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Everything posted by GregValiant

  1. Use the "File | Save Project" command on the Cura menubar and post the 3mf Project File. Maybe something will stick out but it looks to be mechanical at this point.
  2. There must be some way for the printer to receive the gcode file. What printer is it? I have both an SD slot and a USB port on my Ender 3 Pro. I use the SD card for printing. There is a system involving additional hardware called Octoprint on a Raspberry PI board. Ultimakers I believe are networked. So it likely depends on the hardware available to you. A physical connection (like a USB cable) is not often required.
  3. The gcode looks fine and your settings seem reasonable (but I don't print ABS as I found it fussy and the fumes aren't good). How does your printer do with an easier material like PLA?
  4. @ahoeben is a prolific contributor to Cura and has posted this Update Schedule for his plugins (Octoprint is included). As to the rest - I assume each individual or entity has their own time frame they are working in. Looking from afar I'm guessing that a lot of the effort in updating is getting the plugins to work with the new dialog controls(?). I'd imagine there is some debug time involved in that as well. Then they need to be submitted to Ultimaker for approval. As a workaround (and maybe specific to Cylindrical Supports) if I want cylindrical supports then I create and save a project in 4.13 and then open it in 5.0. The cylinders come in and I can alter them as needed in 5.0. I'm just unable to add them in 5.0.
  5. It takes some clicking, but the info is there. I have Cura 2.3 loaded on my Win 7 32bit computer I do my CAD work on. I think that's the last version that ran on 32 bit.
  6. I responded on Github. What I found was 5.0 has a setting for "Split Middle Line Threshold" that doesn't exist in 4.13. Try setting that to 50% (default is 70%). That forces 5.0 to make two passes up each tine and eliminates the oozing during the travel move between tines that occurs with a single pass. (It's not quite 8:00AM here and I've already learned something today! I printed the comb - but it will be for a mustache. Z seam anywhere but "back" would be a better choice.) After printing, I think a skirt would be better as well. Adhesion was not a problem.
  7. Support blockers can be scaled like any model. Bring one in, size it and configure it however you want, and then multiply it. The new ones will be sized and configured like the original. Then it's a matter of placement. They just need to cover the "overhang" that is usually colored red in the Prepare screen. Note that after all other changes have been mad to a blocker then rotation is last. Once a model has been rotated stretching and scaling are odd because the model origin stays square to the world instead of rotating with the model as it would in CAD. Those lower two small holes near the bottom edge can be covered by a single blocker since it won't affect anything else. The two top holes (fan mount holes?) will probably need individual blockers because a single wide blocker will probably block the support off the big hole. I printed this today. You can see that the blockers are different sizes. None of them can interfere with the support that the roof will require or the top of the shallow round pocket on the right.
  8. Opening the Marketplace is vastly improved. I no longer forget why I opened it.
  9. I'm a retired Fireman / Pirate / Ski Bum / Forensic Engineer / Bon Vivant Man-About -Town / Tool Designer and I know pretty much nothing about Ultimakers. Here is my little Covid Corner. No, I did not Photoshop my Ender 3 Pro out of an Ultimaker. (I did carefully crop the image to eliminate the mess on the desk to the right.) You can see my trusty, crusty piece of parchment paper that I use for leveling (4 months so far on that piece) and the SD Card Printing Panel of my printing app (Visual Basic BTW.) Yes, I copy the file to the SD, then I pull the DOS 8.3 name out in case of multiple files on the card, then I have to reach 10cm and pull the card out, and then stretch out all the way to that copper SD card adapter that is plugged into the mini-SD card slot. I'm old and my eyes aren't what they used to be. When I got into this sport this forum was the only one I received good advice from. (Two of the gentleman who gave that good advice have responded here.) If I can add a little contribution to the community I feel things will be in balance. Chasing down other peoples issues has taught me a lot about 3D printing in general and Cura in particular. The only thing I'm disappointed with is that @kmanstudios promised me there would be free beer tomorrow. I'm a patient man though. I just hope it isn't one of those virtual beers though. They suck.
