two materials could get worse. And with large overhangs one could get lateral collisions.
  10. Meinst Du das hier: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:681835
  11. If you've chosen a small layer height (below .1mm), try to print with increase layer height. A few cold pulls / atomic cleanings might also not hurt.
  12. You might replace the graphic file with the checkboard design with a design of your own which allows for more precise estimation. One square of the checkboard corresponds to 1cm2.
  13. I meant: some code is worth to be part of the standard code and doesn't have to be a mod. Having the expert setting as a tab is IMHO.
  14. Adding the expert settings in the normal Cura code instead of using a plugin? ;-)
  15. At the beginning they most probably can only be paid with Unobtanium... ;-)
  16. This one is not up to date anymore... a new plugin repository is currently built up at Youmagine.
  17. Did you actually check what the world record for the smallest working electric drill is? You might at least be close...
  18. Strange. I just succeeded to download the file by right-clicking and selecting 'save target as...' with the IE10. It might be a restriction of your browser installation. btw: what about using a reasonable browser such as Firefox, Safari or Chrome?
  19. @yellowshark: Please go to the Wiki page with the link above and use the download link (right click) there... @AquaticsLive: So you got it running?
  20. Except if you use the M200 commands to specify the proper filament diameter. Then Marlin expects the filament amount in mm^3. But it should only used together with the firmware retraction as you might get some mess otherwise.
  21. I kind of like that matte finish... why polishing? It looks much more natural that way! Is it full size or half?
  22. Welcome to the UM forum Yes, there is something missing in Cura in order to be able to switch to the second extruder for a single extruder print. But it can be done with https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/wiki/Select-Extruder-pluginplugin.
  23. Do you still use the crossflow fan? How much power does that one draw?
  24. Have you checked the output log of Cura?
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