  10. USB Printing is a sore spot with a lot of users. The plugin essentially has not been touched in years. The reason is that no Ultimaker printers use it. As I understand it - the reason for that is because it's dicey at best and prone to errors. Pronterface is really no better. Maybe you'd have better luck with Repetier Host? Octoprint / RaspPI are a much better choice to print remotely. Cura has a plugin for that (I think it's been updated for 5.0). I am a complete amateur at programming but I've written some software for transmitting data over USB and serial ports and so I tried my hand at sending prints over the USB. After a couple of days of putzing with it, all the code went right into the toilet. It boiled down to this... A straight line extrusion 200mm long at 50mm/sec takes 4 seconds. That's one line of gcode eaten by the printer/planner every 4 seconds. A circle with a circumference of 200mm at 50mm/sec needs a minimum of around 200 lines of gcode in 4 seconds and at a high resolution maybe 400 lines of gcode in 4 seconds. So the timing of the data transmission is critical to not over-flowing the printer input buffer (resulting in missed commands) or under-flowing the buffer (resulting in stuttering in the prints). There are other issues. My favorite was printing over-night and Microsoft decided I just had to have some critical update for whatever. End of print. I did end up writing my own front end for the printer. I ask the printer what files are on the SD, then I pick the one I want, I pre-heat and level and then tell the printer to print the file. It's all good.
  11. The P parameter is the fan number. If you have a single extruder/single hot end then P3 doesn't work because you don't have 4 layer cooling fans. The stock B1 StartUp Gcode does not have any reference to a fan number. Check in Manage Printers / Machine Settings and on the Extruder tab there is a box for "Cooling Fan Number". For most systems that should be a 0 indicating that you have a single layer cooling fan (fan numbers are base 0). Even with one of the fancy double blower layer cooling contraptions the blowers are usually wired together and so they are also single blower systems.
  12. You can do this with support blockers. I don't think the Cylindrical Support plugin has been updated yet but it works in 4.13. You can also design your own part and use it as a blocker. It appears that a donut about 80mm diameter with a 15mm wall thickness would work for your part. Bring it into Cura and select it. Under the Per Model settings set it to modify overlaps. Select the Infill Density setting and set it to 0. Here we have a hockey puck and a donut. The donut is configured as a modifier mesh with 0 infill density (and 0 walls, 0 top layers, 0 bottom layers). After slicing you get this... To speed up printing you can also set your Infill Layer Thickness and/or Support Infill Layer Thickness to a multiple of your Layer Height. If your layer height was 0.2 and you set those infill thicknesses to 0.4 then they go down every other layer. The "Flow Equalization Ratio" can come into play. If it's set to 100% and you ask for double height infill layers then the print head will slow down so the extruder doesn't get taxed with the high flow rate of a double or triple height layer.
  13. They are the layer steps. Like Z seams there is no way around them. You can try using "Adaptive Layers" or just lower the layer height. A piece of fine sandpaper works the best.
  14. @Lupus52 I had the same problem. @ahoeben did a fix that is currently waiting in line for the next release. It was easy to do a local fix. The problem is actually older video systems that don't support OpenGL4.1. You would need to open (in Windows): "C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 5.0.0\share\uranium\resources\shaders/toolhandle.shader" and change two lines as shown here on Github.
  15. DISCLAIMER: This is a stone cold guess. Move it up so it's completely off the build plate. Call it 5mm for this example. Turn on Support and make the Minimum Support Area = 1mm². Turn off Support. Bring in a support blocker and size it to 1 x 1 x 5mm (the example height). In Per Model settings change it so it Prints as Support. Move it to support that lowest point of the model. (EDIT: It appears it doesn't matter where on the build plate the blocker goes - it should still keep the model floating)> In Special Modes turn on Relative Extrusion. Slice and create the Gcode. Open the Gcode in a text editor. The layers that involve the blocker will be first. Delete all of them up to the point where the model starts to print. Here we have a Benchy near the flag of the 18th hole. In this example Layers 0 through 199 are all support and so deleting them leaves the Benchy floating in air. Your initial retraction and prime need to be managed to make sure the filament is where it needs to be in relation to the nozzle when the first extrusion goes down. You will need an initial Z move up higher before moving over and dropping to the working height. Being in Relative Extrusion mode makes it easier to start at any point in the file. I'm kind of curious how you plan to insure that the print head doesn't hit your fixed cradle thing that will be supporting your model. What about adhesion? As a personal note...it seems like a lot of work to go through to make a golf tee.
  16. Never assume that just because it came assembled from the Creality factory that it was assembled correctly. My Y axis was running up and down hill and was off be about 2° around the Z. By definition that was Skewed. After loosening the parts and aligning them correctly it is fine now.
  17. A not-quite-a-standard is that G0 is for travel moves and G1 is for extrusion moves. In any gcode you will see things like this: G0 F9000 X82.631 Y115.295...................Travel G1 F4500 X82.634 Y114.441 E6.7433....Extrude Your new start and end gcodes look good. Regarding the skew - Are the actual extrusions laid down in the X and Y at 90° to each other and a print just appears rotated on the bed or are they at some other angle to each other? You have checked the belts but it's possible that there is some adjustment available in the frame. Is the Z rising perpendicular or is it also introducing an angle other than 90°? (vertical skew).
  18. Maybe @Torgeir or @Smithy can help if they see this. I can't really help with UM printers.
  19. Cura can send one line at a time to the printer and Cura does not provide a way to view the responses from the printer. Pronterface is a much better console to send and receive from. I just looked at your Ending Gcode. Cura does not accept logic statements in Start or End gcodes. The section below is ignored by the printer #1 because it gets passed on as written (instead of the math being performed as it would be in PrusaSlicer) and #2 because some of the "keywords" aren't legal in Cura (the Cura list of Keywords is HERE). {if max_layer_z < max_print_height}G1 Z{z_offset+min(max_layer_z+2} F600{endif} ; Move print bed down G1 X50 Y50 F{travel_speed*60} ; move print head out of the way {if max_layer_z < max_print_height-10}G1 Z{z_offset+max_print_height-10} F600{endif} ; Move print bed close to the bottom. Install another printer in Cura and set it up just like your current printer. Paste these Start and End gcode snippets into the Machine Settings dialog of the new printer. Scale a calibration cube in the Z only so it is 25x25x1mm tall. Slice and print and see how it goes. ; ; PLA StartUp ; M220 S100 ;Reset Feed rate M221 S100 ;Reset Flow rate M413 S0 ; disable power-loss function M82 ;Absolute Extrusion G90 ;Absolute Movement M21 ;Metric units G92 E0 ; Reset E M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Start to heat the bed M109 S150 ;Warm up the hot end and wait M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;wait for the bed temp just in case G28 ; Home XYZ axes G29 ;AutoLevel G0 Z10 F2700 ;Move up G0 X0 Y0 F6000 ;Move the nozzle to the corner for oozing M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Heat up the hot end to Initial Layer Print Temp and wait. G0 X1.0 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to purge start G1 X1.0 Y{machine_depth} Z0.3 F3000.0 E12 ; First purge line at 50mm/sec G0 X3.0 Y{machine_depth} Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move over 2mm G1 X3.0 Y20 Z0.3 F3000.0 E24 ; Second purge line at 50mm/sec G0 E22 F1800 ;Retract 2mm G0 Z10 F1800 ;Move Z up G1 X20 Y35 Z10 F5000.0 ; Move away from the purge line G92 E0 ; ;End of StartUp ; ; ; End Gcode ; G91 ;Relative positioning G1 E-2 F2700 ;Retract a bit G1 E-2 Z0.2 F2400 ;Retract and raise Z G0 X5 Y5 F3000 ;Wipe out G0 Z10 ;Raise Z more G90 ;Absolute positioning M220 S100 M221 S100 G0 X0 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print M106 S0 ;Turn-off fan M104 S0 ;Turn-off hotend M140 S0 ;Turn-off bed M84 X Y E ;Disable all steppers but Z M118 END OF GCODE ; ;The End ;
  20. Post a project file as well. With the model loaded and the supports and settings the way you want - use the File / Save Project command to create a 3mf project file and post it here.
  21. It's good it's working. Your StartUp Gcode can be slimmed down quite a bit. For instance - Every print you tell the printer what the Home Offset is, and what the Probe Offset is and to disable the power loss function. After telling the printer those things you save the settings with M500. The printer won't forget between prints. Speaking of Home Offsets - are your prints centered on your build plate? Another line is the M221 line. You are telling the printer that every print should be run at 95% flow rate. The printer doesn't remember that one and if you actually want every print run at 95% flow then that is fine. But why not just calibrate the E-Steps? If your prints are better at 95% I would change the steps/mm to reflect that. That way you can get rid of that line and you base line flow is back to 100%. There are no Cura Keywords to adjust the print speed in mm/minute which is what the printer wants to see. As a consequence, if you try to print TPU with your current printer and StartUp Gcode you will have problems because of the print speed of the purge lines. Better to install another CR200 in Cura and adjust the purge line speeds so they match the material you are printing. I have separate Ender 3 Pro's for PLA, PETG, and TPU. I only own the one printer, but within Cura the 3 definitions and their different StartUp Gcodes are optimized for the different materials.
  22. Your Cura Startup Gcode is kind of a mish-mash that looks like it was copied and pasted together. You can see that the M83 line is setting the extruder to "Relative" mode but all the following Gcode extrusion commands are in "Absolute" mode. That causes the extruder to go bonkers (technical term). So with your CR200 active in Cura - go to Manage Printers / Machine Settings and in the Startup Gcode box change the M83 line to: M82 ;absolute extrusion mode (If you happen to slice something in "Relative" extrusion mode then Cura will add an M83 line AFTER the StartUp Gcode.) ; CR-200B Custom Start G-code M413 S0 ; disable power-loss function M206 X-20 Y-20 ; set Home offset M851 X4 Y25 ; Probe offset M221 S95 ;Set flowrate to 95 percent M500 ; save settings G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder G28 ; Home all axes G90 ; use absolute coordinates M83 ; extruder relative mode .....Change this line to M82 M140 S60 ;Start heating bed M104 S150 ; set temporary nozzle temp to prevent oozing during homing G4 S10 ; allow partial nozzle warmup G29 ; Autolvl M190 S60 ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding M104 S200 ;Start heating extruder G1 X0 Y 50 ; go to prepare position M109 S200 ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding G1 Z2.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed G1 X0.1 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to start position G1 X0.1 Y150.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E15 ; Draw the first line G1 X0.4 Y150.0 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to side a little G1 X0.4 Y20 Z0.3 F1500.0 E30 ; Draw the second line G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder G1 Z2.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed G1 X5 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move over to prevent blob squish
  23. Very nice. Now you just need to cross your fingers and hope that it doesn't get hot when under a load.
  24. The TwoTrees base definition file defines a lot of support settings. Those settings carry over to all their regular definition files. The Creality and Artillery definitions do not have support presets in their definitions. One of the problems may be this line in your "two_trees_base.def.json" file: "support_infill_rate": { "value": "0 if support_enable and support_structure == 'tree' else 25" } The effect of that line is that every time you switch from Normal to Tree supports the Support Density will go to "0" and the problem will show up. Related to that is this line: "support_wall_count": { "value": 0 } With no walls and no infill you have no support stucture except for the brim. You should probably go back to TwoTrees support and let them know. If you go to Custom settings you can make the "Support Density" setting visible and change it to something other than "0" and the support structure will show up.
  25. Post a gcode file you sliced with PrusaSlicer and a gcode that you sliced with Cura. Right now I'm thinking something isn't right in your StartUp Gcode in Cura. Comparing the files should tell.
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